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Court case and need of unified approach

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I would like to add a few brief observations to the ongoing discussions

among some of our India Leaders especially as to what our approach should

be … denial or acknowledgement of all charges. I would like to also submit

a text I have composed (Background Information) with the intention of

making this available to our local congregation as part of a general






1- It is essential that we speak on this matter in one unified voice.

2- Although ISKCON may be at different levels in different countries, the

philosophy remains the same and we stand and live by the same principles.

3- We should come out with basically the same INFORMATION SHEET that we can

give out to our congregational members (and the media) for support and

clarification. We cannot on one Continent take a completely opposite stand

or make completely opposite statements; it is illogical, unethical, and

will only serve to weaken our position by adding more confusion.

4- Communication experts within ISKCON (although few) must be more

co-ordinated and unified in how they proceed. Not only should they

communicate among themselves (within their Communications Department and

within their respective regional structures) but also they must keep the

lines totally open and communicate also with our Continental Committees

(and vice-versa).

5- Since the suit was filed in America and involves mainly US citizens and

US based organisations (from my initial observations), the major court

action will be here in America. And since our Global Director of

Communications, Anuttama prabhu, as well as our defending lawyers are all

based in America, it seems quite logical and common sense to me that the

direction and lead must come from America.

6- Because of the seriousness of the case, all public statements made by

ISKCON individuals or temples must be closely co-ordinated with our lawyers

in America.

7- I have composed the initial section called BACKGROUND INFORMATION which

I present as a possible common approach, something both our Communications

Department and our Continental Committees can agree upon. I had sent a

similar version to Anuttama prabhu but so far did not get his response. I

have not yet sent this to our congregation but that is the purpose behind

putting it together.

8- I have omitted the last three items of the proposed INFORMATION SHEET

since this is standard information all of us have: that is item No. 2:

Media Release of June 13th by Anuttama prahbu, No. 3 Internal Statement of

June 16th by Anuttama prabhu and No. 4 Contact List.






Bhakti Raghava Swami, Temple President, ISKCON Montreal


June 27, 2000


Child Abuse Media Coverage and Multi-Million Lawsuit

against ISKCON





2- MEDIA RELEASE JUNE 13TH (not included here)

3- INTERNAL DOCUMENT JUNE 16TH (not included here)

4- CONTACT LIST (not included here)



1- BACKGROUND INFORMATION: On June 12th, 2000 the Turley Lawfirm based

in Dallas, Texas, filed a $ 400 million Dollar Lawsuit against ISKCON for

various alleged child abuse to children that took place in some of its

Gurukula schools during the seventies and eighties. Since the lawsuit was

filed, there has been, as expected, extensive international coverage by the

media, especially in India. Unfortunately many of the statements in various

media articles are twisted, over exaggerated, misleading, malicious and

contain outright falsehoods, including some of the statements in the

lawsuit itself.


We should all know that ISKCON has always been and continues to be fully

dedicated to upholding the principles of Dharma (discipline, compassion,

cleanliness and truthfulness) of which the protection of children is

paramount. To insinuate or claim that the ISKCON leadership and their

Founder-Acharya Srila Prabhupada covered or concealed such incidents of

child abuse what to speak of intentionally causing, fostering and promoting

them is a serious, gross and unfounded accusation. Such allegations and

assumptions are most irresponsible, misleading and thus very damaging to

the general public, including our own congregation of devotees, supporters

and well-wishers. This is not to say that there have not been incidents of

child abuse, even severe abuse, on the part of individuals in some of our

Gurukulas. ISKCON deeply regrets that such abuse did take place and it is

for this reason that several remedial steps have been taken over the years

as outlined in the articles below.


The ancient Gurukula system is the most scientific and authorised system of

education which teaches the highest principles of morality and sanctity

based on universal principles of God consciousness. It has been

traditionally practiced in India since time immemorial by young celibate

students called bramacharies. That some ill-intentioned, mislead and

unscrupulous individuals took advantage of such an educational system to

abuse children in some of our schools does not render such form of

education wrong or antiquated. Many young boys and girls have immensely

benefited from such Gurukula system of education and are today healthy and

productive citizens in society. The wrong is not the system but those

individuals who may have abused of their positions within the system.


The basic tenets of the Hare Krishna faith have always emphasised the need

to develop saintly qualities in all individuals and to give protection to

all living entities. Over the years scholars, educationalists, heads of

Governments and various other leaders in society have come to respect and

recognise the authenticity and immense beneficial work of the Hare Krishna

movement. Thousands upon thousands of individuals have found and continue

to find solace, peace and happiness in the process of devotional service to

Lord Krishna as taught in one of the most revered scriptures of the world,

the Bhagavad-Gita which contains the essence of all the Vedic knowledge.

Krishna consciousness continues to uphold, maintain and promote the highest

standards of morality and saintlyhood within individuals and society at



What many do not realise is that Child abuse has plagued all religious and

educational institutions and has generally remained hidden, unknown or even

denied. Up until more recently, the depth and seriousness of this social

ill was not detected, understood or even known by most institutions

including Government leaders themselves. ISKCON has been one of the most

proactive social institutions in coming forward a few years ago to publicly

acknowledge in its own in-house ISKCON Communications Journal that some

serious cases of Child Abuse had indeed taken place in its earlier years

of formation. The ISKCON society has since increased its vigilance and

developed services and facilities to cope with the problem as outlined in

the texts that follow. That such a benevolent institution as ISKCON and

that such a saintly personality as its Founder/Acharya His Divine Grace

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada be now seen or accused as having

deliberately exploited and abused its members, especially its children,

shows a gross ignorance of the society's activities and purposes and puts

in serious question the actual intent of those making such irresponsible

and ludicrous accusations.


This Information Sheet has therefore been prepared to present a more

accurate and balanced picture of ISKCON's acknowledgement and endeavours in

the area of Child Protection. This is reflected in the following initial

responses to the Child Abuse Court Case and will help us better understand

the situation as it now stands. For more information, please see the list

of Key Contacts at the end.



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