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RE: Should the GBC Resign

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It is good to hear from someone like Bhadra Govinda who has more faith in

sadhu, sastra and guru rather than mundane standards of behavior and

qualification. One question though:


Since "every endeavor is covered by fault," how does a leader avoid

falling into apparent material mistakes from time to time? It is the nature

of the material world that one often finds himself in a situation where any

course of action appears to be a mistake -- much like Arjuna's dilemma on

the battlefield of Kurukshetra. So is it reasonable to expect a leader to

resign when he makes his first mistake?


In fact, this directly impacts the availability of leadership in ISKCON.

To be a leader, you need skin as thick as ten elephant hides because there

is always someone waiting to drag you down as soon as you make a slip. A

really substantial ego helps too, so you can get up every morning and face

another day of criticism. So you have to ask, what kind of person is willing

to be a leader under such conditions? In these circumstances, you get the

leaders you deserve.


Perhaps this explains why those who are the most addicted to criticizing,

never volunteer to assume responsibility for actually solving the

problems -- standing up and saying "I can do better!" and doing it.


I believe a more appropriate standard is a leader should remove himself

if he finds he has been over-influenced by illusion and has intentionally

acted in a seriously incorrect manner. Of course, if one becomes so illusion

he can't understand his situation, then Prabhupada has given other processes

for removal. But as we have understood from the debate about temple

presidents, Prabhupada made it difficult to remove them. And he said the GBC

secretaries are to serve for life. It is clear that some mistakes are to be



Otherwise, there will simply be no leaders, except every few hundred or

few thousand years when Krishna sends the Uttama Adhikara from Vaikuntha.

And even then, he is criticized.





Bhadra.Govinda.JPS (AT) pamho (DOT) net [bhadra.Govinda.JPS (AT) pamho (DOT) net]

Friday, July 14, 2000 8:21 AM

Varnasrama development

Re: Should the GBC Resign



Dear and respected Vaishnavas,


Hare Krsna. Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila



I would like to make a few points on the text by "Dasanudas"


a) This is another case of Srila Prabhupad's quotes being misused.


b) The leaders must be above suspicion can be viewed in anothr way as--- the

general praja must not doubt the leaders, just because they hear some

inside/outside criticism.


As members of ISKCON we must have faith (not blind faith) in the leadership

of GBC.


CC. Antya 3.11: "...Despite the *logic* that 'Caesar's wife must be above

suspicion', a devotee should not be disturbed by the activities of his

spiritual master and should not try to criticize him. A devotee should be

*fixed* in the conclusion that the spiritual master cannot be subject to

criticism and should never be considered equal to a common man. Even if

there appears to be some discrepancy according to an imperfect devotee's

estimation, the devotee should be fixed in the conviction that even if his

spiritual master goes to the liquor shop, he is not a drunkard, rather he

must have some purpose going there..."


Srila Prabhupada does not say some body becomes unqualified just by some

one's suspicion. One becomes unqualified by his own misdeeds or

irresponsible actions, and not by some one's suspicion. A spiritual master

does not become unqualified for sudden lack of faith in the disciple who is

influenced by the external energy and material considerations. A sincere

leader immediately resigns if he has made a mistake. The reason for

resignation is not the suspicion of others but his own mistake. An

insincere leader may go on forever, but the point is, atleast he must resign

when his mistake is exposed.


>Who would want to be a member of ISKCON these days? How embarrassing!


I want to be a member of ISKCON and I walk around with out any inhibitions

or embarrassment. This is simply because I still have faith in Srila

Prabhupada, and his sincere disciples and granddisciples and wellwishers.

And I personally know many who share my feelings.


In my humble opinion, those leaders, who have not made any mistakes, and

inspite of so many embarrassing mistakes that have taken place, which could

not be checked, but have been still going on in the position of leadership,

and sincerely trying to execute their responsibilities, just because of the

faith they have in Srila Prabhupad's blessings, MUST NOT RESIGN. And every

member of ISKCON should completely support such sincere leaders in this hour

of need. I remember Vrtrasura's comments caling out his soldiers who were

running away, leaving him alone to be attacked by Indra. The same words

hold good to those of us members of ISKCON who *blindly* desert our leaders,

and let the leaders be shot down, and we run away saving ourselves. Blind

faith is not good. Similarly blind suspicion and criticism is also not



At the same time those leaders who have been pretending MUST IMMEDIATELY

RESIGN and accept their mistakes and by doing so they will get completely

purified of their sins.


ISKCON can never be polluted, just like Ganges, inspite of so many material

things being dumped in her. Vrindavana or Navadvipa will not get polluted

because there are some murders, or rapes going on in those holy places. The

explanation is given by Lord Nityananda to Jiva Gosvami during Navadvipa



Jiva Goswami: Many people live in Navadvipa, but why they are still unable

to attain Krishna Bhakti? As they are staying in this dhama, how do

offences still remain in them? (Jiva Goswami asks these questions after

hearing all the glories of Navadvipa which is a place of Audarya, where

offences do not act)


Lord Nityananda: ..........Maya has eternally covered the dhama, with a film

of dull matter. People who have no relationship with Krishna Caitanya

simply live on top of that covering, blind to the real truth. Though one is

thinking 'I am in Navadvipa' Praudha Maya happily keeps that person far away

from the dhama. ....


If that *spiritual* ISKCON was not there then I would not be writing this

text today.


Please forgive me and correct me if my above understanding is wrong.


Your humble servant,

Bhadra Govinda Das.

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