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Dear Adri Prabhu.




Again, you try to turn the argument on trivia and dilute the facts.


There is a substantial body of senior devotees in our movement trained by

Srila Prabhupada personally over a significant period of time, in both

spiritual and managerial matters. Some of those senior members were

appointed by Srila Prabhupada to take decisions on his behalf into the

future. Those appointed members are the GBC, and they have decided that the

ritvik theory is not authorised by Srila Prabhupada. They were given

responsibility by Srila Prabhupada to make such decisions. There are

supported by the large majority of their peers and seniors, including the

'first generation' devotees, who were initiated by Srila Prabhupada in New

York in 1966.


Now you have against that a motley crew of devotees lead by the famous Mr.

KK Desai. You have failed to convince Srila Prabhupada's appointed leaders

that this ritvik theory should be accepted. The essence of the theory is

frankly irrelevant. It has been rejected by the GBC. It has fallen by the

wayside. We do not need to waste our time on it.


Your attack minimises Srila Prabhupada, as what you are essentially saying

is that Srila Prabhupada either did not or could not sufficiently train his

appointed devotees to make decisions and take responsibility to run the



Srila Prabhupada gave a great deal of his time and energy to set up a

structure for ISKCON as authorised by his Guru Maharaj. Such a structure,

through collective management, is ultimately self-correcting. That is it's

great strength. Srila Prabhupada also gave a great deal of his time to train

his leading devotees. Are you trying to tell us that Srila Prabhupada failed

and that his efforts came to nothing?


The collective management of ISKCON is authorised by Srila Prabhupada and by

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati. The GBC body, as authorised, have rejected

the ritvik theory. End of subject. You have had ample opportunity to present

it. It was rejected. The body appointed by Srila Prabhupada to manage and

lead our society has rejected your ideas and your papers.


You have taken the GBC to court. You seem now to be trying to ferment a

rebellion against this GBC body, which was appointed and authorised by Srila

Prabhupada. You seem to exhibit a staggering arrogance in such a position.

And worse - you continually defy Srila Prabhupada's instruction, 'Your love

for me will be shown by how you co-operate together'.


There is only one honourable way out. Resignation. You must leave ISKCON.

ISKCON is the body founded by Srila Prabhupada, which has as it's leadership

the GBC body. ISKCON is the body of devotees who accept Srila Prabhupada's

instruction to follow the GBC. You are clearly outside this definition -

hence you are no longer a member of ISKCON - according to Srila Prabhupada's

order. You can start another movement, but it wont be ISKCON. And if you do,

you must not take Srila Prabhupada's assets to do it - he placed those

assets in the hands of his GBC and property trustees.


You must hand over any assets or priviledges you have aquired in your time

in ISKCON immediately and resign, and allow authorised devotees to take over

the management of whatever projects you control. By your own definition, you

do not follow the GBC, but by Srila Prabhupada's definition, following the

GBC is an essential part of being a member of ISKCON, and also an essential

part in holding any assets on his behalf.


I think that's clear isnt it? Until you take these steps, I dont think there

is any basis for further discussion.


Best Wishes.



Bhagavat Dharma dasa





> Dear Bhagavat Dharma prabhu,




> You start by saying:


> <Your text is full of innuendo. I will try to answer your points without

> wasting everyone's time.>


> 1. Yet you do not even attempt to answer a *single* one of the 9 points I

> made. Rather it is you who simply replies with innuendo. After all it is

> you who started the innuendo by saying I was being used for God knows what

> purpose. Have you already forgotten how this discussion started. Is your

> memory so short and clouded? No wonder you are so confused about the guru

> issue. If you want to exchange insults then do not be surprised if I hit

> back.


> 2. I am not surprised that you avoided answering a single one of my 9

> points since how can you answer them, when they are all true. For instance

> you avoid the issue of who is using you. This was your innuendo or

> ad-hominem against me, which I merely responded to by pointing out that I

> am financially independent, yet you have always preached on behalf of

> whoever has paid you. This is the truth is it not? Your silence on this

> point tells me you accept this point.


> 3. Also you have also not challenged my point that pointing out Bhakta

> Rupa

> prabhu's self-contradiction is a valid debating tactic. I asked you if you

> had taken the advice to take shelter of the holy name, and I see you have

> not responded. Am I to understand by this that you do not chant sixteen

> rounds a day?


> You talk speculatively of future problems and say:


> < This is a result of abandoning the authorised system set up by Srila

> Prabhupada.>


> Have you not yet read the July 9th directive? This was Srila Prabhupada's

> authorised system which was unauthorisedly terminated by the 'GBC'. You

> say:


> <Whatever your opinion about initiations and ritvik, according to Srila

> Prabhupada's instruction, you must accept the version of the GBC as the

> authorised version.>


> Where did Srila Prabhupada ever say the GBC could stop his authorised

> systems, and that we must all just accept it when they do? This is

> rubbish. The definition of the GBC is that they must not change or stop

> ANYTHING. Once they do, which they have, then by definition they are no

> longer the GBC as defined by Srila Prabhupada.Please try to catch up

> with the debate.


> You boldly state:


> <The mood that proceeds from you is just like the Zonal Acharya mood -

> that all problems can be solved simply by a few clever strokes here and

> there.>


> Yet it was the same 'senior Godbrothers' who spent so much time with Srila

> Prabhupada that instigated this bogus system was it not? So what was the

> use of their so-called seniority? And at that time you happily went along

> with it, just as you are going along with the current deviant, abusive and

> corrupt system. How do you sleep at night?


> You are the one who should resign rather than keep on preaching on

> behalf of a group of bogus unauthorised people who I have the displeasure

> of having to drag through court for their illegality. And these people you

> continue to give unquestioning support since they are paying your wages.

> That is the sad truth is it not? Therefore what value is your opinion

> since it is simply the result of towing whoever's party line brings home

> the pay check. I suggest you resign from your paid position so you can

> think for yourself for once. You are simply being used at the moment.


> ys, Adri

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