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Adri, please show honesty and resign.

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In a text to Bhagavat Dharma Prabhu Adridharan wrote:


> Your desire to continually avoid every point which is made and to simply

> run away from the discussion merely confirms 3 points:


> a) That you are NOT chanting 16 rounds every day.

> b) That you are just parroting whatever will keep your wages intact.

> c) That you know that the GBC have lost their authorisation to be the GBC

> by having *not* executed the instruction of July 9th.


> Let us see if you will be man enough to address these points or will you

> just avoid them again for the *3rd* time.


> ys, Adri


Lets us first see if Adri will answer the points calling for his



Like a control freak Adri is trying in every way possible to divide and rule

ISKCON. Since Bhagavata Dharma Prabhu is doing valuable service for ISKCON

while getting a meagre material remuneration Adri has decided to launch an

ad hominen attack upon him to break up the good he is doing. So few devotees

are doing service for ISKCON nowadays since it involves a great material

sacrifice -- if as a grihastha you serve ISKCON full time you can expect a

very meagre remuneration. So it is a sacrifice. And Bhagavata Dharma Prabhu

has sacrificed much for ISKCON and is an expert public relations and

communication spokesman. And Adri wants to destroy it.


Since Bhagavata Dharma Prabhu's ISKCON position does not require an OATH OF

ALLEGIENCE IN FRONT OF THE DEITIES Adri's interrogation is not only a

roughian personal attack but is completely irrelevant.


But since Adri holds a post of an ISKCON temple president and has taken an

OATH OF ALLEGIENCE IN FRONT OF THE DEITIES he is answerable to the entire

Society for his actions.


So will Adri answer the points calling for his resignation or will he again

try to change the subject and thereby reveal he is unfit to occupy the post

of temple president in ISKCON.


So let's go back again to the questions Adri that you are so desperately

trying to avoid.


1. Can you confirm that no ISKCON Calcutta money has been spent on

any aspect whatsoever of your unauthorised ritvik speculation

and propaganda?


Adri if you don't answer this question your silence will confirm your guilt.


2. Will you admit that you have completely broken your oath of

allegience to ISKCON and therefore you are unfit to occupy the

post of an ISKCON temple president?


Again Adri, if you don't answer this question your silence will confirm your




Let's remind ourselves Adri of the ISKCON laws you TOOK AN OATH IN FRONT OF

THE DEITIES TO FOLLOW. If you are not following these ISKCON laws mentioned

below then you must resign. There is no question about it. Please be decent.


ISKCON Law Book Statement of Oath


2. To accept the Governing Body Commission of ISKCON as the ultimate

managing authority of ISKCON as directed in Srila Prabhupada's

last will and testament.


4. To accept that all ISKCON funds, assets and properties under my

control or direction, including anything ISKCON may have acquired

under my direction, is the sole property of ISKCON and in the

event of my death, resignation or other relinquishment of all

ISKCON responsibilities, all these shall accrue solely to

ISKCON and at all times I shall have no claim on them



5. To be guided by the spiritual directions of ISKCON's management,

to cooperate with the local GBC representative, and to fulfill my

duties in a serving spirit never intentionally acting against

ISKCON interests.


6. I will maintain the spiritual programs, standards, and teachings

established by Srila Prabhupada in the projects and with the

devotees placed in my care. I further agree not to involve the

Society or those devotees placed under my care in any activities

contrary to the above mentioned principles.


Adri, given that you are breaking and are absolutely determined to continue

breaking all the above mentioned oaths, you must resign.


You have clearly demonstrated Adri that in defiance of Srila Prabhupada you

will never co-operate with the GBC and therefore you must, like a true

gentleman and Vaishnava, gracefully resign.





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