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IRM spams conferences

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> SPAM is a mixture of dead animal parts, scraped together with some spices

> to cover up the reality of what it is. The main gist is that it's an

> abomination to any sane person.


And the ritviks's spam stuff has been proved to be worse than dead animal

parts because it is infested with almost every kind of aparadha you can

think of. It is not a mindless act to avoid that stuff, rather it the most

intelligent thing to do.


> The above quote is an offence to Maharaja. One may or may not agree or

> like everything that Maharaja does or says, but we need a minimum

> standard.


I couldn't agree more. This is a perfectly reasonable stance.


> YS JvGs





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On 27 Aug 2000, Madhusudani Radha wrote:



> However, that doesn't

> mean that others, who have a different relationship with him, don't

> have the right to criticise him.


This is a true statement misapplied. "Imposter Guru" is not a criticism but an



"I think So-And-So Maharaja is wrong about initiating people who only chant 4

rounds and still drink tea, because .... And Prabhupada said ... He should



That is criticism.


"So-And-So Maharaja is an imposter Guru.", is just an insult.


This is nowhere near a hair splitting point. It is hard to believe this

discussion is going on with a disciple.



> ...you're a member of conferences such as India

> Open, Varnasrama, and Topical Discussions, you have to expect that

> you will occasionally run into texts that may be painful to read.


Painful is one thing, offensive is another. Blaspheming the devotees is one of

the ten offenses. Is being grizzled to the point of imperviousness a criteria

for membership in these groups? When will I be so fortunate as to not need to

follow the ten offences and be able to be a true member of these groups?


I know to use the word "blasphemy" is a blasphemy for the Politically Correct

crowd, so I've included a definition so as to erase any ambiguity in my






A contemptuous or profane act, utterance, or writing concerning God or a

sacred entity.

An irreverent or impious act, attitude, or utterance in regard to something

considered inviolable or sacrosanct.


(From WWW.Dictionary.Com)

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At 23:25 -0700 8/27/2000, Srirama (das) ACBSP wrote:

>By that standard it would be acceptable for anyone to dump anything they

>like into a conference as long as the individual is a conference member and

>decides he or she wants the all other conference members to receive it.


No. Each conference has rules about what may and may not be posted

there. But it's up to the organizers and moderators to enforce

those. They can send out letters reminding the members about what is

and is not allowed and remove members if they post inappropriate



If you have a problem with the content of texts on a given

conference, you can always voice your objections to the conference

organizers. Maybe s/he will agree with you. If not, you have the

option of withdrawing, as Kanti Prabhu pointed out earlier.


>the technical fact that a conference is a

>single email address should not exempt those posting entire newsletters from

>spam rules.


Yes, it should. If a text has a single conference receiver it is

simply not a spam. It may be many other objectionable things, but it

doesn't qualify as a spam. So the spam rules are irrelevant in this

case - as Raktambara has already pointed out.


That's why we have lots of different conferences to choose from.

Very few of them are going to please all COM members.



Madhusudani dasi

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>At 10:58 -0400 8/28/2000, WWW: Jiva Goswami (Dasa) SDG (Newnansville

>FL - USA) wrote:



>That is criticism.




Your text is judgmental and patronizing. You're providing unsolicited

advise and interfering in a guru-disciple relationship. Your

attitude and behavior exemplify perfectly much of what is wrong with



I won't read or respond to any more of your letters or conference

texts, since I'm supposed to reject anything that is detrimental to

my Krsna Consciousness.



Madhusudani dasi

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On 28 Aug 2000, Madhusudani Radha wrote:


> Your text is judgmental and patronizing. You're providing unsolicited

> advise and interfering in a guru-disciple relationship. Your

> attitude and behavior exemplify perfectly much of what is wrong with



An interestingly self-contradictory series of statements.




I had thought that much of what was wrong with Iskcon was that devotees

collectively, including the leaders, are not practicing their sadhana properly

and not advancing in Krsna Consciousness. Part and parcel of that is the

failure to become properly organized to protect ourselves personally and

collectively from the subtle and gross lures of the material energy. Not

surprisingly, we have subsequently failed to evolve this society into one that

can stand the test of time and fulfill the mission of Srila Prabhupada and his



Many of us are wasting our lives watching TV, eating un-offerable foods,

drinking tea, coffee and near-beer, and/or living-working with little vaisnava

association and seva. Our work-life degrades our consciousness and our faith.

We think that our mundane education and certifications are the true emblems of

our success.


Our leaders are often incapable of actually leading, and can’t or don’t act

decisively in times of need. They often lack proper inter-personal skills and

spiritual potency to effect any real changes to our obviously disturbed

society. Some are protected by their inner-circle from facing the reality of

their own obvious psychological and social disorders. Often the best they can

do is to sound the trumpets as they ceremoniously resign from the GBC without

having the grit to actually stay and do something positive.


All forms of aparadha, prajalpa and spiritual malaise now pervade our society

until they have become the protected norm. We tolerated and now protect

insults and personal attacks against our gurus, our siddanta and even Srila

Prabhupada, all in the name of free and open dialog. Free and open as long as

you go along with the downward flow.


We rail against killing of cows, sex with children, censorship and the

misappropriation of funds, while our devotional gardens go un-fenced,

un-weeded, un-cultivated with large elephants having their way. I wonder which

problem is the actual root cause? Any guesses?


And somehow, one sardonic, big-man-when-he’s-behind-his-keyboard, self-deluded

moron now exemplifies perfectly much of the ills of the society.


Well, I feel larger than life already.

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