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Thread 4: A prayer.

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Dear Bhadra Govinda Prabhu,


Please accept my greetings and Srila Prabhupada's mercy.


Also there is time factor. And Srila Prabhupada said, when a woman

> gets married she cannot immediately get a child. She has to wait. Time

> is required to get the fruit. She has to serve her husband, and has to be

> blessed by him, carry the baby in the womb for 10 months and then only she

> will get the fruit. But sometimes inspite of all the efforts one may not

> be blessed by a child due to either her past karma, or due to krishna's

> direct will, for some higher purpose.


After 23 years, I find it quite a pretty long pregnancy. I can really see

that you are not a woman, you dear!


> >Yes we should not be attached to results. We should perform our duty

> >without attachment but the Vedas also say phalena pariciyate. You judge

> >by the results.


> phalena pariciyate. In *some* cases one may not be able to see the phala

> with in one's life time. The point is devotee puts his efforts and leaves

> the rest to Krishna.


That is simply an excuse to cover up the present mess. Please allow me not

to agree at all on that one. In my humble opinion this is simply a dishonest

statement. Krsna always helps those who are sincere, and Indradyumna Swami

is a living proof of that. Sorry if you do not agree with me, you don't have

too, as Jiva Goswami das has already pointed out.


> In school, I had heard this story. An oldman in his nineties was planting

> mango seeds and watering them daily and taking care of the plants. When

> the emperor came that way, he asked the old man, why he was taking so much

> trouble to grow the mango trees on either side of the road when, he

> himself being so old may wither away any time and he may not be able to

> see the fruits in his life time. He said, "I am not putting this effort

> for my own benefit. But for the benefit of future generations". If an

> oldman at the level of fruitive activities was thinking so broadly, then

> what to speak of Vaishnavas and Vaishnava communities.


Yes, how come so-called karmis are sometimes more thoughtful than our

present and past Iskcon leaders? About this I am still wondering.


Very good example to show the kind of selflessness of a good 'karmi'.

Very interesting example indeed. IMHO, I think some of our Iskcon gurus and

GBC could learn a lot from this simple example, and should apply themselves

seriously to cleaning their heart thoroughly, from the rest of selfish

desires still lurking there.


That would be their greatest contribution, IMHO, to Iskcon and the society

at large, wouldn't it be?


> >If a project or procedure simply brings forth negative or painful

> >results, it is time to make an effort to change the procedure.


> Yes. It is time to find the *cause* of failure of each project we are

> having and fix each problem by the blessings of Guru and krishna. And for

> each project we have to first make a thorough analysis why it has failed.

> Not sentimentally say sack the management/worker. It has to be proved

> that the cause of failure is management/worker, or anything else.


Still doubting?


How many more evidence should I send on this conference, before HG Bhadra

Govinda das realizes that some of our leaders are not up to the standard

Srila Prabhupada asked them personally to be on? (or to follow strictly?)


Please be careful and answer that one nicely as I still have a lot more to

say, if you are yet not convinced?


> What is happening in some quarters of our society is they have concluded

> that the cause of failure is GBC management. *It may be/may not be*. As a

> member of this society I will ask for the proof how they arrived with this

> conclusion, that GBC structure or GBC itself is the cause of all our

> problems. In that effort only I asked them to define the problem.

> Your humble servant,

> Bhadra Govinda Das.


They have answered you through 300 letters, Prabhu, just be honest one time

in your life, please.


Why don't you want to see the problem face to face?


Is it too painful for you as your Guru-maharaj is also personally involved

in this great mess, that we are presently facing?


Is that why you keep refusing to see honestly where the problem lies.


Sorry if this is again a painful truth. The Doctor might hurt sometimes but

he is doing it to cure the patient, not to kill him. Don't be misguided here


Be careful when you want to judge someone, as that may come back to you in a

most painful way, as our present issue involving some of our leaders clearly

shows. That is my humble advice to you, Bhadra Govinda das.


Your faithful and still welwishing servant in Prabhupada's mission,


Krsna-kirtana dasi.

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