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Thread 4: A prayer, ---honestly speaking

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>They have answered you through 300 letters, Prabhu, just be honest one time

>in your life, please.


>Why don't you want to see the problem face to face?


Dear Krishna Kirtana Mataji,




Honestly speaking,


I am not better than any of those Karmis, Jnanis, Mlecchas etc,. I am

simply more fortunate that I could come in touch with ISKCON Sampradaya, and

get the mercy of Lord Caitanya.


I and my wife are not better than any of those couples who are divorced. We

are simply more fortunate to be staying together after 8 years of married

life, by the blessings of elders and Vaishnavas.


I am not better than any of those who are not able to make a living. I and

my family are simply more fortunate in getting our daily prasadam in our

plates by the mercy of the Lord.


I am not better than any of those lechers, woman hunters, rapists, or child

molesters. I am simply more fortunate to be more healthy emotionally and

physically, and have not been put into a situation where my lusty senses

have been really tested.


I am not better than any of those devotees who have left our movement, but I

am simply more fortunate to be still in this movement, inspite of all my



I am not better than any of those illiterates but I am simply more fortunate

to be sent to school by my parents, and could learn to read and write, so

that today I can read Srila Prabhupad's books and other Bhakti Shastras.


One of the problems in today's ISKCON is some of us thing we are *better*

than others. If we started thinking we are more *fortunate* than others

then lot of communication gaps which are present now can be filled up.


Now coming to all those 250 + mails in the restructure conference, I did not

tell that all those problems you have discussed are imaginary or not

existing. I think I posted just 4 messages there. Please read them once

again. I have not mentioned anything like that.


I am fully aware of all those problems even before this conference started.

How can any one who is on the COM or on the e-mail not be aware of these

problems. Some individuals have made it their favourite pastime, or

occupational duty to send out these problem details, with highly

*qualitative* statements, sentimental and otherwise, creating big news

letters and colurful websites on these problems. I think all of you are

completely biased or having a mental block and thinking that I am trying to

debate that there are no problems in ISKCON and no problems with GBC, or GBC

structure. You are mistaken. Please read my messages once again, may be

this time it will be more clear.


All I said was, if we are really very sincere and honest, and really want to

help our society, just don't describe the problem symptomatically, or

qualitatively. Then the danger is one may overreact or not react at all.

(Some examples of over reaction are devotees deserted their Gurus in good

standing and left ISKCON, by reading such highly qualitative problem

descriptions with personal attacks and blasphemy. Some examples of no

reaction is like most devotees think all these are imaginary stories created

by ISKCON enemies and these are tricks of Kali and so I do not believe in

them. What is there in it for me, let me just do my sadhana, and follow my

spiritual master's instructions. So they just don't bother, even to

participate in such discussions as it may hamper their faith. That is why

out of 2000 odd devotees on the COM only some 30 odd devotees are

participating in these discussions and trying to vote).


That is why I said just define the problem with *quantititative* statements,

by answering the 5 Ws and 2Hs (How, How many). That will give a clear

understanding to everyone and tommorrow when you submit your investigative

analysis to the GBC or general devotee community, your report should clearly

show how you arrived at the cause of all our problems is GBC or GBC

structure. That is all. Still not clear?? Okay here I try to explain more

clearly. Sorry this is getting too long and I am getting tired.


What you are all trying to say where I differ is:


Problem : Women in ISKCON are being abused.

Cause : GBC or GBC structure.

Solution : Sack the GBC immediately or restructure the GBC.


Problem : ISKCON's children have been molested in Gurukulas

Cause : GBC could not protect our children.

Solution: Sack the GBC immediately or restructure the GBC.


Problem : Morning and evening programs in ISKCON temples have been stopped.

Cause : GBC is not overseeing the temples in the locality properly.

Solution : Sack the entire GBC body or restructure the GBC.


Problem : Gurus and Sannyasis in ISKCON are abused by their disciples and

Grihastha Godbrothers and Godsisters.

Cause : Gurus and Sannyasis are doing both administrative jobs and

Sannyasi/Guru jobs.

Solution: Sack the GBC or sack the Sannyasis and Gurus from the GBC.


Problem : My husband/wife is attacked by maya and went away with another

woman/man leaving me stranded with out shelter or protection.

Cause : GBC is not controlling/protecting the Grihasthas properly.

Solution : Sack the GBC or restructure the GBC.


Problem : ISKCON young unmarried men are marrying outside ISKCON.

Cause : GBC is not inspiring/convincing our Bhaktas to marry devotee girls.

Solution : Sack the GBC body or restructure the GBC.


Problem : ISKCON devotees are hurt and leaving ISKCON and starting their own

movement or taking shelter of other Mathas or organisations.

Cause : GBC has ill treated our devotees.

Solution : Sack the GBC or restructure the GBC.


Problem : Non devotees/employed members are cooking for the deities in

ISKCON temples.

Cause : GBC is not setting deity worship standards.

Solution : Sack the GBC or restructure the GBC.


Problem : GBC men and TPs are fighting with each other.

Cause : GBC

Solution : Sack the GBC and make the Temples autonomous, make it free for



Problem : There are no pure devotees at present in our society. They were

there in the past or going to come only in the future.

Cause : GBC is not able to bring down Nitya Siddhas from Goloka Vrindavan.

Solution : Change the the GBC body. New GBC will bring down all the Nitya

Siddhas from Goloka Vrindavan.


Problem : Ritviks go to court, abused children go to court and sue ISKCON.

Cause : GBC created Ritviks and GBC encouraged child abuse knowingly.

Solution : Sack the GBC or restructure the GBC.


Problem : ISKCON Gurus fall down leaving their disciples stranded.

Cause : GBC

Solution : Sack the GBC.


so on and so forth. etc,. etc,. sinking ship, burning house etc,.


This is what most of those 250 odd e-mails said. The gist of the discussion


ISKCON IS THE *CURRENT* GBC. The solution for all our problems is GBC must

immdediately resign or we must restructure the GBC. At least I can't

believe it. The solution for all the problems of ISKCON is GBC stepping

down!!!. It is as easy as eating Gulab Jamoon or Halwa. So......o easy.

If that is the case, and that is the assurance given by all of you, any one

who claims to be a devotee on the GBC body will immediately step down. It

is not really so.


Now I do agree if you all say that in addition to the above problems, we

have another problem that is the GBC body/ management structure and the

people on that body is not really ideal. So we will recommend some better

structure, then any sane man will agree. I repeat we must say GBC structure

is one of the problems, we have. We may also add Temple structure as

another problem. Etc. Then we can prioritise all the problems and discuss

the problems one by one and make necessary recommendation then the community

of devotees and the management will take you seriously. Otherwise, we will

go nowhere just by criticism, name calling, personal attacks etc,.


Now, what I said was, the root cause for each of the above problems may be

different. We have to investigate and find out. To do that we need facts

and data, which you do not have. That is why I asked simple questions to

understand the problems objectively, not to just debate, and defend GBC or

my Diksha Guru, as you are imagining/assuming.


To make it even more clear let us take one or two of the above problems.


"Morning and evening programs in ISKCON temples are not going on as per the

standard set by Srila prabhupada"


When such a problem is reported a good manager will ask (whether current

GBC, a TP, or congregation director or future GBC), questions such as

*which* temple/which Yatra is it. Since *When* has it stopped. *Who* is

the complainant (that is to verify whether the complaint is a valid

complaint or invalid complaint). *How* has it been stopped (Somebody

whimsically changed something or is there some temporary problem and again

the program will be reinstated), *How Many* temples or Yatras are having

this problem. Then it becomes easy for everyone to understand things.

Otherwise like my respected worshipable master HG Vaiyasaki Prabhu posted a

message stating the above problem with highly qualitative statements (with

sincere, honest and good intentions) will give over reaction from the

devotee community or no reaction at all. So we have to define the problem

correctly with some data, so that people take you seriously.


The problem may be defined like Out of 400 temples of ISCKON around the

world 5 Temples have stopped the evening program. Or 350 temples there is

no evening program. Then since when. Why. Where. Who. etc,. have to be

asked. If it is 5 temples then the reaction is different. If it is 350

temples the reaction is different. This is what I requested from everyone.

I hope it is a reasonable request and all parties agree to discuss problems

with each other and we can find solutions. You all are talking about

accountability, and this is how we check accountability, and at the same

time try to fix the problems.


The solution for this problem of no morning/evening programs is definitely

not GBC resigning. May be it is the solution. But you have to prove it

that is the solution. I think the respective local management can fix this

kind of problem, or take help from another Yatra.


I have personally visited Kualalumpur(malaysia) temple, Paris(France), Los

Angels(USA), Guadalajara (Mexico), Sao Paulo (Brazil), Nova Gokula (Brazil),

Philadelphia (USA), Washington D.C. (USA), Phoenix (USA), Tucson (USA),

Atlanta (USA), Berkeley (USA), Chowpatty (India), Mayapur (India), Chennai

(India), Bhuvaneshwar (India), Coimbattur (India) and many other temples

around the world and everywhere reasonably good deity worship is going on,

and atleast I attended mangalarathi and it was on the dot. Some places I

did not have time for the evening program but I was very inspired how Srila

Prabhupad's mercy has been flowing in all these places inspite of so many

problems, our society has been facing.



STRANDED". So Who When Where How How Many questions have to be asked. We

may get an answer and the cause of the problem may be something personal and

nothing related to GBC Management. May be related. But to prove that we

have to make a detailed analysis. That is required. I hope I have made my

self sufficiently clear to you all.


Now coming to my advicing my Godbrothers like HG Bhadra Balaram Prabhu or HG

Vijaya Venu Gopal Prabhu, I am not qualified to do that. They are as good

as my Siksha Guru Sriman Subuddhi Krishna Prabhu another Godbrother of mine

who has personally trained me in the principles of Krishna Consciousness

starting from putting on Tilak to wearing Dhothi, to holding karatals etc,.

If I simply surrender and serve these humble souls I can perfect my life (HG

Subuddhi Krishna Prabhu is not even on this COM, but has encouraged me to

join and stay here. On his instruction and encouragement and blessings only

I am participating here.)


I have tried my best to be honest with you.


Hope this meets you in the best of health and krishna Consciousness.


Please forgive all my offenses, and kindly pray for me. I pray for your

success in all your endeavours which are favourable for your Krishna

Consciousness in particular and ISKCON society in general.


Your humble servant,

Bhadra Govinda Das.

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