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GBC Declare All Out War

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Newsletter of the Iskcon Revival Movement (IRM)

Issue 34


Message from Adridharana Dasa, Temple President ISKCON Calcutta:



1. GBC Declare All Out War

2. Jayapataka Swami 'Fugitive Watch' Update

3. Jayapataka Swami Makes More False Statements



1. GBC Declare All Out War


Last year on the 14th February 1999, the GBC began on a path that shocked

not only the whole Indian Yatra, but also the movement worldwide, when

they voted to expel a number of devotees from the movement. This included

ISKCON Temple Presidents and others who between them had rendered over 150

years service in ISKCON. They were of course expelled for their belief

that Srila Prabhupada and NOT they, is the Spiritual Master for ISKCON.


response was immediate and effective. We filed a case in the Calcutta High

Court against the entire GBC body and all the movement's Gurus, stating

that they had not obeyed Srila Prabhupada's final directive on initiations

for the movement. Immediately, within days of our filing, the GBC backed

down. The same brave souls who had unanimously decided to expel us,

decided on 27th March 1999 to rescind their expulsion.

Many leading devotees in the movement severely criticised the action taken

by the GBC, adding that the effect of their actions would damage the

preaching, especially in India, very gravely. This chorus of disapproval

was led by stalwart souls such as Bhima Das, Temple President Bombay,

Yasomatinandana Das, Temple President Amedhabada, Bhakta Rupa Das, Bureau

Member, Rasa-Raja Das, Temple President Berkley, Pancaratana Das, Chairman

of the Indian Continental Committee and Kadamba Kannana Maharaja, Bureau

Member, Devakinandana Das, Bureau Member and Mahamana Das, Temple

President Vrindavana. His Holiness Jayadvaita Maharaja had also warned the

GBC before the expulsion, that the course of action they were embarking on

was disastrous. He subsequently refused to pay a $500 'war tax' to fight

us in the court case in protest. Many of these same devotees have since

then been working hard to try and being peace to the situation. They have

tried to argue that the main thing is the preaching and the expulsion and

the litigation it leads to is not good for the movement. Even Gopal

Krishna Maharaja has got involved in these efforts. He tried to claim that

since the expulsion had been rescinded, we could now drop our court case.

We however had always maintained that the GBC could and WOULD expel us at

any time, and therefore the GBC could not be trusted. Plus we pointed out

that these court cases were not filed primarily for protection but to

re-instate Srila Prabhupada as the Guru for the movement, just as he

desired. In this way 'peace efforts' have been conducted by these

devotees, who as they saw things, were trying clean up the mess which the

GBC had created. Things seemed to be progressing in that attempts were

made for everyone to work together on the upcoming Kumbha Mela Festival.

From our side we also had not filed many more cases which we had ready.

Being members of the Bureau ourselves, we had clear-cut access to evidence

of severe financial irregularities and other mis-deeds, and had we filed

such cases, the movement would be completely paralysed.


However all these 'peace efforts' are now in ruins. Having already taken

one unilateral and disastrous expulsion decision, the GBC have now taken

another. Last week we received a *** 500 *** page document from the GBC

Executive Committee, giving a 15 day notice, before expulsion takes

places. Quoting *** 35 *** different GBC 'laws' which they claim I have

violated, they then go onto state:


"and whereas these acts complained of and their continues day to day

occurrences have assumed such proportions which has given rise to an


situation as defined under iskcon law no. 5.5.6, ie;


(1) any violation which endangers iskcon's stability and security locally,

nationally, or internationally which cannot wait for the usual process of

suspension and removal.

(2) severe spiritual, philosophical or moral deviation.

(3) rebellion against the authority of srila prabhupada and the gbc body.


now therefore, in order to afford you an opportunity to provide an

explanation in respect of the said complaints and allegations we request

you to show cause, in written reply, as to why you should not be removed

as an Iskcon leader and Temple President, such action is provided for

under iskcon law no 5.5.6, as mentioned above. Your written reply should

reach us no later than fifteen days (15) from the date of your receipt of

this show cause notice. [...] In view of the urgency of these matters, no

extension of time for submission of your written reply or adjournment of

the proposed hearing will be granted. [...] We in consultation and

conjunction with the local GBC zonal secretary(s), shall proceed to

consider your case along with your written reply, if any, and take the

necessary action as shall be deemed appropriate by us."


They have given a '15 day' notice because legally they are forced to do

so. The violations complained of are all related to our belief that Srila

Prabhupada is the Guru for ISKCON, and therefore under these grounds, for

a *** second time ***, they have issued an expulsion notice.


This action makes a mockery of the efforts the various leaders in India,

who were complaining on their internet conference just last week, of the

need to resolve these issues peacefully without "confrontation" and

'aggressiveness". It seems that just as last time, they have been kept

completely in the dark of these plans, and their input and peace efforts

were treated with the same contempt they received the last time the GBC

took such an unilateral expulsion decision.


Even non-Ritvik leaders in India have now said that following this act of

aggression - "They would be justified in doing whatever they like".


We do not need to say much. We only need to state that our warning that the

GBC could not be trusted and their decision to rescind the expulsion was

meaningless, has been proven correct. And that any calls for restraint on

our part are also now meaningless in the face of this act of provocation. It

seems that the GBC are now determined not just to go to war with us, but

also with a large part of the Indian Yatra, who were still busy dealing with


previous GBC actions, before being landed with this current bombshell.


1 week before he mailed the expulsion document to us, Ravindra Svarupa,


GBC chairman, sent me the following note:


"I have received reliable reports that you have not been in the ISKCON

Calcutta temple on Albert Road for the last two months. Your whereabouts

are unknown. No one in the temple seems to knows where you are--what your

present address or telephone number are. Could you please send me your

current address and telephone number? Please also kindly let me know your

schedule for the next three or four weeks."

(Ravindra Svarupa, GBC Chairman, 8/9/00)


The GBC's actions are based therefore on the idea that I have been

'missing in action'. This itself stemmed from a false rape case that had

been filed by the JPS camp, specifically to implicate me. Therefore a

*500* page document listing 35 violations is sent just days before the

courts close in India for many weeks for the holiday season. In the

meantime Dayarama, Jayapataka Swami's right hand man who runs Mayapura, in

anticipation of this expulsion notice has been planning to storm the

temple and seize the property. He has ALREADY begun offering devotees the

position of "Vice Temple President" of Calcutta!


*** This expulsion notice just issued by the GBC is the last piece of the

jigsaw that ties all these events together, and the plan is now clear



1) Cook-Up a False Rape Case To implicate Me - which at the very least

will lead me to flee or keep me disorientated and pre-occupied.

2) Then follow-up with an Expulsion Notice just before the courts close

for weeks.

3) Make the notice lengthy, to ensure that even the very little time there

is to respond to it will not be enough.

4) Ready a team of 200 thugs to storm the temple as soon as the expulsion

takes notice - under the 'cover' that the President has been expelled.


Thus our recent discovery of Mayapur's plan to illegally storm the

Calcutta temple with 200 thugs, after having been given the 'green light'

by the GBC in the USA to do so, was not a coincidence or a bluff. And

the expulsion notice following on from the false rape case is also no

coincidence. The length of the expulsion notice at 500 pages, would

indicate that this document was being worked on for probably around 1-2

months, which would be shortly after the false rape case and the

incarceration of the innocent Suresvara.


Such 'dirty tricks' are a last desperate throw of the dice by a crumbling

regime. As the GBC chairman himself stated, the movement is

'disintegrating'. They are facing a $400 million lawsuit. And like any

cult in the throes of a 'meltdown', in sheer desperation - they cook up a

false rape case, issue another expulsion notice and ready thugs to

illegally seize the temple!


To say that as usual the GBC have severely mis-calculated, would have to

be a gross under-statement!


The world is completely different to how they planned it..


1) The false rape case has spectacularly back-fired with an innocent

devotee dead.

2) Consequently it is Jayapataka - their local GBC man - who is the one

in 'hiding', not me!

3) It is Dayarama Das, the agent required to execute phase 2 of their mad

scheme, is another accused in the suicide case, and is now being pressured

by the Indian Yatra to resign over the false rape case. (See Next Item)

4) And having got wind of the attack by thugs from Mayapura, the temple

and its associated properties are now impenetrable. Our licensed gunmen,

and our task-force of life members and leading industrialists is ready.


We can only promise that these acts of gangsterism from the GBC will not

succeed, just as they have failed previously. Already the first part of

their plan has fallen apart with Jayapataka Swami on the run from the



Our responses will be as always, swift and effective. Please look out for

details in our next newsletter.


We just wanted to make it clear to everyone, WHO AGAIN has been the

aggressor and fired the first shot. However if its a war the GBC want,

then its a war they will get!



2. Jayapataka Swami 'Fugitive Watch' Update


The reaction to our last newsletter, where we reported the false rape

case, and the subsequent abscondment of Jayapataka Swami, one of the

accused in the suicide case, has been spectacular. We asked devotees to

keep us informed of Jayapataka Swami's movement, and boy have you done

that! In an unprecedented act of co-operation and unity over the disgust

felt at the death of an innocent vaisnava, ISKCON temples and devotees

from all over the world, most of whom do not even accept the Ritvik

position, have inundated us with messages of support in our campaign for

justice and also with sightings of the fugitive, Jayapataka Swami. He has

been seen in Mauritius, the USA, Malaysia, temporarily in Hong Kong, then

Australia, and we have now had 2 independent sightings of him in Korea!


The Indian Yatra has also not been slow to act following our revelations.

They have made it clear that someone is lying, and that someone must

resign. Having reviewed our water-tight evidence, they have called for the

JPS camp to issue a written response. The process is being spear-headed by

Bhima Das, who is the secretary of the Bureau - which is the legal entity

that controls all the ISKCON properties in India. He stated on the Indian

leader's conference:


"Dear Dayaram Prabhu


One devotee who had taken shelter in our temple has committed suicide.


and Jayapataka Swami are saying he is guilty and Adri Dharan is saying he

is innocent. Not only that but Adri Dharan has been named in the FIR

(Official Allegation) as sending this lady who was allegedly raped to the

alleged rapist.


Now what is your side of the story? We must come to the bottom of this and

the person who is lying in this case should resign. Jayapataka Swami has

already given a statement that the devotee is guilty so he should also

state how he came to that conclusion."

(Bhima Das, 18/9/00, COM Message 3552288)



Jayapataka Swami has also tried to claim that he has not a fugitive:


"By the way I am not on the run. I am doing my normal preaching tour as

every year."

(Jayapataka Swami, 15/9/00, Com Message 3547427)


We therefore asked him, that since this was just 'normal preaching', WHAT

was the 'normal' date for this 'normal' preaching tour to end, and when

would be the 'normal' date on which he would re-enter India, since there

were many interested parties who would be interested to meet him on his



Please keep those sightings and information reports coming in. The Police

need to be aware when he is likely to try and re-enter India, if at all he


Thank you very much.




3. Jayapataka Swami Makes More False Statements


Jayapataka, beleaguered and on the run, has however attempted a pathetic

defence of his position by releasing a lengthy statement to CHAKRA,

claiming his innocence. Having proven our case in the previous newsletter

in a water-tight manner through independent witness corroboration,

medical reports, court documents etc. etc., JPS would need nothing less

than the release of some yet unseen solid and substantial evidence to

counter this mountain of evidence. In fact he produces not ONE shred of

evidence in reply. Rather his statement relies solely on extracts from 2

*newspaper articles*, padded out with attacks on me and the Ritvik

position, which do not even have any relevance to the specifics of the

case Thus his defence to our mountain of documented evidence is nothing

more than 3rd hand reports in the newspapers!! Hardly evidence! And the

fact that in this hour of urgency he can not forward any evidence, but

rather tries to dodge the issue by scraping the bottom of the barrel by

relying only on 3rd hand reports from newspapers, will only *FURTHER*

convince many neutral observers of his guilt. We will now show how his

statement is just nothing but a smokescreen to cover-up the fact that he

has no evidence to counter the water-tight case we have presented. His

statements shall be enclosed in speech marks, thus :


"There is no arrest warrant against me or anyone else."

FACT: Yet newspaper reports state different:




The case of the Iskcon monk's suicide took a dramatic turn on Wednesday

with the court ordering the police to arrest 8 monks of the order."

(The Telegraph, 10 august 2000)


1) This proves that the newspaper reports are unreliable and have no

bearing on the actual facts of this case. Just this fact alone destroys

the whole of JPS's supposed 'defence', since he presents nothing but 2

newspaper reports to try and defend his corner, and this is why we make

this point right at the beginning. Thus in order to determine the actual

TRUTH of this matter the newspaper articles which JPS relies on have no

role to play, and we need instead to see some DOCUMENTED FACTS, like we

have presented. Not the 3rd hand accounts and speculation from


2) This shows that JPS is a hypocrite since he is happy to rest his whole

defence on newspaper reports when it suits him, even though he knows they

contain many inaccuracies.

3) We never claimed that there were any 'arrest warrants' out on him -

only that the Police have a court order that prevents him from leaving the

country due the seriousness of the case and his role in it.


"Contrary to what Adri Dharan das, the self-styled President of the

ritvikism rebel group based in Calcutta, may think, I have not descended

to the level of utilizing the suffering of an innocent woman to make some

points against him in the ongoing battle with the ritviks. I have nothing

to do with the alleged rape case of the late Suresvara dasa."


FACT: This is what he said on July 24th publicly on the internet:


"Meanwhile his own devotee raped a devotees widow and although he knows he

had sex with her" [...] How can we cover up a rape? That would also be

abetting the crime, I believe. If Adri wanted to he had enough time to

settle something out of court with the woman before it went to the

court.[...] He has been bribing left and right. [...] As far as I am

concerned Yasomati nandana and Adri are now totally discredited. to use an

innocent women who is a rape victim as a pawn in ritvik politics is

ridiculous and sinful. Adri didn't have to send this woman to Suresvara

who was several kilometres away in a secluded place to get her Rs.2000

stipend. Adri knew that Suresvara had previously fallen down with some

woman and after that took allegedly took the woman to his own building for

reasons best known to him. [..] Everyone knows Suresvara das had sex with

the woman. [...] She was promised 2 lakhs stipend for her maintenance and

instead it was reduced to 2000 per month and when she begged to get it

from the lady cashier in the Calcutta temple Adri refused and sent her to

this lusty devotee who not only harassed her but forced her to satisfy

his carnal desires before giving her the Rs.2000 stipend. This is rape by

coercion and Adri knows it is true, yet still he is spending up to a lakh

to hire top lawyers to unsuccessfully get a bail for the devotee but he

couldn't give the pension he promised the lady. So this kind of criminal

activity gets condoned in the name of good communications. [..] . [...]

It is clear that it is a genuine case."

(Jayapataka Swami, 24/7/00)


1) Here he clearly links me to the alleged rape and uses the incident to

show how I was involved and have tried to cover it up subsequently.

2) If he has 'nothing to do' with the rape case, then why has he taken it

upon himself to give the alleged details of what happened on the day of

the alleged event, and HOW does he know that "it is clear that it is a

genuine case"?


"I left India prior to this alleged order being made for a Rathayatra in



FACT: But he left AFTER the appearance of HIS name in the suicide diary

was made PUBLIC on August 3rd - which is what we claimed. The order was

not made until the 7th August. Once he knew that he had been named, he

knew it was only a matter of time before he would be picked up for

questioning, and thus he fled.


"I am not fleeing or hiding from anyone and there is no reason to do so. I

will soon return to India and deal with the legal matters pending."


Well why doesn't he state HOW soon this 'soon' is going to be and WHEN he

will return. If it is an organised 'normal' tour as he has claimed, he

will know his schedule and when he intends to return.


"In any case the matter had already gone to the police and the courts

would decide who is innocent or guilty. It was not something I needed to

even consider."


FACT: Please refer to JPS's statement reproduced above:


1) If the Police and courts would decide that who is innocent and guilty

then why has he taken it upon himself to state that "it is clear that it

is a genuine case" and accuse both Suresvara and myself?

2) If it wasn't something he "needed to even consider" then why did he go

public with comments just reproduced above, where he claims to give

chapter and verse about what he claims happened, and then pronounce

Surevsara and myself guilty?


"My only public complaint was why Adri Dharan das also didn't at least

give the lady the benefit of the doubt rather then taking the one-sided

position that she was lying and Suresvara das was telling the truth? That

is the

context of the quote which Adri has published."


FACT: I KNEW she was lying, because her case rested on stating that I had

sent her to get raped, and yet I had never even MET her on that day, as

dozens of witnesses can testify. Yet JPS, DID adopt the one-sided position

that the lady was telling the truth and that Suresvara was lying, whilst

at the same time claiming he had "nothing to do with the case". A

one-sided position which Suresvara claimed in his diary led to him taking

his life.


"What is strange is how Adri Dharan das states that it is a suicide and

somehow the suicide victim named me and 7 others as abettors in his

suicide. This includes the alleged rape victim."


FACT: It is the PRISON authorities who have filed the 'abatement to

suicide case' - NOT ME.


"The fact is that semen was found on the clothes of the lady. That is why

Suresvara wasn't granted bail. Why would the Judge keep him in jail if he

wasn't having some evidence against him? I don't know so many fine details

of the case and it doesn't seem like something that VNN or Chakra can

adjudicate. We have been told that the semen has been sent for DNA



FACT: Here we will show that JPS is a straight-forward liar. He claims

that 'semen has been SENT for DNA testing'. Yet on July 24th he claimed:


"Still the devotee is in jail as the forensic reports showed HIS SEMEN

POSITIVE on the women's body [...] the devotee was found to have HIS semen

on the woman"

(Jayapataka Swami, 24/7/00)


So first he claims that the forensic reports showed that the semen tested

POSITIVE as belonging to Suresvara. NOW he claims that such a test has not

even been done and we do not know whose semen it is. It is CLEAR THAT HE


reports or court transcripts have to date even made any mention of any

semen. On the contrary the FSL test that looks for semen inside the

woman's body came back NEGATIVE. And bail for rape cases are almost as

difficult to get as for Murder, due to the seriousness of the offence.


"It is suspicious that he would write all the names of all the persons who

have been representing ISKCON GBC in court as conspirators against him in

an alleged rape case unless the names were supplied by the ritvik



This is ludicrous. Now JPS is claiming that it is 'suspicious' that


would name people who were all known to him such as the persons who filed

the rape case against him, and the persons who have been trying to

discredit me from the start. Suresvara even states in his diary that the

real purpose of the false rape case was to get ME, and not him.


"So although Sattvik das claims he is a silent spectator the newspapers

confirm he is the one who petitioned that I should not leave India after I

had already left."




1) Sattvik has never claimed he is a 'silent spectator'. WHERE has he ever

claimed that? This is another famous JPS fabrication. How can he be a

'silent spectator' when a fellow devotee that he has worked shoulder to

shoulder with for many years is now dead?

2) Who petitions the court is not the issue. The order itself was given by

the JUDGE - or is JPS claiming that the JUDGE is also a member of the IRM?


"We had agreed in Vrindavan that we would keep things on a gentlemanly

level and not get into public personal attacks. This hasn't been followed

by them."


FACT: On July 24th it was JAYAPATAKA who pronounced Suresvara and myself

Guilty. Whereas it is the Prison authorities, not me, who has filed the

abatement to suicide case.





We invite the readers to weigh up the mountain of evidence we presented in

our last newsletter, with the NO EVIDENCE that JPS has presented here, and

the clear LIES and FABRICATIONS he has added to cover-up his lack of

evidence. JPS has failed to successfully challenge even ONE detail of our

original report. Though this statement of JPS was meant to aid his

'defence', it has only further CONFIRMED his guilt.



Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter, and please keep your

letters, and e-mail addresses of other devotees who should be added to our

list, flowing in. A hard copy of our main position paper 'The Final Order'

is available on request. All other IRM papers can be accessed through the

EDITORIAL SECTION of the IRM website at



http://farsight.members.beeb.net or http://come.to/irm




If you would like to receive any of the back issues of the Newsletter please

let me know.


No 1. Invitation to Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa Puja

No 2. GBC Lose First Round of Court Case

No 3. The Story VNN Refused to Publish

No 4. Poison Theorists Accuse Adri of Complicity

No 5. Iskcon Continues to Promote Child Abusers

No 6. Invitation to Malaysia

No 7. United World Body Formed

No 8. Does Srila Prabhupada Support Poisoning Theory?

No 9. PADA Attacks IRM Position

No 10. PADA Continues to Present False Evidence

No 11. GBC Funded Video says Ritvik Spiritual

No 12. Child Rapist Selected by Gurus to Defend their Legitimacy

No 13. GBC Facing Perjury Charge in Calcutta High Court

No 14. Sahajiyism Makes a Comeback in Iskcon.

No 15. Govt. Minister Inaugurates Bangalore Rathayatra

No 16. Iskcon Calcutta Triumphs Following Arson Attack

No 17. Fighting Lies with Truth Not More Lies

No 18. GBC Resolutions Continue to Provide Laughter

No 19. Indian Leaders Endorse IRM Position that GBC Confused

No 20. Convicted Child Abuser Officially 'Returns' to Parampara

No 21. GBC Special Issue - GBC Chairman Admits ISKCON 'Disintegrating'

No 22. Krsna Confirms Iskcon Rebirth - New York Special Issue

No 23. Hare Krsna Explosion Begins in New York as IRM Temple Opens

No 24 IRM Launches Media Campaign to Defend Srila Prabhupada

No 25 GBC Teaches That 'Living Gurus' NOT Required

No 26 BBT Admits Books Changed to Fit GBC Philosophy

No 27 Big Breakthrough for Krishna in Singapore

No 28 Bangalore Tops World Book Distribution

No 29 City of New York to Honour Srila Prabhupada

No 30 Gurukula Lawsuit Special - The Facts

No 31 BBC Glorifies Srila Prabhupada to the World

No 32 Harinam Revived in World famous Times Square

No 33 ISKCON Guru on Run From Police - Suicide Case Special


Your comments, questions and feedback are appreciated. Please write to me at

adri (AT) cwcom (DOT) net


Your Servant, Adridharan das

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