Guest guest Posted November 9, 2003 Report Share Posted November 9, 2003 (The following letter with quotes was sent by Shyamasundar Prabhu) SP did call women by the term Mata even in the very early days: [Prabhupada uses the term mataji.] "So vande 'ham karunakaram raghu-varam bhu-pala-cudamani. So he is offering his respectful obeisances to the Lord Rama. Karunakaram. He comes, paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam [bg. 4.8]. Therefore He is karuna-akaram. Akaram means mine. He is the great mine of mercy. Karunakaram raghu-varam. And because He appeared in the dynasty of Maharaja Raghu, so He is the Supreme Personality in the Raghu dynasty, raghu-varam. And bhu-pala-cudamani. He is the helmet of all kings. Cudamani. Cudamani means, mani means pearl, and cuda means helmet. So the pearl is placed in the crown. So He is the, although He appeared as King, but He is the helmet of all kings. In this way, Lord Rama's description is here. Now Mataji requested me to explain one verse, so I have tried to explain." Radhastami Srimati Radharani's Appearance Day -- Montreal, August 30, 1968 [Again SP calls a woman mataji.] "Then, when I wrote book, Srimad-Bhagavatam First Canto was finished. So I approached the Bhaiji of... Perhaps Mataji knows this. (chuckles) In 1962. So I asked him that "You take this publication." So I am very much obliged to Bhaiji. He said that "Our English printing is not very efficient. You can get this book published from elsewhere. I shall partly help you." So he helped me with some money from the Dalmia Trust, and I first of all published my first part of Srimad-Bhagavatam. Then I published second part also. There was sale. Then there was no necessity of money. I was getting money by selling Srimad-Bhagavatam. Everyone appreciated. Even the, your American Embassy here, they purchased eighteen copies, and they gave me open order that "Whenever this Bhagavata will be published next part, subsequent parts, this is open order, eighteen copies, each part." That order is still there." His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabhupada's Appearance Day, Evening --Gorakhpur, February 15, 1971 Allen Ginsberg: Srimata Krsnaji in Vrndavana, is a lady in Vrndavana who translates Kabir into English, compared him with Blake. Prabhupada: No, she is different. I know one Mataji. She came to see me from Vrndavana in Los Angeles. She's in London. Allen Ginsberg: So I have been learning to notate music, in..., singing songs by William Blake which I've.. Room Conversation with Allen Ginsberg -- May 11, 1969, Columbus, Ohio Prabhupada: These are all bogus things. One should train himself that matravat para-daresu, all women, "my mother." Then it will be possible to live... Therefore the etiquette is to address every woman, "Ma, ma, mother." That is the etiquette. Brahmananda: You say like "Mother Rukmini"? There's a devotee named Rukmini. You say, "Mother Rukmini"? How do you address a woman? Do you say, "Mother," and then the name of the devotee? Prabhupada: No. "Mother," simply. Brahmananda: Just "Mother." Prabhupada: Yes. They should be addressed, "Mother." That will train. Indian man (4): In our Indian culture they don't call the name of the mother never, children don't. Prabhupada: No. "Mother," simply "mother," that's all. And if the woman treats man as son, then it is all right. It is safe. Indian woman: We got a very sweet sound. Everything we use "ji.Mataji", "Pitaji,Brataji,Bahinji." Prabhupada: Or... And the woman says, "Beta."(?) That's all right. Devotee (5): The only trouble is in the West we're accustomed to not like our mothers. Prabhupada: Huh? Devotee (5): In the West we don't like our mothers. Prabhupada: So you should forget your West or East. [break] Brahmananda: Similarly, wife should not be called "Mother." Prabhupada: No. Therefore it is said, "other's wife," not your wife. But Ramakrishnan, he was saying his wife "mother," and he became famous by this foolishness. Indian man (4): Ramakrishnan, there are many like Shyama mother. Her husband, he calls her "mother." Prabhupada: Just see. In the Brahma-samaj they call the wife as "sister," and the wife calls the husband "brother," address like that. Indian man (6): Srila Prabhupada, since there is no distinction between "man" and "woman"-these are both designations-is it possible for a woman to become a brahmana? Brahmananda: Is it possible for a woman to become a brahmana? Prabhupada: He is... Woman is a brahmana's wife. Then she is automatically a brahmana. Morning Walk -- November 2, 1975, Nairobi [Male devotee address a woman devotee as mataji and SP accepts it.] Ramesvara: Yesterday you suggested that I send groups of brahmacarinis to that farm in Oregon where Yamuna-mataji is staying, but I was thinking that, actually, she is a very, very wonderful preacher, and if she can visit our temples more often, then she can.... In other words, it's more expensive and difficult to send so many people to her... Prabhupada: So, do that. Morning Walk -- June 5, 1976, Los Angeles [Prabhupada addesses Himavati dasi as Mataji Himavati.] Letter to: Krsna dasa -- Bombay 10 January, 1972 72-01-10 Hamburg My dear Krishna das, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of December 17, 1971, and I am very much pleased that you are now in Germany and that everything is going very nicely there. You stay there in Hamburg with Hamsaduta for some time and make that center very strong, then you may both return as it was, and Hamsaduta may go to his zone of Mediterranean countries and Near East, and you as husband and wife can conduct everything there. Mataji Himavati can train your wife or someone how to worship the deities nicely, and you both stay there for the time being. You are both men of experience so work together combinedly to make Germany zone very strong.. > ---------- Forwarded Message ---------- > > Letter PAMHO:7422488 (23 lines) > Malati (dd) ACBSP (GBC) (New Vrindavan/Columbus - USA) ...snip... > devotees. If he had called us "Mataji" or "Mother" or anything else, we > would embrace that. So I have provided several instances where he addressed women as Mataji. Now embrace it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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