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Mayapur festival

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Dear Prabhu,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


I am writting this letter to all of you to remind about the pledges you had

made for Pancha Tattava deities instalation at Mayapur.


By next month deities will be ready to be brought to Mayapur . We will have

to make payment. WE have many other expenditure for deities instalation and

festival which we will have to start from now.


Around 4000 devotees have booked and more thousands are in line . Due to

lack of accomodation. At this point we have to start to build many huts



Therefore I humbly resquest all of you please collect donations from your

congregation and send by DD to Kolkata .



Attn: Pancha Tattava Seva

Gita Bhavan

110,Motilal Neheru Road

Kolkata 700 029

West Bengal, INDIA


Send Draft in Favour of Iskcon payable at Kolkata. Let me know by e mail

after you post your DD.


Please let me know who has collected how much. It will be really help full

to us if by the end of November you can raise all the pleadged fund and send

to us.


We need your kind help to make this festival successful.

Thank you very much.

Hare krishna.


Your servant

Bhakti purusottama Swami


To know more about Mayapur visit our website


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