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heading for cultural war?

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> From the continued intransigent discussions going on in this forum and

> elsewhere, it seems that ISKCON could be heading for a culture war similar

> to that presently splitting the Anglican church.


Without at all dimishing the importance of the topics being discussed as we

fight our various internal wars in ISKCON, we might want to also consider

various statements from Srila Prabhupada about fighting amongst ourselves. I

recently compiled the quotes I'm aware of:


"We have so much work to do, we cannot lose our solidarity. Do not cause a

crack there with any fighting spirit or competition. Whenever I hear

complaints or disturbances in our centers my mind becomes too much disturbed

and I cannot properly translate my books. So please spare me from such

disturbance by cooperating all together Godbrothers and Godsisters."


"I am very concerned, however, that in the midst of such good reports, the

devotees there are quarreling. This report is not very good.


"You have dedicated your life for Krsna and therefore you should be ideal.

We are introducing Krsna Consciousness movement for the harmony and good

will of humanity. But if you yourselves are suffering from the very ills we

are trying to remove, how can the people be influenced favorably? Stop this

fighting, tolerate."


"To bring the members of the Society together with each other and nearer to

Krishna, the prime entity."


"Remember the story in Aesop's Fables of the father of many children with

the bundle of sticks. When the father asked his children to break the bundle

of sticks wrapped in a bag, none of them could do it. But, when they removed

the sticks from the bag, and tried one by one, the sticks were easily

broken. So this is the strength in unity. If we are bunched up, we can never

be broken, but when divided, then we can become broken very easily."


"Disunity between individual souls is so strong within this material world

that even in a society of Kåñëa consciousness, members sometimes appear

disunited due to their having different opinions and leaning toward material

things. Actually, in Kåñëa consciousness there cannot be two opinions. There

is only one goal: to serve Kåñëa to one's best ability. If there is some

disagreement over service, such disagreement is to be taken as spiritual.

Those who are actually engaged in the service of the Supreme Personality of

Godhead cannot be disunited in any circumstance."


"Now this displeasing of godbrothers has already begun and gives me too much

agitation in my mind. Our Gaudiya Math people fought with one another after

the demise of Guru Maharaja but my disciples have already begun fighting

even in my presence. So I am greatly concerned about it.


Following in the footprints of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu:

trnad api su-nicena taror iva sahisnuna

amanina manadena kirtaniya sada harih


``One should chant the holy name of the Lord in a humble state of mind,

thinking oneself lower than the straw in the street; one should be more

tolerant than a tree, devoid of all sense of false prestige and should be

ready to offer all respect to others. In such a state of mind one can chant

the holy name of the Lord constantly.''


We must always remember this verse and be as tolerant as the tree, as we

execute the Krsna consciousness movement. Without this mentality we cannot

be successful.


Material nature means dissension and disagreement, especially in this Kali

yuga. But, for this Krsna consciousness movement its success will depend on

agreement, even though there are varieties of engagements. . In the material

world there are varieties, but there is no agreement. In the spiritual world

there are varieties, but there is agreement. That is the difference. The

materialist without being able to adjust the varieties and the disagreements

makes everything zero. They cannot come into agreement with varieties, but

if we keep Krsna in the center, then there will be agreement in varieties.

This is called unity in diversity. I am therefore suggesting that all our

men meet in Mayapur every year during the birth anniversary of Lord Caitanya

Mahaprabhu. With all GBC and senior men present we should discuss how to

make unity in diversity. But, if we fight on account of diversity, then it

is simply the material platform. Please try to maintain the philosophy of

unity in diversity. That will make our movement successful."

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