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Last call - Global Excellence Awards 2004

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I nominate Dayaram prabhu for category 5 ( "overall ISKCON's Interest) for

his selfless services in most difficult circumstances in respect of

protecting ISKCON's properties and rights.


I also nominate Sanak Sanatana prabhu for Category 12 (Padayatra preaching)

for his ten long and austere years on the road in Padayatra as a member

and later, as leader of the team.



There are many, many devotees who have been working with exemplary

sincerity and dedication for many years in various areas like Deity worship

, cooking and so on. But because they're low-profile and in the background

, their services are not very much recognized and appreciated. I suggest

Indian yatra leaders also nominate such devotees whom they are aware of.


Your servant,


Devamrita das




> Dear Maharajas, Prabhus and Matajis,


> Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


> Global Excellence Award is meant to recognize the sincere souls who are

> sincerely serving to advance the mission of Srila Prabhupada around the

> world and encourage and support them in their valuable service. We would

> like to invite nominations for the Global Excellence Award - 2004 for

> the following categories of services (but not limited to)


> 1. Book Distribution

> 2. Child Protection Services

> 3. Congregational Preaching

> 4. Back to Godhead Magazine Services

> 5. Overall ISKCON's Interest/ Overall Preaching

> 6. Outstanding Pujari Seva

> 7. ISKCON Festivals

> 8. Difficult Territory Preaching

> 9. Prasadam Distribution and Vegetarianism Promotion

> 10. Media Preaching

> 11. Literary Contributions

> 12. Padyatra Preaching

> 13. Devotees' Health Related Services

> 14. Opening New Vedic Temple

> 15. Bhaktivedanta Archives

> 16. Setting Ideal Ashrama Example

> 17. Prasadam Cooking

> 18. Caring for Devotees

> 19. ISKCON Life member interaction

> 20. ISKCON Youth Forum Services

> 21. Promoting Education in ISKCON


> Please include description of the devotee in about 200 words describing

> his/her outstanding service in the category he/her is recommended for.

> Since there are some categories which did not receive any nominations,

> Last date for receiving the nominations for all categories is extended to

> February 3, 2004. Award winners will be announced soon after that. Award

> ceremony will be held during the upcoming Mayapur Festival. Please forward

> it to the temple authorities and devotees near you. It is recommeded that

> the nomination is recommended by an ISKCON authoruty. In case the

> authorities can not be reached, we also accept nominations from

> individuals. Any suggestions are most welcome. following is a list of

> nominations received so far, for your information. If possible kindly make

> arrangement to display in notice board which is accessible to the

> devotees.


> Looking forward to receive a good response.


> Your servant,


> Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami

> On behalf of Global Excellent Award Subcommittee

> -------


> Global Excellency Awards - 2004


> Nominations Received so far:


> 1. Book Distribution


> Acala das GKG - Nominated by Bhakti Vijnana Goswami (GBC) (Moscow - R)

> Krsna-Balarama das - Nominated by Bhakti Vijnana Goswami (GBC) (Moscow -

> R) Ambarisha das GKG - Nominated by Bhakti Vijnana Goswami (GBC) (Moscow

> - R) Revati dd RSP - - Nominated by Bhakti Vijnana Goswami (GBC) (Moscow

> - R)



> 2. Child Protection Services


> 3. Congregational Preaching


> Kaunteya Prabhu - Nominated by Brajahari Prabhu


> Visnu-tattva das PVS (Barnaul) - - Nominated by Bhakti Vijnana Goswami

> (GBC) (Moscow - R)


> Vivasvan das PVS - - Nominated by Bhakti Vijnana Goswami (GBC) (Moscow -

> R)


> Siksastakam, Urals region


> 4. Back to Godhead Magazine Services


> 5. Overall ISKCON's Interest/ Overall Preaching


> Jai Nitai Prabhu - Nominated by Akrura Prabhu/Sivarama Swami


> Temple President in Moscow, Shyama das RNS - for his dedication in the

> most difficult sutiations. - Nominated by Bhakti Vijnana Goswami (GBC)

> (Moscow - R)


> 6. Outstanding Pujari Seva


> Visnurata das NRS for his steady and dedicated service as the head pujari

> in Moscow temple.- - Nominated by Bhakti Vijnana Goswami (GBC) (Moscow -

> R)


> 7. ISKCON Festivals

> Shuddha das GKG as the main organizer fo the biggest ISKCON festival in

> Divnomorsk, Russia - Nominated by Bhakti Vijnana Goswami (GBC) (Moscow -

> R)


> 8. Difficult Territory Preaching


> 9. Prasadam Distribution and Vegetarianism Promotion


> Peter Burwash - Nominated by Brajahari Prabhu


> Parasurama Prabhu (SDG) - Nomnated by Sivarama Swami / Mahadyuti das,

> Praghosa das, Titiksu das, Hari das, Gaurangasundara das, Nitai Caran das,

> Ananta-vijaya das



> 10. Media Preaching


> 11. Literary Contributions

> Madhavananda Das - Nominated by Samba das, ISKCON New Vrajamandala,

> Central Spain


> 12. Padyatra Preaching


> 13. Devotees' Health Related Services

> Sangita Mataji, Burwash - Nominated by Brajahari Prabhu


> 14. Opening New Vedic Temple

> 15. Bhaktivedanta Archives

> 16. Setting Ideal Ashrama Example


> 17. Prasadam Cooking

> Apurva Prabhu - Nominated by Brajahari Prabhu


> 18. Caring for Devotees

> 19. ISKCON Life member interaction

> 20. ISKCON Youth Forum Services


> 21. Promoting Education in ISKCON


> Janmastami Prabhu - Nominated by Brajahari Prabhu


> Nityananda-caran das RSP, for organizing and conducting Bhakti-sastri

> courses for many years. - Nominated by Bhakti Vijnana Goswami (GBC)

> (Moscow - R)


> Vatsala das RNS - for conducting the BS courses, preaching to the

> devotees. - Nominated by Bhakti Vijnana Goswami (GBC) (Moscow - R)

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