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Financial disclosures by ISKCON leaders

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Before we get too many more righteous letters on this subject please allow

me to explain why I have not submitted a financial disclosure.


First of all I thought Iskcon was supposed to be based on "Love and trust".

If after 30-35 years of unsalaried service to the society why can't we trust

our leaders?


Secondly everyone can understand that the GBC can't enforce this "law".

Another example of the GBC passing laws that they can't enforce. How are

they going to go and look in everyone's pocket?


If the institution was giving me money to us to do it's work then I could

understand why I would have to report to them on how I spent it. I was

recently in a interfaith meeting where all the members were recieving good

salaries and there I was, older then most of them and with more years

serving my church, but I had to go personally to the flea market on some

days to come up with the money to pay the rent. This is especially true for

those of us who go to new places to start a center.


Sorry but I am not inclined to have to take the time to give this kind of

report...If you don't like it then fire me!


Your servant

Trivikrama Swami

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