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Prasada to poor people

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Dear Maharajas and Prabhus,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


It seems that some ideas I expressed gave rise to quite a bit of

comment. For those devotees willing to entertain the possibility that

there might be something more to those ideas than a heartless nature

and a fixation on a few scattered quotes, here are some resources you

may find worthwhile to go through (or go through again):


1. "Altruism: Temporary and Eternal," an exchange of letters between

Srila Prabhupada and T.L. Katadia, Secretary of the Andhra Pradesh

Relief Fund Committee. Originally published in "Back to Godhead,"

reprinted in "The Science of Self-Realization," Chapter 6.


2. "The Hare Krsna Movement: Its Message and Activities," published in

"Back to Godhead," Volume 30, Number 4 (July-August 1996). Edited from

an article published in "The Harmonist" in June 1927 under the

authority of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabhupada.


3. The notes for my course "Food for Death." Because these notes were

made for my own use, not for distribution, they are sometimes cryptic.

They should not be taken as a formal presentation of the points I made

in the course. But the notes consist mainly of extensive quotations

from Srila Prabhupada, and you may find those interesting in their own



4. The tape recordings of "Food for Death." The course in its




Item 1 is widely available.


Item 4 is available from Bhaktivedanta Library Services in Radhadesh,

<bls (AT) pamho (DOT) net>.


Items 2 and 3 are available in a zip file, FFD.ZIP. I have uploaded

this file (roughly 74K) to two PAMHO conferences, "GBC Unmoderated"

and "Prabhupada Said." (Conference organizers, I assumed that you

would not object. If you do, my apologies--just delete the file and

let us know.) For members of PAMHO, instructions for downloading the

file appear at the end of this message.


I mention these resources only for those who might find them of

interest, as I mention above. If you're not interested, my apologies

for intruding upon you with this message--and I request only the small

courtesy that since this message expresses no opinions you kindly

refrain from comment.


Thank you. Hare Krsna.


Hoping this finds you in good health,


Your servant,

Jayadvaita Swami




Instructions for downloading FFD.ZIP



If you are a PAMHO member using WinCOM, you may download the file as



1. On the main menu, select "Commands."


2. Click on "Download and Upload" to show the Download/Upload



3. Double click on "Download a file."


4. Under "File name," enter FFD.ZIP


5. Under "In conference," enter either "Prabhupada Said" or "GBC

Unmoderated." (No quotation marks, of course. And you need not join

either conference to do this.)


6. Click "OK."


PAMHO should send you the file when you next log in.


Hare Krsna.

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