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What are Paravati and Bhima Trying to Cover-Up?

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> Subodh wrote:


> > I

> > > select sincere senior devotees who I have known for more than five

> > > years as credible, knowledgeable,compassionate and honest persons with

> > > the rare quality of integrity, who have been serving in ISKCON for

> > > nearly 20 years each.


> This is just in from ISKCON Alachua in America.


> > Just a point of information:

> > Prabhupadacarya is not allowed back into America because he was

> > extremely abusive to his former wife and several children. If he were to

> > try to cross the boarder he would be arrested.

> >

> > He used to live in Alachua and was infamous as a wife beater as well as

> > other horrible tortures to his wife and children which I will tell you

> > if you are interested.

> >

> >I strongly suggest that Prabhupada acarya not be in any position in

> > ISKCON. He has many hidden very bad qualities which could lead to very

> > serious legal and spiritual problems.


> You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all

> the time but you can't fool all the people all the time.





> Reply:


> Bhima Dasa's quotation that he attributes to the Temple President,

> managers, board members, GBC and trustees of ISKCON Alachua is not

> truthful


He never mentioned any position or name. He only said "this just in from

Alachua." Stop fuelling political fires.


> I have been serving in a high-profile administrative capacity in ISKCON

> New Delhi in full purview of ISKCON Alachua leaders approaching three

> years now as a member of the Temple Executive Committee and Promotions

> Director with HG Mahamantra Prabhu, Temple President of ISKCON New Delhi

> who appointed me.


Are you completely unaware that everyone in India knows of the politics of

Delhi temple? I've heard nothing good about this person who appointed you,

so I wouldn't get too carried away with that 'recommendation'. Is this the

same person who had 3 karmi, female, meat eating fashion designers on the

altar in Delhi last year just so he could get his face in the paper? Who was

the genius behind that self promotional nightmare? Devotee women who are

initiated brahmins cannot go on an altar in India, but for Mahaman's profile

and to promote himself, these 3 non devotee, meat eating women could. Is

this the same person threatening leaders of our GBC with arrest if his

position is threatened? Is this the same person who has sexually harrassed

foreign women? So much for your "references."


Enough of this ridiculous diplomacy! Don't quote Srila Prabhupada and use it

as a weapon to further your own agenda. You have associated yourself with

political wanna-be's who see ISKCON as a means to achieving their own goals.

And then along comes this Subodh fool and threatens anyone who speaks with

being thrown out of the country or being arrested. What a nasty little piece

of work, some little nobody, who then quotes the Bhagavad-gita that

"fearlessness' is a quality of a sadhu, as if he could tell a sadhu from a

rock, or has even picked up a Gita lately. Consider, then, that there are

many sadhus out against you all, because there are a lot of people who are

NOT scared of your nonsense politicking, and who won't shut up just because

some jumped-up nobody claims he will "see you in court." It's practically

funnier than a Monty Python movie, if it weren't so damaging to Srila

Prabhupada's movement....


> I trust the ISKCON GBC Body is capable of a mature handling of this case

> in a fair and just manner to avoid unnecessarily escalating this matter.


"Unnecessary" is a matter of opinion. Consider that it might be Krishna

using this Indulekha devi's situation as a catalyst to expose the cancerous

politics of ISKCON Delhi/Vrindavan, and remove the elements that are holding

back this preaching mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Remember Him? Tall,

golden, chants Hare Krishna, hangs out with four friends....that IS why

we're all here, right???

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