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Parvati labels Bhima irresponsible

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> Dear Mataji,


> There is no hype in making truthful statements that our delegation

> unanimously found to be true and that you in your own text confirm. The

> fact is that this woman according to you was being deprived of critical

> life support medicine,which in turn led to a massive epileptic seizure

> powerful enough to knock her entire body off the bed and injure her to the

> point of hospitalization and treatment of concussion and a deep gash

> requiring 18 stiches on her head.This is according to your version.This

> seizure could have killed her and you claim rediculously that she was not

My version is what she told me personally, and a lot less dramatic than you

make it out to be. She had 7 stitches, not 18. We discussed sleeping on

the floor to avoid the inevitable. She has had MUCH worse seizures

previously, even while living in Australia, including falling off high

places, etc., and I don't think you can blame anyone else on that one. She

has had these things and much worse for quite some time now, and it has not

killed her yet. You don't generally die of these except in extraordinary

circumstances. Check it out with a doctor. The only time I ever heard

about someone dying during a seizure was when one person was swimming alone

and obviously wasn't able to get to the shore, and some who drive against

regulations and have seizures while traveling very fast. That is life


> in a life threatning situation.What kind of analysis is that?I call it

> political expediency and covering up.This a woman who was at the end of

> her tether which you called "langushing" and we called dying? Where does

We're all dying and it behooves us to help each other become Krishna

conscious so we can all die thinking of Krishna. There are zillions of ways

to die, and you just can't control it. It's not a political thing. The main

thing is to die correctly in Krishna consciousness and that's a fact.

You're young now and have not taken advantage of Srila Prabhupada's program

of dancing, hearing, chanting, feasting, preaching the glories of the Lord.

It's the only thing that is saving Indulekha--and me and many others like

me. She has a purpose in life, through it all. Take that up and give up

all these petty, piquayune questions about details that just don't help

your progress. You look great in a dhoti and your new blue kurta--put on a

bead bag and you'll really look the part. Follow the program, and maybe

you'll make as much advancement as Indulekha, despite her mental

problems--what to speak of those who have less complications in life.



> One thing I must appreciate is your admission that Bhima's

> "irresponsible,aggressive,rediculous offhand comments" are unsupportable.

> He agreed to retract such irresponsible uncalled for statements in a

> teleconversation held on Sept 4th'04 at 16:21 hours which lasted 37

> minutes.I am still waiting for him to keep his word and prove/dis-prove

> his integrity.Since you have marked him as an "irresponsible" leader, I

> don't suspect he will fulfill his promise.

CORRECTION: I said that his COMMENT was irresponsible, not him. You

do a grave injustice by putting words into my mouth and by speaking ill of a

Vaishnava as laudable as him. You will be hard put to find such a dedicated

disciple to his spiritual master who is as sincere and as good a manager as

Bhima das any day of the week. Moreover, HE has developed the maturity to

recognize his mistakes and correct them. Some day you will also. It is not

up to you to make him or anyone else justify his whole life on the free

forum for the most minor infractions which are basically no infractions at

all. He is a good example to follow and he is as good as your guru to be

offered respect.

Just give up this nit-picking. The circus is over and real life is going

on. There is no purpose served by your letters. They come across as very

self serving with no actual profit.


> I am very confident in this matter and Krishna's protection especially

> after I witnessed a very auspicious omen of a calf drinking milk from its

> mother at a very co-incidental moment regarding this case. Minutes prior

> to her release,I witnessed this omen at the entrance of the Distt Courts

> Mathura.

I witness this omen every day, even while people are dying around us. I even

witnessed it the first day Devakinandan prabhu gave me a car to visit

Indulekha the first time. What is more auspicious is seeing the effulgent

faces of the devotees chanting and dancing at mangal aroti, or on their japa

walks or as they listen to or preach the glories of the Lord. When I

brought Indulekha Prabhupada's books, that was auspicious. The day I see you

sitting effulgent at a fire sacrifice with beadbag in hand will be really

auspicious. Meditate upon that.


This is my last letter to you. I will be blocking any future communication

from you. If there is anything REALLY important, you see me most days in

the temple and can speak to me directly. It isn't as much exposure as you

would get by plastering mediocre conversations all over the internet. But

I'm always available. Hare Krishna.

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