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tragedy in kumbha mela 2004

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Letter PAMHO:8123141 (100 lines)

Internet: "malini dasi" <malinidd2000 (AT) (DOT) co.uk>

27-Apr-04 09:08 (10:08 +0100)

Isvara (das) GGS (Vrindavana - IN) [15266]

Reference: Text PAMHO:8122591 by Isvara (das) GGS (Vrindavana - IN)

Comment: Text 812 by Isvara (das) GGS (Vrindavana - IN)

Re: tragedy in kumbha mela 2004


Dear Iswar ji I am sending you the copy of my artical. Please reply


Dear Maharajas/ Prabhus and GodsistersRecently we noticed an article of


Dina Bandhu about the Kumbha MelaMahantaship. It was shocking to us and


devotees should pray to SrilaPrabhupada to save Iskcon from such fall


is good to save others but it is never desirous to fall down in theattempt


saving others. We know that Kumbha Mela is representing thepastime of Garuda

who was carrying the nectar for the sons of Kadru torelease his mother


So this 3rd class nectar of heaven was meant forthe non-devotees. It was


for any Krsna Bhakta. Garuda himself nevertried to taste it nor he kept some

for his mother too. In the same way nowalso the sons of Kadru assemble to

drink this 3rd class nectar of heaven atthe bank of Ganga or Godavari etc.

They are formed in Akhara system. Kadru'sson were called Naga and these


sadhus are also Nagas. They live a3rd class life based on smoking Ganja,


fighting , abusing, anddakshina collection etc.

Previously they were appointed like an army to giveprotection to the real

saints. So as usual in the army they were allowed asinful life for

entertainment sake. Even in the Sadhu assembly they nevergot any higher seat

like Shankaracharya or Ramanujacharya. In the presentdemocratic Government


fully lost the edge of their weapon and also lostpublic respect. In short ,

Akhara system is a group of schudo spiritualpractitioners.On the contrary

devotees go to Kumbha Mela not to collect 3rd class nectarbut to give the


class nectar to the people who are attracted andbewildered by Dharma, artha


kama and moksha. This first class nectar isthe NECTAR OF HOLY NAME-HARE



Iskcon is the best among them. SirlaPrabhupada was a lion and his disciples

should behave like lion. Butunfortunately they have joined the flock of


this year in Kumbhamela. And rejoicing.Why Iskcon society is slowly slowly

getting brainless. Because they are notproducing and respecting Brahmanas.


they took permission to registerIskcon Khalsa from GBC body or GBC body

consulted it with their Brahmanaadvisory council. O Gopiprana Dhan! O

Mahaman !

where are you.Some people who rejected/disturbed or discarded by Iskcon like

Krsna BalaramSwami, Navayogendra swami or Iswar Puri, they join Akhara to

quench theirthirst of name and fame. But Loknath swami was already at a

prominentposition in Iskcon. Why he adopted this cheap method to become a

mahant ofAkahra. Now go on chasing such stupid position which never end.

Mahanta isthe lowest position. Then there are Sri Mahanta, Mandeleshwar,

Mahamandaleshwar, Achraya Mahamandeleshwar and finally Param

acharyaMahamandaleswar which generally rest with Juna Akhara. For the


seatof Acharya Maha Mandaleshwar donation is 10 million Rs. Per Kumbha. In

suchmouse race Loknath Swami took a tiny position which really bring him

downfrom his present Iskcon

status.Unfortunately Iskcon is also a member of Akhara system now, so


khalsawill also promote smoking Ganja, fighting, abusing soon. Any how they

haveto make good relation with the Sadhu world, so nothing bad. Well done

swamiDina Bandhu and Well done Swami Sarvabhuma ji.You have distributed

Prabhupada's money in Dakshina to those who smokeGanja-bhang etc(LSD). Now


have to join them and invite them frequently.So our devotees will also get


association of these Sadhus. Factuallyall these Vaisnava Akharas are


ABHAS people or even VaisnavaAPARADHIS due to their idiocy and they are not

following four regulatedprinciples. Why you do not try to unite and invite


so many lost devoteesand Brahmacharis who are wandering here and there due


your ignorance andarrogance. Some new are coming of strikes from many


centers. It istrue that when we ignore and insult our own devotees, we like

outsiders andshake hand with them.You claim to win them by

philosophical argument but this is just a bluff.Please bring a donkey with


lac rupees. We will make him Mahanta of anyAkhara of your choice. Money


there not wisdom. Any mahanta of anyAkhara does not know the intricate


philosophy as a Gaudiya Vaisnavaknows. So what is the matter of winning them


dint of philosophy. To foolyou they did some dramatic conversation. Can a PG

student win a KG child.The whole concept is sympathetic.Gopal Krishna Swami


and Braj Hari Swami ji are intelligent. They nevertried to become Mahanta

though they supplied money. Beware Loknath swami ji,we adore you. Please

through away this identity of the group of Kadru'ssons. Be on Garuda's side


Iskcon is non different to Garuda.Government is also keeping an eye to trim


powers and properties ofAkhara. Apart from Kumbha Mela Akharas have no other

recognition. Iskconshould join in Kumbha mela to purify them , not to get

polluted by them.We should not feel proud to take bath with them.

Better we should go toriver Shipra or Ganga when they finish their bath.


know how Lord Mohinicheated the Asuras and gave nectar to the demigods.

Similarly Lord cheatsthose who go to Ganga riding on elephants, horses with

swords and weapon.And lord gives real nectar to those who go bare foot to


Ganga , chantingholy names with folded hands. They get the real nectar. So


not follow thedemoniac system. Indian traditions are full of verities but

Iskcon isunique. So do not place Lok Nath Swami on elephant. Swami


jiwill look good there with his wife and family. Please be leader in

truesense.Dear Swami Dian Bandhu ji please do not get angry on us. Be


to usthat we opened your eyes. We are your servant and vaisnavas are

alwayshumble. We fear that you will try to finish us by your internet power


weare also out of your reach. Jai Sri Radhe.If no serious action is taken to

stop such speculated activities then weladies will initiate a revolution to

protect the

mission of SrilaPrabhupada. Let the ladies take the lead in Iskcon now. For

any furthercorrespondence with us please write us at our e-mail address

below.-malinidd2000 (AT) (DOT) co.ukPlease also write us on our above mentioned


mail address if you wish tohelp us to broadcast our articles from your


mail. Thank youYour servantsRatna Prabha ddPadma Gandha ddSwarn Roma

ddPralayamkari ddMalini dd


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