Guest guest Posted May 30, 1999 Report Share Posted May 30, 1999 All glories to the GBC. All glories to my Gurumaharaja Jayapataka Maharaja. and all the Maharajas, gurus and Prabhus following in the steps of Srila Prabhupada as taught by him in his presence! >GBC Join Forces With the Gaudiya Matha to Fight IRG > The GBC have submitted their affidavit-in-opposition to the IRG petition, > which itself was posted in full in our court update No. The GBC were > supposed to have submitted their affidavit by the 16th April, after which > we were given 2 weeks to reply. Due to the GBC affidavit being submitted > late, the next court hearing to hear their affidavit-in-opposition and our > reply to this, will be on June 12th. The court case is an evidence enough to see what kind of politics IRG people are doing, why you are so attached to your positions, that you are willing to do anything to remain the big boss. Please consider that this will not bring you to the spiritual platform. > In an unprecedented move, the GBC reply rather than tackle our arguments > and evidences head on, have instead gone for appeals to historical > tradition and relied on the help of the Gaudiya Matha. They have presented > as one of their main pieces of evidence, a letter which they have managed > to get signed by all 20 or so odd Gaudiya Matha missions currently > existing in West Bengal. The Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya tradition is not material I hope this you can understand. We are all belonging to the Gaudiya Sarasvata line, we may have small differences, but nowbody would in Gaudiya Math think to do such crazy things as the Rtvikism. It requires a brain of KK-Desai to speculate out something like that. The signers are practising vaisnavas who follow the Gaudiya vaisnava traditions as living diksa line, so this shows that this is an established tattva exepted without doubts. Don't try to save yourself with politics! >Such cosy co-operation makes a mockery of the GBC >attempts to portray the IRG as simply being another 'camp' along with the >Gaudiya Matha, that is attacking ISKCON. Rather as this action has shown, >it is clear that there are only 2 'camps' - the 'Prabhupada is the acarya' >camp of the IRG, and the 'Prabhupada substitute' camp headed by the GBC, >Gaudiya Matha, and dozens of many other mayavadi and Hindu groups. This is so absurd that can not be taken even as a joke. You are calling yourself ISKCON. You forgot that your Founder Acarya is Mr. KK Desai. There are two camps: 1. The followers of the sastras, who are followers of Srila Prabhupada's instructions as he tought them- Prabhupada-anugas 2. The bewildered people who speculate- Krishnakant-anugas such as yourself. Even the Hindu groups who in the eyes of proper vaisnava siddhanta have diviated, and the mayavadis follow the living diksa line, so here we are. We can see te value of your apasampradaya- you are not even following what the mayavadis follow! What more to say! You don't exept sastras, can you publicly explain if you really belive at least in Lord Krsna, the compiler of the sastras. >It demonstrates that the GBC's so-called opposition to the Gaudiya Matha >is simply is one based on competition for men and money, but when it comes >to philosophy and principle, and in particular their desire to keep Srila > Prabhupada substituted with inferior 'physical body' versions, they are > two peas in the pod. I shall quote here from paragraph 10 of the GBC's > affidavit-in-opposition: No, ISKCON is protecting our teachings given by Srila Prabhupada form the different opinions of Gaudiya Math. Srila Prabhupada was that disciple who followed his guru very strictly. Your offences will have fruits, don't worry! Who is gready for position, how you want to coment on the court case. We want only to follow Srila Prabhupada since he followed the sastras we follow sastras. We follow what ever is the proper paramparic siddhanta given to us by Srila Prabhupada. We are not speculators on Srila Prabhupada's teachings. I saw you many times. I have seen that you are very greedy for power, this can be seen by everyone since you are jumping over YOUR guru and are offending him just to get a position as a "Founder Siksa Rtvik Acarya". You should first look into your heart before giving others bad names! > "The Guru Parampara tradition and system is that initiations (diksas) are > granted by a spiritual master during his natural lifetime to disciples. > After the physical departure or demise of such a guru, one of more of his > disciples in turn are authorised to give initiations to new disciples and > thus become spiritual masters. This system is authorised not only by > sastras but by all Acharyas. For example, the "gaudiya math" was > established by His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati Thakur, > but after his physical demise Tridandi B.V. Puri Goswami Maharaj, who is > an initiated disciple of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati Thakur, is at > present an initiating acharya of Sree Krishna Chaitanya Mission. This is > the standard system of Vaishnava line of Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya > mahaprabhu. In this connection, I shall rely on various certificates given > by the old and established Vaisnava Institutions, copies whereof are > collectively annexed hereto and marked with the letter "A"." > (Paragraph 10, GBC Affidavit-in-opposition) Srila Prabhupada taught us to follow the Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya sampradaya through Srila Sarasvati Thakur. So our basic teachings don't differ. The living guru diksa line is the most basic principle, it is like ABC. Everybody agrees on the ABC! > To illustrate this new level of love and co-operation, we have appended > one such letter supplied to ISKCON by the Gaudiya Matha of the late Bon > Maharaja, at the end of this posting. (All the letters are the same with > just the names of the various Gaudiya Matha personalities changed). > Please note that in presenting this evidence, the GBC are validating that > the present Gaudiya Matha are in the parampara and are following the > standard system in the vaishnava line of Lord Sri Krishna Caitanya > Mahaprabhu. Yes they are in the bona-fide Gaudiya-vaisnava-sampradaya. Yes they are following the basic teachings of disciplic succession as also any other bonafide sampradaya as Sri, Vallabha, Madhva, etc. But this doesn't mean we follow all the details of all sampradayas or other branches of our sampradaya. >That they are in effect a bona fide branch of the disciplic > succession just as ISKCON are. We would ask the readers to keep this in > mind the next time the ISKCON authorities 'warn' them to stay away from > the 'poison' of the Gaudiya Matha, and also when they ban various Gaudiya > Matha leaders from even visiting ISKCON temples for taking darshan. If every branch of our disciplic succesion would follow the proper vaisnava etiquette in relationship with each other branch(s) of the diciplic line, there would be no problem. For instance, it is a known Vaisnava etiquette that disciples of bona fide diksa gurus should not be re-initiated. Srila Prabhupada followed that principle when a disciple of Madhava Maharaja came to him for initiation. SP refused to initiate him because he was already initiated by a bona fide diksa guru. So if these basic Vaisnava etiquette are broken, then there is no other way other than to restrict association between branches of the same disciplic line. For instance, let's say my relatives ask me why I am not allowing them to come to my home and spend time. And let's say that they don't follow the principle of no relations outside of marital relations. Then I am not going to let them come to my house. Why? Because they may spoil the girl(s) in my house. That's why. But if we have a clear agreement that they will not do anything like that, then I can allow them to come to my home. Similarly, if there is some common agreement reached as to following basic Vaisnava etiquette, then it would not be a problem of associating between ISKCON and other branches of the Sarasvata Gaudiya Vaisnava associations. As long as proper Vaisnava etiquette is observed, appropriate modes of association as taught by Srila Prabhupada in teachings and example is being followed by ISKCON. For instance, ISKCON is helping out Nayan-ananda Babaji Maharaja in repairing the Champahatti temple in Nabadwip, and he also comes to take bhiksa from ISKCON and other maths. Nobody is restricting because the basic Vaisnava etiquette is being observed. That is what SP taught and that is what the GBC is following. It is a pity that a "Pandit" is unable to understand such a simple principle. >Indeed this new era of love and co-operation between ISKCON and the > >Gaudiya Matha should accelerate the mass exodus and defections from ISKCON >to the Gaudiya Matha that have taken place since the physical departure of >Srila Prabhupada. The irony is that the ISKCON propaganda has always been >that it is the 'ritviks' that are driving people to the Gaudiya Matha. You ever visited your pada on the intenet. It is ocean of vaisnava aparadhas. You are just trying to make the devotees polute with the false aligations, so that they loose faith in the gurus. Those who know that a living guru is needed will go to Gaudiya Math. So here is how you are driving them to Gaudiya Math. Very clear. > Now the truth has been revealed. ISKCON have validated the Gaudiya Matha > > as a bona fide organisation, worthy of shelter for ISKCON devotees,and one > from whom they are desperate to seek assistance for their most important > court case. You don't understand that the Gaudiya Math's following of living diksa disciplic succession is bona fide. This principle is bonafide since it is based on following the sastras. There is no point of politicizing the whole thing. > Indeed this new liberality and inclusiveness towards other groups is not > restricted to the Gaudiya Matha. This was just to show that a simple principle which everybody understands can not be undersood by IRG, must be for the reason of loosing all the pious sukrti by committing vaisnava aparadhas. So this aparadhas have to be avoided and the light will come. We are still following the strict rules of vaisnavism, no doubt about it! Again only politicizing was the tactic. > In a spirit of generosity and a sudden > new-found humility, the GBC has decided to endorse virtually every Hindu > and mayavadi group in India: "On the contrary, I respectfully submit that > what has been presented by the plaintiffs, as the Posthumous Ritvik > Doctrine is in utter contradiction with all other established Vedic, > vaishnava and Indian religious and philosophical systems and has therefore > been rejected and declared a dangerous philosophical deviation by the GBC > body." (GBC affidavit-in-opposition, paragraph 24, emphasis added) You see that this basic principles are followed by all followers of vedic sastras. As I mentioned before it is like ABC. Even when different groups may have different ideas the ABC as a esential tattva remains. What kind of path the Rtvik-illusion is following? Definetely not the vedic! > It seems after years of telling us that ISKCON was the ONLY way to > salvation, as soon as their backs against the wall, the GBC will ditch any > principles it has, in a mad struggle for survival. Excuse me, when did SP teach that ISKCON is the only way of salvation? And when did the GBC in any resolution say that? Any vaisnava line which is following the teachings of Lord Krishna and Lord Caitanya, but avoiding vaisnava aparadhas can give the shelter to a sincere devotee. Srila Prabhupada is unique since he was empowered to spread the mission all around the world following the desires and instructions of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur. GBC is as strong as ever. It is you who are fighting on the court to survive on the position and ignoring the sastras and vaisnava etiquette. >We also see how they > have justified their rejection of the IRG stance by taking guidance from > these outside groups, instead of basing it solely on the instructions of > Srila Prabhyuada, as the IRG has done. You mean Srila Prabhupada's instructions or KK Desai speculations on Srila Prabhupada's instructions? Maybe IRG should start again to read Srila Prabhupada's books! Bangalore devotees read TFO all the time, but no time for reading Bhagavad-gita. I think you forgot what is in the books, since you are not opening them. What guidance from outside groups. Again the GBC was showing that all followers of vedic taught exept this basic thing. > Of course the GBC may try and weasel out of the above embarrassing > situation by saying that they are willing to take help from anyone, no > matter how bogus they are,... This embarrassment is only in your imagination. It is just that the Rtvik-diviation is so bogus that the GBC can show that even such outside groups as mayavadis exept such basic things. They have for sure farout speculations. But your interplanetary diksa stories are just beyond words. >... simply as an expedience measure to curry favour > with the Judge. We heard the same line of argumentation to justify > portraying Srila Prabhupada as a 'hired hand' of ISKCON, who was given > pencils and paper to write his books, in the BBT case against Hamsaduta. You know what you are talking about. You just want to use anything to make politics. Now the stil of the pada is comming out. > Fortunately such unprincipled arguments did not work then, and they won't > work here either, for the courts are concerned with truth and integrity, > not expedient humbug. I don't know how much value a karmi court has, curruption and greed is everywhere in the karmi society, to ask a court for spiritual solutions is realy a another farout thing. It is just the fight for power from your side, you cannot hide your intention. > And the ambivalent and hypocritical attitude of the > GBC towards the Gaudiya Matha right up until the present day, has been > detailed with evidence in our reply, and we shall see then just how > seriously the judge will take ISKCON's offering evidence from the Gaudiya > Matha. > Your servant What service are you offering? You are in an illusion. Where is the hypocrisy towards the Gaudiya Matha? What are you talking of? Simply trying to politicise things won't work. Satyam eva jayate. > (Please look out for more court updates, as and when we can supply the > information) We will rather read some Srila Prabhupada's books. Since you seem to be concerned with your position and creating humbug and not with the KC activities you may find satisfation. But don't count on us! > -------- The letter > Sree Sree Gaur Gadadharaya Namah > Founder-Acharya : Tridandi Swami Srimad Rasananda Bon Maharaj > > Sree Sree Gaur Gadadhara Ashram > Sree Mayapur, P.O. - Sree Mayapur, Dist. : Nadia, > Pin - 741313 > > To Whom It May Concern > > The Sree Sree Gaur Gadadhar Ashram is a member of the > Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya-Saraswata Vaisnava Disciplic Succession also known > as Guru-Parampara. We are coming in the disciplic line of Lord Sri Krishna > Caitanya Mahaprabhu. So they are following the teachings of Lord Krishna and Lord Caitanya. > It is our Guru Parampara tradition and system that initiations (diksas) > are granted by a spiritual master during his natural lifetime to > disciples. After the physical departure or demise of the spiritual master > one or more of his disciples in turn are then authorized to give > initiations to new disciples and thus become spiritual masters. This is > the system authorized by sastra and our previous Acharyas. For example, > the Gaudiya matha was established by by His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti > Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada. In our institution the founder is > Sri Srimad Rasananda Bon Maharaj who is an initiated disciple of Om > Visnupada Srila Bhakti Hriday Bon Maharaj. Sri Srimad Rasananda Bon > Maharaj is the initiating Acharya on behalf of our institution. This is > the standard system of our spiritual line. I think nothing new, whoever read Srila Prabhupada's books and didn't waste time with TFO will see that this is what everybody follows, exept of MR. De(mon)sai. > There is no precedence of any other system and particularly no system > whereby a guru continues to accept disciples by accepting them after his > physical demise through a ritvik representative. This system doesn't exist > in our Disciplic Succession. The whole concept of disciplic succession is > that one generation of disciples succeed the previous generation of > disciples and in this way perpetually keep the disciplic succession > current. They are saying, Srila Prabhupada in his books, previous acaryas and the sastras. So this is a statement following guru, sadhu and sastra, so must be exepted. > Our institution doesn't agree to any system whereby a former spiritual > master is said to be the diksa guru (initiating spiritual master) of a > disciple except those disciples who are initiated during the physical > presence of the spiritual master in the manner approved by him. Were you will find anyone who agrees with you? This letter shows the basic Gaudiya vaisnava principle! > Yours truly, > > (Sign of Sri Srimad Rasananda Bon Maharaj) > Sri Srimad Rasananda Bon Maharaj > Sree Sree Gaur Gadadhar Ashram, > Sridham Mayapur, Nadia, > April 5, 1999 Yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada and GBC Damana Krsna das br. 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