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Srila Prabhupadas advise about Guru tattva

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On 07 Jul 1999, Srila Dasa wrote:



> For me, the "sticky" point is that we have enshrined sectarianism and

> anachronisms of the past in the name of "keeping our focus on Srila

> Prabhupada." Srila B.R. Sridhara Maharaja nailed the problem on the head

many years ago in "Sri Guru and His Grace" when we termed what was going on in

ISKCON as "Society consciousness" instead of what we should be doing, Krsna




Yes, one can become 'society consciousness' as the claim has been made. But

that is not the same as feeling personally indebted to Srila Prabhupada,

feeling an eternal sense of debt and gratitude. Out of love one wishes to

share the view of his beloved spiritual preceptor. It is a personal feeling,

and not necessarily an institutional dogma as you seem to wish to paint it.



> Similarly, ISKCON stands to gain a tremendous wealth of transcendental

wisdom and Gaudiya Vaisnava culture by intimating associating with Gaudiya

Math stalwarts. This doesn't necessitate losing our identity as Prabhupada's

followers or forgeting whatever we have learned from him.



That you feel ISKCON's appreciation of Srila Prabhupada presentation as

inadequate is no secret. But I feel I can respect ISKCON's, or anyone elses

personal decision, to follow Srila Prabhupada, or whoever for that matter,

according to their personal conviction based on general Vaisnava principles.

That certain devotees labeled 'ISKCON' don't agree with you seems almost the

real sticky point.


A particular big brother posture is what I find wearing thin -- 'I think you

think incorrectly, so better that you think like me!' There is a difference

from stating one's opinion like a respectable gentleman with a mood of

brahminical detachment and respect for the free will of the individual, and

behaving like a self-possessed evangalist.



> Sthita Prabhu's apprehension about the Gaudiya Math is therefore a *red

> herring* -- an excuse that distracts us from the issues we urgently need to





Yes, I'm a red herring advocate! Boy you've got me pegged!


But still, while the Gaudiya's are entitled to see and follow as they find

themselves inspired within the general principles of Vaisnavism, there seems

to me to be certain Gaudiya enthusists who find themselves wholly uncabable to

extend that minimal curtousy to us poor ISKCONites who find ourselves hardly

enthused by their perspectives on Prabhupada and his teachings. Such is life

in the big sea of devotional service for us little herrings.



> FACTS: Over the years, most devotees, Prabhupada disciples and

grand-disciples included, have lost faith in the leaders of ISKCON as

spiritual authorities.



Loss of faith is due to many reasons. When someone left, Prabhupada said 50%

of the responsibility is placed on the management, which suggests the other

50% lies elsewhere. We should offer our faith according to the degree that

particular leaders inspire us based on guru, sadhu, and sastra.




> And it goes without saying that the vast majority of Prabhupada's disciples

have little faith in ISKCON's leadership as a vital spiritual force.


> ISKCON needs a spiritual shot in the arm, and it is not going to come from

the GBC -- or Bhakta Joe or Bhaktin Mary.




While that may be true, fortunately Krsna has sent our good friend Srila

Prabhu to re-enliven us!


I am happy that those who seem to need to feel infallibly righteous about

their KC can now find a sense of shelter in certain Gaudiya camps. Yes, Krsna

takes care of us all.



> Let's get real. It's time to go back to our roots (something most of us

generally do in midlife) and recognize our greater Vaisnava family from which

ISKCON originally came and where we derive our strength. Let's graft the

ISKCON branch back onto the Gaudiya tree before it falls away completely (what

with rtvikvada, soft rtviik, sadhu-ninda, etc.)




First, who are you to say that Prabhupada's institution is somehow ungrafted

from the Gaudiya succession. Sounds a bit obnoxiously bold to me. Might even

be offensive. Naw, couldn't be, NM's name wasn't mentioned in the same



Yes, ISKCON has plenty of difficulties. While your proposal may have value to

some, some may feel that that for us to think otherwise inspires a near tirade

of patronizing condemnation from your good self. May God help us if such a

mentality once again becomes prominent amongst ISKCON's leadership.





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