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Srila Prabhupadas advise about Guru tattva

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Srila das wrote:



> Similarly, ISKCON stands to gain a tremendous wealth of transcendental

> wisdom and Gaudiya Vaisnava culture by intimating associating with Gaudiya

> Math stalwarts. This doesn't necessitate losing our identity as

> Prabhupada's followers or forgeting whatever we have learned from him.



You started this letter of yours with "For me, the "sticky" point

is..." So, yes, be it so. Let's disclose our "sticky" points

as we see it.


One "sticky" point here is going to be disclosed by your own

good self, closer we aproach the end of your letter.


You are taking us from the point of "What's wrong with associating

intimately with Gaudiya Math acaryas, we can only gain". Well,

an innocent introduction. But rather quickly you will be instructing

us all how ISCKON is fallen and the "associating" is the must, the

question of to be or not to be. And finally, the "sticky" point

itself: It is not going merely for "We'll not lose our identity as

Prabhupada's followers". It is going for **not recognizing** Srila

Prabhupada as the source of the vital spiritual strength for his

disciples and the entire ISCKON. "We will not forget what we have

learned from him" is all what is left from, basically. But where

the vital spiritual strength is to come from ...? Srila das has

placed this question before us, he tells us where it is not to be

expected from, and finally he will tell us where to look for it.





> FACTS: Over the years, most devotees, Prabhupada disciples and

> grand-disciples included, have lost faith in the leaders of ISKCON as

> spiritual authorities.


Thus it can be concluded that ISCKON is failing. But Gaudiya Maths

not, obviously. Therefore we got to turn to Gaudiya Math.

(this was quick turn over from the "positive" impulse to the "negative"

one regarding why we got to approach GM acaryas)




> EVIDENCE: The hundreds and tens of thousands of disciples of Bhagavan,

> Bhavananda, Ramesvara, Kirtanananda, Jagadisa, Hansadutta, etc and now

> Harikesa have become orphans, suffering massive losses in faith and many

> of them leaving devotional service /ISKCON as a direct consequence. Over

> the years, these devotees have comprised the major part of ISKCON's active

> members.


Just the same can be said for the disciples of Srila Prabhupada.

Look around yourself and see how many of the initiated Prabhupada's

disciples are still ISCKON's active members, or active in practicing

spiritual life at al. Now, the question is WHY did they lose the faith

in their Spiritual Master? Their Guru Maharaja did not fall down.




> Furthermore, we know that many senior disciples of gurus WHO ARE NOT (yet)

> considered "FALLEN" are losing faith that their gurus are competent enough

> to lead them across the ocean of material existence.


Now, this is a highly hypothetical statement that can't be evidenced.


Actually, it is a tricky way for Srila to instruct us "ISCKON

gurus are incompetent and FALLEN (though not all see it so clearly

like me, yet)", and then get away with it without being called for



Anybody can say just anything on the way that Srila das is saying.

But it is going simply for a form that the person's mind (here,

Srila's) is enveloped in.




> And it goes without saying that the vast majority of Prabhupada's

> disciples have little faith in ISKCON's leadership as a vital spiritual

> force.


Where is that "the vast majority of Prabhupada's disciples" anyway?

What happened? Where is their vital spiritual force supposed

to be coming from? How about their Spiritual Master? Got none?


Thus the "sticky" point is getting more obvious. WHO is that one

that Prabhupada's disciples got to have faith in as their source

of a VITAL spiritual force?? The trick (again) here is that Srila

das has created a straw-man source of that vital spiritual energy

for Prabhupada's disciples (the GBC, bhakta Joe, and bhaktin Mary).

Then he defeats it so soundly and happily. And after that, naturally

is he gonna disclose to us where they got to turn for it. But don't

hold your breath -- it's not going to be Srila Prabhupada.




> ISKCON needs a spiritual shot in the arm, and it is not going to come from

> the GBC -- or Bhakta Joe or Bhaktin Mary.


No, sure enough. The straw-man is defeated. A clean job. Not

even a drop of blood on the floor (straw-men don't bleed).




> Let's get real. It's time to go back to our roots (something most of us

> generally do in midlife) and recognize our greater Vaisnava family from

> which ISKCON originally came and where we derive our strength.


Finally! Srila das is getting real. Forget Srila Prabhupada as our

roots and the source of a vital spiritual energy for his disciples

and followers. You know, we gonna still not forget him and that what

he taught us, but "let's get real" here, folks ...



> Let's graft

> the ISKCON branch back onto the Gaudiya tree before it falls away

> completely (what with rtvikvada, soft rtviik, sadhu-ninda, etc.)



There is a common nominator for both proponents of rtvikvada and

the proponents of Narayana Maharaja. Besides that both parties

claim how the solution of ISCKON's problems is in their "hands",

more significantly, there is the same sad underground base

that they both build their doctrine on. That is:


"Srila Prabhupada failed."


He failed to produce a single qualified pure devotee capable

of giving the sufficient and required spiritual inspiration to

the rest of ISCKON "orphans". He failed of leaving behind himself

qualified disciples capable of carrying on the mission. Thus the

rtviks say "Therefore rtvik" and the others say "Therefore Narayana






- mnd

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