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Srila Prabhupadas advise about Guru tattva

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> >

> > Srilaji an ISKCON leader? He's a GM leader!!!!

> >

> > ys

> >

> > ada



> Srilaji seems to wish to mold ISKCON leadership in his own

> image! Must be an example of another one of those intimate

> higher rasas that escape the good reason of us poor neophytes

> hanging in there with Prabhupada's movement.


Having taken diksa from Srila Prabhupada and then thinking that

one can get the higher raasa without remaining a co-operative

preacher in ISKCON is simply an illusion. Krishna is not going

to buy it. Krishna already arranged a perfect guru who said just

preach purely and co-operatively and you'll get EVERYTHING.


Oh ye of little faith, EVERYTHING was given to you on a plate

but you are looking elsewhere.


NM is here in UK right now and is being hosted by JK who

rejected H.H. Satsvarupa Maharaja to get the higher raaaasa from

NM. He has made a huge mistake.


Here is what sastra says about unfortunate persons who reject

their diksa guru who is in good standing:


1) upadestaram amnayagatam pariharanti ye

tan mrtan api kravyadah krtaghnan nopabhuñjate


'Even the vultures will not eat the corpses of those

ungrateful persons who abandon the guru coming in

disciplic succession as is ordained by scripture.'

HBV 4.363, quoted from Brahmavaivarta Purana



"Lord Hari rejects anyone who rejects his spiritual

master. A person who rejects his spiritual master

becomes wicked. His knowledge becomes covered with

dirt." (Bhakti-sandarbha, Anuccheda 207, quoted from

Brahmavaivarta Purana)


The horrible destiny awating JK after his flash honeymoon with

his new spiritual guide is written above, loud and clear.


And what kind of bona-fide guru would initiate a disciple of

another guru in good standing? The more I look at NM the more I

want to stay in ISKCON. He says no Kalki avatara in this Kali

yuga whereas Srila Prabhupada and Srila Prabhupada say Kalki

will definitely come!!! I know who I'm going to believe.


Srilaji, you can't serve two masters. OK OK I know you're going

to tell me how much we can learn from the Gaudiya tradition. And

I'm not opposed to increasing and reinforcing what Srila

Prabhupada gave us wherever it might come from. But if for such

a measley little learning I have to swallow so many huge warts

that come along with it then I'd rather be a little more

ignorant but loyal to Srila Prabhupada who has given us a

'complete' formula gauranteed to take us back to Godhead.


Keep it simple. Prabhupada packaged it simple: Preach purely in

ISKCON till you die and Gokula next birth is gauranteed. Why

gamble with anything else? Is it not a gamble to seek rasa from

another source at the risk of displeasing Srila Prabhupada? If

Srila Prabhupada is displeased one will never ever get rasa, no

matter what!! Just preach purely in ISKCON till you die and

you've made it. It is guaranteed. And then you'll get all the

rasa you want, and more. Sraddha, faith.





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> How about considering the possibility that devotees are leaving ISKCON for

> some very good reasons, such as maltreatment, cheating, lying, lack of

> support etc. ISKCON does not have a good track record of caring for

> devotees.


Anybody can leave as he/she wishes it. That is something we can

understand. But I don't think this is being the issue here.



> Once someone has been "courted" into joining, the tone often

> changes from one of encouragement to one of intolerance, criticism and

> judging. If we took better care of each other, I don't think devotees

> would be so eager to look elsewhere for Vaisnava association. Most

> ex-ISKCON devotees with whom I've talked, were not initially attracted to

> either ritvik philosophy or to Narayan Maharaja.



The issue is that a personal choice of leaving ISCKON and joining

any of other "camps" is being politicized up to the extent of

condemning everybody else who does not do as "supposed". What you

got here is different fractions claiming to be the "rays of sun" on

the dark horizon of ISCKON. All are simply struggling over taking

the rains of ISCKON into their hands. What this has to do with

"leaving" ISCKON?



> They were just escaping a

> painful environment and those groups were there with open arms. Because

> they were treated better in these other camps, the attraction developed

> later.



That is nothing to blame anybody for. If Srila prabhu is one of

these that you are describing here (an escapist from bad treatment),

then let it be so, ad let it be known then. We are all able to

understand. But why make a dogma out of it?



> If we want to lay blame, I suggest we don't just point fingers, but that

> we simultaneously take one hard look in the mirror.


This is to be suggested to all, when it comes to blaming. What

we have here is basically the blame of entire ISCKON as a dry

field, no good association, no sincere devotee left, all falling

down... Gurus bogus. Leadership bogus and incapable. No spiritual

strength. Prabhupada gone somewhere (he is not LIVING guru anymore).

No source of a vital spiritual strength there. Blackblackblack.


Still, you might notice that none said a "peep" regarding those

who found their reasons to "escape". The fingers were pointed on

something else.




- mnd

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