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CHAKRA Ritvik debate summary

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Dear Maharajas and Prabhus,



Below is the CHAKRA ritvik debate summary. Please keep voting on

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Hare Krishna!!










Who are the judges anyway? Who will judge what Srila Prabhupada

intended for ISKCON post-samadhi initiations? The judges with

whom both debaters ÔagreeÕ are guru, sadhu, and sastra!! And

since both arguments are mutually exclusive only one can be

right. So who is wrong?


Our judgesÕ position of ultimate authority is confirmed by our

pre-eminent siksa-guru Srila Prabhupada in Caitanya-caritamrita

Madhya 20.352 purport as follows:


"Srila Narottama dasa Thakura says, sadhu-sastra-guru-

vakya, cittete kariya aikya. One should accept a thing as

genuine by studying the words of saintly people, the

spiritual master and the sastra. The actual centre is the

sastra, the revealed scripture. If a spiritual master

does not speak according to the revealed scripture, he is

not to be accepted. Similarly, if a saintly person does

not speak according to the sastra, he is not a saintly

person. The sastra is the centre for all."


So on that basis our supreme judges gave either their ÔsupportÕ

or ÔfalsificationÕ of both post-samadhi initiation arguments,

which are as follows:


1. (NPD) is a Ônew posthumous diksaÕ system argued by the

ritvik people, a completely new idea which would

entail initiates supposedly becoming direct diksa

disciples of Srila Prabhupada in his physical absence

by way of an unauthorised ritvik ceremony.


2. (TRG) is the Ôtraditional regular guruÕ system being

practised somewhat successfully by eighty or so gurus

in ISKCON, defined in sastra as an unbroken Vaisnava

tradition or the law of disciplic succession, a

timeless law which authorises a sufficiently qualified

disciple to accept his own disciples without

restriction after his guruÕs physical departure.



The conclusive test conducted by our

esteemed judges Guru, Sadhu, and Sastra


NPD idea


Guru Sadhu Sastra

/ \ / \ / \

Support False Support False Support False

| | | | | |

none yes none yes none yes

| | |

Evidence 1 Evidence 2 Evidence 3



TRG parampara


Guru Sadhu Sastra

/ \ / \ / \

Support False Support False Support False

| | | | | |

none yes none yes none yes

| | |

Evidence 1 Evidence 2 Evidence 3




The Judges scored: NPD zero out of 100

TRG 100 out of 100


GURU SB 7.7.30-31 purport; Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu

Evidence 1 1.2.74-75; Los Angeles lecture, 18 May 1972; BG

4-34; Srila Prabhupada 2 December Õ75; (Srila

Prabhupada 2 Nov Õ67; Srila Prabhupada 25 Jan

Õ69; Srila Prabhupada Mayapura 1976; Srila

Prabhupada 2 Dec Õ75; Srila Prabhupada 18 July

Õ71; Srila Prabhupada 28 May Õ77; Srimad

Bhagavatam 2.9.7 purport; and so on.



SADHU Satoh vriteh: Rupa Goswami instructs in

Evidence 2 Updesamrita that we MUST follow in the footsteps

of the previous acaryas, and therefore everyone

must take initiation from a living diksa-guru.

This evidence from our topmost SADHU Rupa Goswami

is irrefutable proof from our judge ÔsadhuÕ.


Bhakti Ratnakara 14.190-191; SB 7.7.30-31

purport; C.C. Antya 2.96; Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu

1.2.74-75; Los Angeles lecture, 18 May 1972; BG

4-34; SP 2 December Õ75; SP lect 2 Nov Õ67; SP

lect 25 Jan Õ69; Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.3.21p; SP

Mayapura 1976; SPL to Hamsadutta, 3rd December,

1968; SPL to Kirtanananda, 12th January, 1968;

SPL to Kirtanananda, 25th January, 1969; SP lect

2 Dec Õ75; SP 18 July Õ71; SP London, 22nd

August, 1973; SP Lilamrta VI, page 167; SP letter

to Tusta Krishna, Dec. 2, '75; SP 28 lect May

Õ77; Srimad Bhagavatam 2.9.7 purport; SP Conv.

July 18, 1971; SP New York, 26 April, 1968; SP

lect, August 14th 1966; and there is much more.



SASTRA Teachings of Lord Caitanya: Historical evidence

Evidence 3 or tradition is called aitihya. The historical

evidence we find in sastra and in own line of

disciplic succession is that every acarya in

our line took diksa from a living guru. Diksa has

never been taken posthumously in our line. This

evidence from histories given in sastra is a rock

solid example that cannot be broken even by Srila

Prabhupada or any other guru and is sufficient

evidence in itself to prove the TRG case.


Caitanya-caritamrita Madhya 20.352


Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu 1.2.39 sruti-smriti-

puranadi-pancaratriki-vidhis vina... Anything

which is not supported by sruti-smriti then it is

simply a disturbance in society.


The nature of the evidence found in the Ôunbroken

Vaisnava traditionÕ of Ôtaking diksa from a

living guruÕ is equal in its unchangeableness to

the principle that Krishna is the Supreme

Personality of Godhead. The proof of this

statement is the example of Lord Krishna and Lord

Caitanya Who both needlessly took diksa from a

living guru to teach us by example. This example

from sastra is irrefutable. Only a mayavada would

dare to challenge this.


Thus our three judges unanimously rejected NPD and approved TRG.


Unfortunately the ritvik people have clearly demonstrated that

they will reject ANY decision that disagrees with their fixated

NPD idea, even if their idea places Srila Prabhupada in a bogus

position of breaking the law of disciplic succession, even if it

means adopting rebellious civil and legal action which was

strictly forbidden by Srila Prabhupada, and even if it means

undermining the authority of our esteemed judges guru (Srila

Prabhupada), sadhu (Rupa Goswami etc.), and sastra (SB, BG, C.C.

and so on). Thus the RitviksÕ position is indefensible and most



In view of all that we must ask ourselves: Would genuine seers

of the truth adopt such rebellious civil and legal action which

was strictly forbidden by Srila Prabhupada or would they choose

the honest gentlemanly path of proving themselves independently?


AdridharanÕs defence of his NPD idea in this debate contains

over 100 deviations. Here IÕll present a few of the most



1. Head in the sand philosophy.


I said: "You argue that Srila Prabhupada was so powerful as

a guru, sadhu, and Founder Acarya that he could

change a major principle of Vedic philosophy that was

firmly upheld even by Lord Krishna Himself!"


Adri said: "We have never argued this. We challenge you

to show where we have."


Adri bravely denies that he never argued Srila Prabhupada wanted

to change a major principle like the law of disciplic

succession, but if the ÔresultÕ of his NPD idea clearly breaks

that law then how can he irresponsibly disown the illegitimate

consequences? This is head in the sand philosophy.


Unfortunately the limit of this summary was restricted to 1,000

words and so the expanded explanations of the following have

been withheld. (Look for them on CHAKRA at a later date.)


2. A rebounding absurdity

3. Illegitimately hijacking the onus of proof.

4. Scepticism for Vaisnava tradition's own adjudication process

5. Legalistically ÔmonopolisingÕ acceptable evidence

6. Confusion about parameters of legitimate/relevant evidence

7. Dodging the Vaisnava rationale of guru, sadhu, and sastra

8. Ritvikism is infested with guru and Vaisnava aparadha

9. Dishonestly arguing for argumentÕs sake

10. Chewing the chewed

11. Absurdity upon absurdity

12. A self-refuting argument

13. Agreeing out of confusion

14. Foolish logic

15. Ritvikism is mayavada


The list goes on and up past 100 such errors.


No matter how many mistakes the GBC has made, is making or

makes in the future; no matter how many gurus have fallen down,

are falling now or will fall in the future; no matter what other

issues may come to pass, none of it gives actual meaning to, nor

establishes as a viable true option a concocted posthumous

ritvik initiation system that is rejected by VaisnavismÕs own

adjudication process of guru, sadhu, and sastra.


Consume ritvikism at your own peril!!!


Your servant


Ajamila Dasa Adhikari

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