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Interpretation is ALSO at the heart of the POISON controversy.

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>I saw two evil living entities, their face actually have like a

> greenish colour,full of envy, dress as vaisnavas with a

> beautiful PRABHUPADAS picture and a big letter head I WAS

> POISON, my heart stop, my body froze, I was ready to jump and

> stop that horrible scene, when a group of gurukulis jump ahead

> and destroy the evil writing and held SRILA PRABHUPADAS

> picture high in the sky and every body around cheer HARI

> BOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the festival went on with the

> beautiful feeling in my heart,


Regarding the poison issue, here is a copy of a letter we are

sending out to our members who have received the poison books.

We find that in nearly all cases our communication saves our

members and devotees from 'being poisoned'.








> Dear Patron/Life Member,


> Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila

> Prabhupada.


> Enclosed are papers with statements verifying that the book

> you received about Srila PrabhupadaÕs physical departure

> contains nonsensical, unproven accusations and is subsequently

> unauthorised by ISKCON.


> It is most unfortunate that these things happen but we should

> not be surprised since this is the age of Kali, the age of

> hypocrisy and quarrel. 5,000 years ago Ð even in the presence

> of Lord Krishna -- quarrel entered the most famous Kuru

> dynasty and caused an unprecedented war. 500 years ago quarrel

> entered and caused three of Advaita AcaryaÕs six sons to

> falldown from the path (Advaita Acarya, Who beckoned Lord

> Caitanya to initiate the sankirtan movement for this age, was

> an incarnation of Maha Visnu). And now the same Ôquarrel

> influenceÕ of the Kali-yuga is being thrown at ISKCON. So we

> should not be surprised.


> Just as Kali entered the bodies of some Kurus to cause

> quarrel, and just as Kali entered the bodies of the three sons

> of Advaita Acarya to cause quarrel, today Kali has entered the

> bodies of a few expelled ISKCON devotees to cause quarrel.


> You may have heard of the bogus ritvik idea of taking

> initiation from Srila Prabhupada after his departure. Around

> 12 years ago in USA, attracted by the illicit activities of a

> few devotees who had been expelled from ISKCON, the

> personality of Kali implanted the bogus ritvik idea in the

> minds of those unfortunate devotees. Since then much quarrel

> about this issue has surrounded and disrupted ISKCON. But

> nowadays the ritvik idea is being almost unanimously rejected

> by ISKCONÕs approximately 100,000 members and congregation

> worldwide. This rejection is based on the fact that ISKCON has

> proved irrefutably that the bogus ritvik idea of initiation

> has no basis whatsoever in guru, sadhu, and sastra upon which

> everything rests in Vaisnavism.


> The bogus ritvik idea -- which has never been heard of before

> in Vaisnava history, since it is a new age concoction -- was

> originally facilitated by a devotee named Nityananda dasa who

> was expelled from ISKCON. He was expelled nearly twenty years

> ago because he wanted to practise polygamy in ISKCON (he

> wanted to have three or four wives), even though Srila

> Prabhupada specifically concluded that polygamy should never

> be allowed in ISKCON. From the time of his expulsion

> Nityananda has been on an ISKCON revenge attack ever since.

> First he challenged the GBC with ritvikism and subsequently

> failed. Now he is attacking ISKCON and the GBC again with a

> very sick accusation: He is accusing Srila PrabhupadaÕs

> closest disciples of murdering him with poison.


> You should know that this unfortunate soul, Nityananda dasa is

> in the worst possible maya, illusion -- blaspheming pure

> devotees of Lord Krishna. Nityananda is being used by Kali to

> create quarrel among the ISKCON Vaisnavas. The counter

> evidence provided herein proves that the whole poison

> accusation by Nityananda is nothing but a personal revenge

> attack against ISKCON and some GBC leaders simply because

> ISKCON would not allow him to have three or four wives and be

> in ISKCON. And so he was rightfully expelled according to

> Srila PrabhupadaÕs specific instructions.


> We regret having to inform you of this unpleasant issue but in

> this Kali-yuga, the age of hypocrisy and quarrel, Kali will

> continue attacking ISKCON with some kind of quarrel. So please

> donÕt get discouraged. If you require any further explanation

> on this matter please contact us and we will explain this

> issue to you in more detail. We are here to help you in your

> spiritual life. Please do not get misled by KaliÕs quarrel

> devices.


> We hope this meets you and your family well and in the best of

> spiritual health.

> Hare Krishna!!!


> Your servants in Srila PrabhupadaÕs mission




> Ajamila Dasa Adhikari

> (Tel. 01923-255108)




> Raman dasa

> (Tel. 0181- 5735728)


> N.B. This letter has been approved by the Bhaktivedanta Manor

> Temple President H.H. Vipramukhya Swami.


N.B. We are retrieving as many poison books as possible so that

we can burn them all to a cinder and send the ashes along with

photographs of the burning books back to the envious Nityananda.


This sends a clear message of 'no telernace' of Vaisnava

aparadha to the envious Nityananda.


And you might also like to know that in the not too distant

future a book completely proving that all Nityananda's poison

evidence was 'FALSIFIED' will be published and widely



We should learn from this ritvik and poison nonsense that the

personality of Kali is trying to destroy ISKCON fron within and

that the only way to keep him out is to uncompromisingly uphold

the standards that Srila Prabhpada gave us.


Hope you are well. Hare Krishna!!!





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