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The hell called - Gurukula

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Dear Godbrother:

Please accept my humble obeisances. all the glories to Srila



Thank you very much for your letter, you are so true with your reflexion.

I fully agree with you in the message to the Gurukulis, but I see that if

we want back those kids, ISKCON authorities have to do something beside the

children. is not just to say sue those ones who abuse, ISKCON HAVE TO DO IT


ISKCON must fire them out!!! and then Gurukulis will feel that ISKCON

is acting properly, fireing out all those demons with dhotis & tilak. We

cann't leave the work for them, we are a family, Srila Prabhupada taught us

this, if someone will abuse my kids I myself will go out to do something, I

will be wrong if I just will say my son, You go and do it! I should be

beside him, then my son will trust me. no other way.


your servant, Sridhari devi dasi

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Dear Premananda Gaura Prabhu,


please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Thank you for your letter. I feel very sorry for what happenend to you in

your childhood. Due to my service I am taking care of those devotees who

got molested before they joined KC and I may able to understand a little bit

what traumatic situations you have gone through.


Although these devotees took shelter in a spiritual society they still

suffer under the past traumatic memories.


When I read the beginning of your letter I felt quite sad and sorry, but

honestly spoken by the rest I got really angry. Please understand my

intension when I respond to it like the following:


> So when my father find out, after few years we return to my country I bet

> if it was America I will have fund a hungry sick lawyer that will brain

> wash me to sue my own father, was my father guilty??were my older sister

> guilty keeping the silence wile this hell was going on??is KRSNA

> guilty???


First of all I think that there is a difference between you and Raghunath.

He and *hundreds* of other kids got molested in a *spiritual* society. He

doesn't sue his mother, he doesn't sue his father and he doesn't sue Krsna

nor Srila Prabhupada. He sues our society and I find it more than correct. I

feel guilty too, since when I joined this movement 15 years ago I already

heard through the grape vine that molesting was going on in different

gurukulas. Did I inform myself? No. All what I decided was to send my

children in a private "karmi" school.


> NO wherever happen to me happen because of my karma,


I think that Raghunath knows everything about Karma and he accepted it

for himself. But that was not his point. Since he is a friend of mine I know

that he is not interested in revenge. He wants justice. It is already a

shame that he himself (as a victim) has to fight for it. Protection should

come from a society and this means since we have a hirarchy it has to come

from the GBC too.


More than ten to 15 years the abuses are already known but nothing happened.

Still we have to pay obeisances to 'HIS HOLINESS', abusers who are still in

sannyas dresses, or people who were tolerating the abuses, who closed their

eyes for years are still sitting in the GBC meetings or.... when an ex-zonal

Archarya guru who molested boys was heartly welcomed with a big kirtan in

Mayapur 2 years ago, or.... a abuser who molested a boy so long that he got

a back problem just got the service (since he professionaly can deal with

the government) to be the head of a court against the Rtviks.... Believe me,

there are hundreds of other stories more...


Who is sentimental here ?? Isn't it like a slap in the face ??


Instead of giving the ex-gurukulis bad feelings or treathen them if ISKCON

fails you should stand up and fight for them. Make also the GBC understand

that they finally have to clean up in their own rangs.


Y.s. Hariballabha dd

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