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See, now didn't I tell you that as soon as the rtvik issue settled a bit we'd

have something new to worry about? We'll never have to worry about never

having something to worry over -- by Krsna's grace!







On 17 Nov 1999, Bhadra Balaram wrote:


> Of all the texts that I read on this topic till now, this is the only one

> that convinces me of its credibility.


> I am sorry that more and more devotees are becoming instruments in the hands

> of kaliyuga thus helping him create disturbance in otherwise the most

> wonderful devotee community on earth that I have heard of. Hare Krishna!


> Oh Krishna! Please help us!


> ys, bb






















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At 08:25 PM 11/17/99 -0500, Sita Devi Dasi wrote:

>[Text 2787528 from COM]

>Prabhu, you are an English teacher. Do you feel that Pranada's sentence is

>an example of well-constructed writing?


Actually, yes. It is grammatically correct, uses the active voice, and its

meaning is clear. What faults did you have in mind?


>If the WM is genuinely concerned with examples set by Prabhupada in India,

>then why do they want to change what he established as a standard in

>Vrindavana? Can't the women wait their turn and then see the deities at the

>front of the altar after the sannyasis and men?


I'm afraid that I can't answer that question, since I'm not a member of the

Women's Ministry? You would do better to ask them.



>Yes, let's sit down and chant Hare Krsna together. And let's all study

>Prabhupada's books and worship him as well. And when we do these things,

>and gain a little faith in and understanding of the philosophy, how can we

>conceive to utter statements such as Dhyanakunda saying she has "a big

>problem trusting persons" (like Prabhupada) "who label others so easily and

>so unpredictably" or what "bothers" her "is that Srila Prabhupada is always

>so sure of himself". And how can we tolerate it when others say such things?


I'm hoping that if we were really to do this with the proper attiude

(trinad api sunicena . . .), we'd find we have no time for any of this

self-righteous bickering and name-calling. Too often the main concern of

these discussions is a particular interlocutor's insistence that his or her

vision of what Srila Prabhupada said or did is right, and that any vision

more than 2 or 3 degrees different is demoniac. This simply indicates that

the gate has been left ajar for Kali to slip in. Srila Prabhupada wants us

to maintain unity in diversity. But we seem to kow better. I haven't had a

chance to read Dhyanakunda's comments except as presented in Jivan-mukta's

posting. I'm not sure what she said in its entirety, nor do I have a

context for what she said. So it sould be foolish for me to say very much

about it. I also don't know what I could do about it, even if everything

you imply were true. Do you have a plan for helping her grapple honestly

with any misgivings she might have, and do you have the sort of

confidential relationship with her that would facilitate enacting such a plan?


I am contentious enough by nature to get a kick out of arguing both with

you and your (perceived) adversaries endlessly, but between my jobs and my

sadhana, I have too much to do.


Yours in Srila Prabhupada's service,

Babhru das

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In a message dated 11/17/99 3:53:40 PM Central Standard Time,

Babhru.ACBSP (AT) bbt (DOT) se writes:


<< Perhaps we should all put our computers away and get together for

congregational chanting of the holy names of Krishna, the only way to

overcome Kali's influence.


But we may end up arguing about how the kirtan should be done.

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> And when we do these things,

> and gain a little faith in and understanding of the philosophy, how can we

> conceive to utter statements such as Dhyanakunda saying she has "a big

> problem trusting persons" (like Prabhupada) "who label others so easily

> and so unpredictably" or what "bothers" her "is that Srila Prabhupada is

> always so sure of himself". And how can we tolerate it when others say

> such things?


one must not tolerate such nonsense.


again, i am afraid to comment more on this without seeing the original text

by dkdd but if what is said above is true, even in part, then let me say

it's a plain nonsense coming from a non-devotional, kali-influenced,

agitated mind. The writer needs to immediately give up all other activities

and surrnder to chanting his/her minimum 16 rounds. It will surely help.


Let me proudly say I love to see how Srila Prabhupada was so sure of

himself! It was simply natural for a senapati bhakta of lord Sri Chaitanya

Mahaprabhu. Non devotees feel envious of such an exaulted personality. They

can't even take when Lord Krishna says "bhoktaham yajya tapasam sarvaloka

mahesvaram". Does it make any change in the reality?


ys, bb

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