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GHQ: all misogynists?

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Anantarupa wrote:

>but I have to admit that, in my mind, some of the statements made by GHQ

about >various Vaishnava women don´t sound very respectful at all. In fact,

some of them >could be bordering on mysoginy.

>I am thinking here of terms like "prostitute, whore or shameless madwoman"

which >have been hurled at female devotees because they took up some

managerial >responsibility or became vocal about the emotional or physical

needs of other women. >Senior matajis like Vishakha Dasi, Malati Dasi,

Jyotirmayi Dasi, Pranada Dasi and >other members of the women´s ministry

have been painted in very dark colours.


Your concerns are valid, I agree. Perhaps then Madhava Gosh Prabhu should

conduct an indepth investigation by studying the exact texts, interviewing

the authors, perhaps getting a recommendation from the GBC that the authors

submit to psychoanalysis. But as far as I am concerned, most/all of the GHQ

members were/are much more concerned for the welfare of ISKCON and society

at large than they were/are to belittle or blaspheme Vaisnavis.


>Now, I dont know all these women, but from the GHQ texts they come across

as >veritable demons who have to be excommunicated lest ISKCON will go to

hell. I wonder

>if these matajis who probably chant Hare Krishna and attend temple programs

just >like any other ISKCON devotee are really that dangerous, unintelligent

and misguided >as they are made out to be.


I don't consider any of them to be dangerous, although perhaps misguided,

depending upon exactly who we are speaking of. Some are known to have good

sadhana, while others are known to have no visible temple sadhana. Some are

protected by husbands in good standing, others unprotected. All are quite

materially intelligent, while some may be seriously deficient in spiritual



>"Now another thing, that girls should not be taken as inferior. You see?

>Sometimes... Of course, sometimes scripture we say that "Woman is the cause

of >bondage." So that should not be, I mean to say, aggravated. (laughs)

That should not >be aggravated, that "Woman is inferior," or something like

that. So the girls who >come, you should treat them nicely . . After all,

anyone who is coming to Krishna >consciousness, man or woman, boys or girls,

they are welcome. They are very >fortunate.

>You see. And the idea of addressing "prabhu" means "you are my master."

That is >the... Prabhu means master. And Prabhupäda means many masters who

bows down at his >lotus feet. That is Prabhupäda. So each, everyone shall

treat others as "My master." >This is the Vaisnava." (September 24, 1968



>Here you have your shastric statement about mysoginy. Prabhupada says that

someone >who continually overemphasizes points like "women are less

intelligent, women are 9 >times more lusty than men" etc. even when these

women are Vaishnavis is guilty of >disrespect.


Agree and disagree, both. First, SP laughs after saying that those points

should not be aggravated. He doesn't at all convey an attitude of grave

concern for the "fact" that he is dealing with misogynists, social

criminals. So perhaps those who are disturbed with the GHQ agenda should

also lighten up a bit, have a good chuckle, and push forward in Krsna

consciousness with fresh minds on these topics. But I agree that to

overemphasize those points could well constitute disrespect, and such

disrespect is certainly inauspicious. At the same time, the members of GHQ

consensually agree that Vaisnavis generally should not assume managerial

positions, especially temple president and GBC positions. And since that

conclusion of ours is in opposition to the current ISCKON status quo,

naturally we had to and will continue to draw out such facts from the sastra

as mentioned above, whenever necessary. But that is a different thing from

overemphasizing or aggravating. It is rather an ongoing attempt to establish

a philosophically superior understanding to the present one.


>You reacted sensitively about Madhava Ghosh´s accusation that GHQers are

mysoginists >and indicated that this might be a serious offense. Obviously

you do not want to be >called a mysoginist and I understand that. But how do

you think Malati, Vishakha and >other senior women feel when they are

constantly described as demons, whores, less >intelligent etc?


Please don't equate general points of philosophy with specific accusations

against individuals. As far as I know I have never used any of those words

in direct reference to any of our ideological opponents (i.e.

"purvapakshins"). And one should be sober enough to discriminate between

occasional unsavory remarks and steady vilification--the latter to be taken

seriously, the former to be excused. Do you agree?


>Of course one could now begin to argue whether or not the matajis named

above are >"very nice and sober as well as qualified elder women". But

please don´t. What is >the use of getting into endless verbal battles which

are often nothing more than "I >know better than you".


I also prefer to spend my time in more productive ways.


>My main point is: I respect GHQ for trying to create chaste women and I

wish them >all the best but I wonder why GHQ have to get so much on the case

of some matajis >who don´t exactly correspond to their image of ideal vedic

women. Calling them >whores, demons, shameless, lusty and unintelligent will

certainly not win them over >to your cause.


Some of those words were sometimes used, justifiably or unjustifiably.

Perhaps you should question the specific individuals who spoke in those

ways. Otherwise, I agree, and I don't know any other GHQ member who would

rather call ladies ill names than to discuss philosophy amongst like-minded



>So why not leave them alone and focus on your real agenda which is to turn

your own >daughters into chaste vedic ladies.


It must be both--because our daughters are growing up in the present social

situation. While we are teaching chastity, shyness, submission to male

authorities, etc. the purvapakshins are teaching differently, both by word

and example. It's an incompatible situation.


>By creating just one vedic woman who is ideal you can accomplish more than

by >chastising millions of those who are not.


You know the saying: "If the shoe fits wear it." We will continue to speak

the truth as we have understood it, without presuming to chastise anyone who

is not directly our subordinate. But if the shoe fits, others may wear

it--we don't mind.

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On 27 Dec 1999, Madhava Gosh wrote:


> >

> >

> > So in the absence of sastic evidence, what is your material evidence that


> > members were following the *misogynist* vani of Kirtanananda? I'm

> specifically

> > asking you to back your claim that these members are *haters of women," if

> you

> > would be so kind as to explain.

> >

> > Thank you, prabhu.

> >

> > --gkd


> And I am specifically saying that trying to explain the obvious to you would


> a

> waste of my time.


Obvious? Anyone can say "It's obvious," but that doesn't explain or prove

anything. So many things are apparently obvious to persons who maintain

specific prejudices, even when the "obvious" isn't even fact! But OK, prabhu,

it's obvious to you. We just wonder if it's also obvious to the Supreme

Personality of Godhead, and if so, how it would be corroborated tobe so.


















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