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Ministry of Justice Message re: Airavata das

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Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


On January 3, 2000 I sent a message via COM concerning a Ministry of Justice

investigation of a donor's concerns about his dealings with Airavata das. In

that message I indicated that devotees should not give donations to Airavata



I understand that the manner in which the message was written it may have

given the impression that the investigation was concluded and that Airavata

das was in some way already found to be guilty. I apologize if any of you

got this impression, for such a conclusion would certainly be premature at

this stage of this matter.


In this regard Airavata das has written:


> Actually real Vaisnava way to deal with this point is to ask me right from

> the beginning not to accept donations until the end of investigation. Or

> if Sesa pr. didn't trust me then he could ask me to make announcement that

> all donations should be directed to treasurer of Muslim Preaching Project

> (MPP) or to council of MPP. . . .or, he could ask me to make an

> announcement that all money for MMP should be sent to Harivilas.


I agree that this would have been the correct manner in which to phrase my

message, I offer my public apology to Airavata das and to those devotees who

work with him for my hand in fueling an incorrect impression of the

ministry's investigation. It was not my intention to cause Airavata das or

his preaching endeavors harm by my actions.


During the rest of the investigation I think it best to withdraw from the

widely public venue of COM, however, at the conclusion of this matter I will

make a report available to all COM users.


your servant,


Sesa das

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