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Urmila devi dasi Offers Training for ISKCON Educators in India


by Janmastami das


Urmila devi dasi, one of ISKCON's most experienced primary and secondary

school teachers, will be traveling to India this month to train ISKCON

teachers and administrators in Mayapur, Vrndavan, and Mumbai. Coordinated by

the ISKCON Ministry of Educational Development she will be offering seminars

in Mayapur March 13 - 16, in Vrndavan March 18 - 21, and in Juhu Beach,

Mumbai March 23 - 26.


Although these seminars are targeting current ISKCON educators, others

interested in education and those that maybe be considering taking up

service in education may find these seminars very enlivening and useful.

With the permission of the local coordinators (Vrndavan - Braja Bihari das,

Kapiladeva - Juhu Beach, and Mayapur - Janmastami das) interested devotees

are welcome to attend.


Here's a brief description of the seminars being offered:


"Well-formed Plan"

Before we can accomplish anything, we need to know our goal. Unfortunately,

sometimes we only know what we want to get away from. Our lack of success

may lie in plans that invite failure. This seminar covers the five essential

elements of planning. In this workshop practical skill will not only aid

your own formation of long and short term goals, but also greatly enhance

your teaching and counseling in all areas. This seminar is most useful for

everyone in all areas of service, particularly for those who are engaged in

teaching, lesson planning, counseling, and managing.


"Association and Anchors: What triggers favorable and unfavorable behavioral

and educational responses?"

Our students are already associating certain subjects, learning itself, and

spiritual practices with specific positive or negative feelings. This

seminar gives much specific guidance about intentionally creating the

atmosphere and association we would like each of our students to have.


"Personality Types"

This workshop explores how our relationships are more conducive to

developing Krishna consciousness (as well as being more externally pleasing

and productive) when we understand our and others' personality type. The

models presented are easy to understand and apply. The personality models

presented are both modern and based on ayur-veda and the modes of nature.

The principles are universal and scriptural.


"Super Motivated Students? Teaching to students' real needs"

Anyone who teaches or preaches anything to anyone will find much useful

information and practical guidelines in this seminar. Are those whom we

teach eager to learn, and begging us for more? Do those who attend our

classes feel that what we are teaching is relevance and helpful for their

lives? If you're a classroom teacher or give Bhagavatam classes, this

presentation can revolutionize your effectiveness.


"Students Retaining What They've Learned"

What is the difference between "dumping" information on students and

facilitating their long-term learning? Learn and practice the seven maxims

and seven methods for having learning "stick." This seminar is helpful for

anyone who teaches anything to anyone (including those who give scriptural

classes), as well as to those who write and develop educational materials.



"Metaphor and Story Telling"

Why are the sastras full of stories and metaphors? Why did Srila Prabhupada,

Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, and all the acaryas use stories and metaphors

extensively in their preaching? Learn the advantages of metaphor and story

telling in teaching and preaching. This is a workshop where participants

will practice the two ways of creating metaphors for specific purposes. This

workshop is suitable for all teachers of all subjects (including those who

give sastric lectures) and for all counselors. (It is helpful to have

already taken the "Well-formed Plan seminar prior to having this one.)


"The Vocation of Teaching in Krishna Consciousness"

"Part I: Definition-who are we and what is our role?"

This seminar is designed specifically for those who are teaching in schools

associated with ISKCON. Participants define the role of a teacher and gain

an overview of their unique and valuable service.


"The Vocation of Teaching in Krishna Consciousness"

"Part II: Inspired for Life"

Participants will explore what practices and attitudes are most conducive

for long-term satisfaction in teaching and evaluate themselves in light of

whether or not they are heading for satisfaction or "burn-out."


"The Vocation of Teaching in Krishna Consciousnes"

"Part III: Teacher to student-creating a relationship to meet our goals"

This is a practical workshop where participants discover what inspires them

when they are in a position of student and then explore to what extent they

are creating the same atmosphere with those they are teaching. Participants

will also gain practical tools for having their students evaluate them. This

workshop is ideal for teachers, managers, and anyone who has students or

disciples who they are regularly guiding.


"The Vocation of Teaching in Krishna Consciousness"

"Part IV: Teacher to parents"

Specifically geared to teachers and school administrators, this workshop

explores our appreciation for the commitment, viewpoint, and involvement of

the parents of our students. Participants develop and role-play various

plans to aid parent-teacher or parent-administrator relationships that will

be most helpful to their teaching, the students, and the school as a whole.


"Teenagers and the Four Regulative Principles"

This seminar is ideal for teachers, parents, school administrators,

community leaders and managers, temple presidents, and anyone who interacts

with adolescents. Participants explore factors affecting adolescents'

purity, define purity, and devise plans to assist young devotees to choose a

pure life.


"Teaching and Guiding Children in Chanting Japa"

Participants will explore the goals of having a japa class, learn various

methods of teaching japa, and the essence of the japa instruction. (It is

helpful to have already taken the "Well-formed Plan seminar prior to having

this one.)


"Teaching and managing a multi-level classroom: How and why"

This seminar covers the history of how and why schools have grouped students

and gives practical suggestions about preparing for, managing, and teaching



"Choosing, Supervising, and Evaluating teachers"

This seminar is specifically geared to those in administrative positions,

although teachers will also benefit from evaluating their own teaching

skills. Participants will learn procedures for choosing teachers, explore

the pros and cons of various means of supervising teachers, and gain

practical tools for teacher evaluation.


"Overview of Administrator's Service"

This workshop is specifically geared to school administrators. Participants

distinguish between essential and non-essential services, and define the

different and changing roles of an administrator in different types of

schools. Participants will also set long and short term personal goals in

relationship to the criteria discussed. This workshop helps administrators

feel enlivened and inspired to administer a primary and/or secondary school

for Krishna. (It is helpful to have already taken the "Well-formed Plan

seminar prior to having this one.)

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