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[sananda-l] World Healing Day 2001

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Hare Krsna! Maybe we could all join in chanting Hare Krsna during the given


Your servant,

Dhira Krsna dasa

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Hi everyone, for your interest, cannot remember if this was posted. It was

posted at Spiritweb. Much Love & Light Fredaricka


World Earth Healing Day 2001 and the June 21 Solar Eclipse


written by Leigh Tremaine <wehd (AT) worldhealing (DOT) co.uk>

Posted Wed, 23-May-2001 19:42:16 GMT


This year World Earth Healing Day will take place on June 21, the day of the

Solstice and a total Solar Eclipse. World Earth Healing Day, which began in

1996, has linked up thousands of people across the world in meditation,

prayer, and mindful activity

to help raise world consciousness and further world healing. This is a day

for people across the world to unite in spirit and hold a collective vision

of universal love and peace. When we join together in this way our

collective energy is greater than the sum of our individual energies. We

strengthen the links between ourselves and in so doing build a resonance

that will uplift all.


Simultaneous worldwide meditations will take place at the following times:

1. 07.30 GMT (08.30 in the UK) for the exact time of the Solstice at 07.38;

2. 11.50 GMT (12.50 in the UK) for the exact time of the New Moon at 11.58

and the Solar Eclipse at 12.03;

3. 19.00 GMT (20.00 in the UK).


Please note that the UK will be observing daylight saving time, which is an

hour ahead of GMT. Each meditation will last for at least 20 minutes, and

will consist of clear, focused positive thought. Please dedicate your intent

to the awakening of

planetary consciousness and the advancement of world peace and healing.

If you are unsure of your time difference from GMT, visit the website at



Please observe World Earth Healing Day in a way that is meaningful to you.

Some people may journey to places of beauty and power to connect with the

Earth. Others may gather at local parks, beaches, or town centres, or at an

event dedicated to the

theme of the day, such as a peace concert, a seminar, a religious service,

or a celebration. Still others may honour the day on their own in their own

space. Whatever you do, dedicate your intention to the expansion of love and

awareness on the

Planet, so that healing may occur. Experience your connection with all, and

as you do, sense the ripples of what you are doing spreading outwards to

uplift all. If you are going to observe this day, we would encourage you to

take a few moments to list your name and World Earth Healing Day location on

the website so we can form links of light with each other and get some idea

of the extent of global participation. You can also list yourself as a local

contact if you wish. This will be continuously updated so revisit frequently

if you wish to see who is listed for your area. See



The date and linkup times of World Earth Healing Day are chosen for their

astrological significance. This is because the planets and stars are as

interconnected as everything else is. We believe that the pattern they form

in relation to the Earth

influences its subtle-energetic field, and therefore the collective

planetary consciousness. It seems that certain planetary alignments produce

certain resonant responses within the collective consciousness. It follows

that under certain planetary

alignments our collective consciousness will become more receptive to

healing as archetypal issues are amplified and brought into focus in a

particularly helpful way. This creates an opportunity for those in expanded

states of consciousness to

assist in the resolution of these collective patterns by focusing upon their

harmonious integration from the perspective of unity consciousness. The

collective vision that is held by such people at this time will be

strengthened by the resonance of the

planetary alignments. It is not necessary to understand astrology or even

to be

aware of the archetypal planetary influences in order to contribute to the

healing of the collective consciousness. However, for those who are

interested in knowing what planetary energies will be supporting them on

June 21, an astrological reading will follow. If you feel it appropriate you

can hold an awareness of the astrological themes in your thoughts and

meditations on the day.


Note: all dates and times in this reading are in GMT (equivalent to UT).

On June 21, the day of the Solstice, the Sun will conjunct the New Moon in

Cancer and form with it a Total Solar Eclipse. Chiron, the Wounded Healer,

will be in Sagittarius, conjunct the Galactic Centre and strongly activated

by Mars, Jupiter, and

Uranus. Neptune will form a powerful trine to Saturn. Pluto will form a

close quincunx to Venus.


i) The Solstice


The Solstices, like the Equinoxes, have been observed for thousands of years

as important turning-points in the relationship between the Earth and the

Sun. The June Solstice occurs when the Sun is furthest north of Earth's

equator, representing a time of maximum light in the north, and a time of

minimum light in the south. When we receive maximum light, more of the

secrets of life are revealed to us, and the potential to flourish and become

self-realised is at its greatest. When we receive minimum light the creative

powers of the darkness allow us to explore the

unconsciousness and plant the seeds for future development. The cycle of the

Earth around the Sun echoes our own internal cycle as we ascend on the

spiral of evolution, moving more of our experience from a state of

unconsciousness and potential to a

state of realisation.


ii) The New Moon


A New Moon marks the start of the lunation cycle, and occurs when the Sun

and Moon conjunct or occupy the same degree of a sign, symbolically becoming

one. Since the New Moon when seen from the Earth is in front of and in line

with the Sun, the side that faces us does not reflect the Sun's light, and

so it appears dark to us. Our receptivity to the Moon's energy is increased

at this time, just as it is at a Full Moon. As the start of the lunation

cycle, the New Moon has been celebrated as a time of renewal since ancient

times. In simple terms, the 'seed' we plant on the New Moon will reach a

stage of fruition on the Full Moon. On a New Moon we are therefore able to

prepare the way for the further reception of Light, which will increase

towards the time of the Full Moon. This internal process is symbolised

externally by the waxing of the Moon. Symbolically, then, the New Moon

represents that which lies in darkness - whether it is our individual or

collective shadow (the unconscious aspects of ourselves which we deny), or

the 'seed' that is planted below the surface. It is a powerful time to do

inner work.


iii) The Eclipse


A Solar Eclipse always occurs on a New Moon, when the Moon is in line with


Sun on the vertical as well as the horizontal axis. This double alignment

intensifies the

power of the conjunction. What is significant about Solar Eclipses is that

we are able to see the New Moon because it is lit up against the backdrop of

the Solar Disc.

Symbolically the Eclipse will allow us to glimpse more strongly our

unrealised potential and the blocks to realising it. It will enable us to

get in touch with our Shadow - the positive and negative aspects of

ourselves that we disown - so that we can accept it, learn from it, and

integrate it. The Cancerian Shadow is to do with security issues, our

definition of home and family, and the feelings and instincts we often

suppress. The energetic effect of this Solar Eclipse is likely to last for

the rest of the year, and may increase briefly in September when Mars

opposes the eclipse point, which will still be sensitive at this time.

Totality will begin at 10.35 GMT in the South Atlantic and will finish at

13.31 GMT in the Indian Ocean. The path of totality includes Angola, Zambia,

Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and Madagascar. A partial eclipse will be seen in

eastern South America and the southern two-thirds of Africa. The Eclipse

will be at its greatest at 12.04 GMT when the axis of the Moon's shadow

passes closest to the centre of Earth.


iv) The Theme of Cancer


Cancer represents the nurturing principle and is about sensitivity and


experience. The archetypal mother nurtures and protects that which she has

created. Her own heightened emotions reflect her sensitivity towards the

needs of her creation. The matriarchal archetype is within us all. We start

out by being sensitive to and nurturing that which we have created, which

may be an idea, a resource, a relationship, a career, or a child. However,

as we become more self-realised, we realise that our own identity can

incorporate not just our narrow individuality, but that which is beyond it

too. We become aware of the interconnected matrix or web of life within

which we exist, and realise that we can not completely define ourselves

outside the context of this whole. Understanding that we are not separate

from this whole, we become aware that the same essence underlies all of

existence, to which we become increasingly sensitive. We realise that,

although we have individual form, we are essentially one with all that is.

Through greater love for the whole of life, we then wish to nurture

spiritual self-realisation within all forms of creation - which are an

extension of our self. Like the mother has love for her child, we experience

universal love, because the unity, which is the mother of all form, is

realised within us. Cancer represents the home and the family, so as we

become more self-realised, our perception of home and family broadens with

our identity. Often the home is defined as our house or apartment and any

associated land. However, this is only an arbitrary abstraction from the

totality of our actual home, which is in fact not just the property we live

in, but the whole Earth and the Universe of which it is a part. That is a

liberating concept! When we truly realise this, and accept it, much of the

security-based conflict, war, and alienation will cease, for these always

stem from that which we define as ours against that which we define as

belonging to others.


The issue of nurturing and caring for all life is a natural response to


self-realisation. Yet how many of us, because we have yet to unfold in our

self-realisation, limit our love just to our family, and possibly our

friends? 'Look after your own' is a phrase that some people use. In some

cases even the caring for our own family and friends is superceded by narrow

self-interest and complete alienation. However, when we define our home as

the entire Universe and all that is, then our family is all of the life that

dwells therein. This is the realisation of the Divine Mother archetype, who

wishes to nurture the Spirit that dwells within all things. Nurturing in

this sense is not about smothering people with our own neediness and

projections, but about recognising the divine nature within all beings, and

helping their divine self-realisation to unfold with loving detachment. The

lesson of Cancer is to move beyond the protective shell of the ego to

experience more of the totality of life. Like a crab, we protect ourselves

from undesirable aspects of our life in order to feel secure. Those

experiences which we fear, whether they are thoughts, feelings, or actions,

are too often blotted out by the ego. Most importantly, the universality of

our identity, and the universality of love, is denied, because we fear the

reaction of others, and ultimately fear taking responsibility for our own

lives. The change required by taking total responsibility for ourselves

threatens our makeshift security, and so it is often the case that we refuse

this change even if that means denying the abundance, wellbeing, and

greater, more authentic security that it will bring. Locked away in

separation, we seek ego-based security by defending and affirming our narrow

identity, and it is this that is at the root of the alienation, conflict,

and war that we see in the world today. When security is defined as that

which makes our ego feel safe, such as the amount of money or possessions we

hold, or our attachment to another human being who provides us with what we

do not to provide for ourselves, we are deceiving ourselves that we are

really secure, for we are simply becoming dependent on external things that

can be taken away from us in an instant, and for which we would fight to

retain even if it brings suffering to ourselves or others. On a higher

octave of awareness, Cancer represents the inner security that comes from

spiritualising the ego and dissolving the artificial boundaries between

ourselves and the Source of all that is. When we find the inner peace and

self-love that comes from this process of self-realisation, we find true

security and cease to react to the world around us in aggressive or

defensive ways; we are receptive to the Source of all life and are fulfilled

by the abundance it brings to us.


The Cancerian Shadow, then, concerns how we reach for external security


the acquisition of possessions and the attitude of neediness in

relationships, rather than face the issue of acquiring security within,

which comes from our innate connection with the Source. Through our

obsessive dependencies on external sources of security, whether they are

money, oil, land, or relationships, we give away our authority and power and

set ourselves up for the emotional chaos that accompanies the loss of these

things, which so often leads to destructive actions, such as war, conflict,

and manipulation. Most notably, it is our self-chosen dependency on our

current social structures that prevent us from living our spiritual truth,

which is not just about spiritual awareness, but also the willingness to

ground this awareness in our lives and communities, so that we 'walk our

talk'. How many of us wish to see a better world, but take little part in

its physical shaping because we do not wish to rub up against social norms?

How many of us, for instance, through participating in them, tacitly support

the economic systems of our world, which are creating artificial divisions

between the 'rich' and the 'poor', the draining

of human life energy, and ecological destruction? This is the Cancerian

Shadow at work, and we need to recognise it so we can own our authority and

power and fulfil our greatest potential.


v) Other Alignments


On June 21, Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, will have been in


for a year. Gemini rules communication and the mind, and Jupiter's presence

in this sign can facilitate our growth in higher understanding and wisdom.

It is fitting, therefore, that Jupiter conjuncts the Solar Eclipse, helping

us to learn from our Cancerian Shadow. Furthermore, it is striking that, out

of the other aspects that it makes, Jupiter will form two aspects that will

be particularly powerful because they will be within half a degree orb of

being exact. The first of these, and the closest of the two, is the

opposition to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Sagittarius. Chiron in

Sagittarius represents the collective wounding that we have suffered as a

result of the imposition of beliefs, values, and, ultimately, a worldview

that are based on separation. We know this because suffering can only result

from separation, and when we take a look at our societies and the culture

that goes with them, we see that the underlying assumptions of life are

based on separation and a narrow view of the self. Since the moment of our

birth, we are conditioned to accept the dominant worldview of separation,

simply because that is the way it has been for our parents and

all other authority figures that shape the world we are born into. The most

painful wound of all is to be separated collectively from our experience of

unity, and to

stand helpless as individuals as communities disintegrate, wars are fought,


ecosystems and species are destroyed, while we are told by people in power

that there is nothing much we can do, simply because that is the way things

are. The point, though, is that we are not helpless, for although we have

given away our power and authority, we can take it back - if we are willing.

The healing begins when we recognise the shortcomings of a world of

separation, feel the pain of this, and choose to build our lives on a

foundation of new, holistic values, that have their source within us. The

emergence of a new, holistic worldview is already happening as individuals,

one by one, choose to be the author of their own reality. On June 21, Chiron

will be within one and a half degrees of the Galactic Centre, which is the

Sun of our Sun and is very much connected with the expansion of

consciousness and identity.

The second closest aspect that Jupiter forms is the trine to Uranus in


Uranus is the planet of change and awakening, and Aquarius, which it rules,

is the sign of the new age, representing the principle of interconnectedness

within the whole. This auspicious aspect will assist new breakthroughs in

consciousness, so that more people can form a new, expanded vision and

further the emergence of a new worldview. Uranus is the catalyst for the

healing that the Jupiter-Chiron opposition is crying out for. These two

complementary aspects that Jupiter is forming, which are so close to being

exact, are a clear message of the opportunity that awaits us on June 21, and

will set the perfect backdrop or resonance for a global meditation linkup,

which will be heralded by the Total Solar Eclipse.


The other notable alignments simply reinforce the themes outlined above, and

bring them into sharper focus. Chiron, for instance, is conjunct Mars, the

planet of will,

and Mars is also conjunct Pluto, the planet of power. The combination of

these three

planets states very clearly that the issues involved in the healing of our

collective wound are to do with the loss, misuse, and abuse of power, in

relation to the beliefs and values that we hold. We need to realise that

true power comes from our inner connection with the Source, or the divine

essence, because it is from this that all form is generated. When we start

believing that authentic power comes from the world of form, we have lost

the plot, because form is not the ultimate authority. The great thing about

authentic power is that when we embrace it we can not abuse it, because it

is always informed by a state of consciousness whose signature is universal

love. When so-called spiritual people misuse power, it is not spiritual

power they are misusing, but the power of the ego, which is based on a

distorted and limited experience of life. All of us have the potential to

use authentic power, but to do so requires that we make changes in our

lives, such as taking responsibility for ourselves, and finding our source

of inner security. The blocks to making these changes are the patterns of

past experience, which we reinforce whenever we use them as an excuse. These

patterns will often carry an emotional charge that we wish to suppress,

which will have been caused by a trauma or the pain of living a life of

separation. If this is the case we will need to be willing to experience and

release these emotions. The Eclipse in Cancer will help with this, as will

the conjunction of Mars to Chiron and the sextile of Chiron to Uranus, both

of which will assist new energies to flow to the wound to stimulate the

healing process.


Saturn in Gemini represents blocks to do with communication and mental


processes, and the need to take responsibility in these areas. On June 21

this will

particularly apply to the values we hold and to the way we use information,

for Saturn will be opposite Pluto in Sagittarius. It is important that we

all have access to a full spectrum of information, rather than the selective

information that is diseminated through the mainstream media and education

system, which in most cases is biased towards a materialistic worldview.

Most important of all, we need to start thinking more for ourselves, and to

integrate information with value so that knowledge can become wisdom.

Interestingly, Neptune, the planet that rules spirituality and unity

consciousness, will be forming a powerful trine to Saturn on June 21, which

will be within a degree of being exact. This will help us to dissolve the

blocks that Saturn represents, and to become more responsible and mature in

our thinking through increased spiritual understanding. Saturn is very

physical in nature, and so it will give form and manifestation to the

spiritual energies represented by Neptune, helping to crystallise a new

spiritual understanding and to provide a stimulus for the development of

those structures that assist the flow of holistic information. It is perfect

for manifesting a vision formed in meditation, and will support the building

of positive thoughtforms and energy forms in the meditation linkups on World

Earth Healing Day, particularly if we give our full attention to the

process, and begin by healing the resistances we have to manifesting our

vision, which are often unconscious and part of our Shadow.


Finally, it is worth noting that on June 21 Venus is exactly conjunct the


Vesta in Taurus. Venus is to do with the way we relate and the values we

hold, while

Vesta is to do with dedication, particularly to what is considered sacred.

In Taurus, which rules our material values and physical nature, and which

has a strong resonance with the Earth, this conjunction will highlight our

values and will strengthen our dedication, whether it is a dedication to

honouring the Earth and shaping form so that it gives expression to the

Spirit that dwells within matter, or a dedication to materialism. The

quincunx aspect that Venus forms with Pluto will help to bring into focus

how the dominant worldview has led to the loss of value for the sacredness

of the Earth and the life upon her, and to the social and ecological

destruction and loss of meaning that has accompanied this. Through the

realisation of this we will be more strongly motivated to reappraise our

values and to make positive changes in our lives, particularly if those of

us who are meditating on this day are holding a positive vision of world

peace and healing, and making it available to the collective consciousness

to inspire the world.


Leigh Tremaine is a healer, networker, transformational thinker, and

astrologer. He

is the joint-initiator of World Earth Healing Day and the webmaster of the

World Healing Website (www.worldhealing.co.uk).

Direct replies or comments please send to Leigh Tremaine

<wehd (AT) worldhealing (DOT) co.uk>.






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