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VIHE Kartik course 2001

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Attend Classes and Seminars at the

Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education


VIHE Kartika Semester 2001


We offer classes on sastra, preaching, communication,

Deity worship, teaching, and more.


Dates: October 15 to November 20. One-, two- and three-week classes are



Requirements: A proficiency in English and good sadhana.


Fees: Rs. 6500 (approx. US $ 150) for a full schedule. Fees cover 4 or

more classes, materials, parikramas, and feasts. Fees are lower for

students who take fewer classes or who don't attend parikramas. Payments

are made when you register in Vrindavan.


To apply: You must confirm that you will be attending by October 5.


Registration: Registration is done from October 10 to 14 in Vrindavan.


The courses for this year are:


* Brihat-bhagavatamrita

His Holiness Bhakti Caitanya Swami


Increasing inspiration about Caitanya-caritamrita

His Holiness Kadamba Kanana Swami

(second 2 weeks)


* Manah-siksa

His Holiness Bhakti Visrambh Madhava Swami


Prayers of the Bhagavatam

Her Grace Narayani devi dasi (first 2 weeks)


Life is short but the days are long

(a Krishna conscious approach to self-help)

His Grace Braja Bihari dasa (first 2 weeks)


Communication skills

His Grace Braja Bihari dasa (second 2 weeks)


* Bhagavad-gita (The Final Chapters)

HG Atul Krishna dasa / HG Srimati devi dasi



(The basics of editing)

His Grace Tattvavit dasa (second 2 weeks)


* Deity Worship

His Grace Nrisimha Kavaca dasa


"What's the matter?"

How to do scientific preaching

His Grace Rasaraja dasa (third week)



(* Denotes full-semester course)



Semester Dates

Classes commence on October 15th, end on November 9th, and are held

Mondays to Fridays. There are parikramas every Saturday, and Sundays are

free. Kartik month begins on November 1st.


Registration Procedures and Deadlines

You must confirm at least ten days in advance that you will be

attending. This can be done by a letter, e-mail, phone or in person.

Include your course choices at this time. We recommend that you do not

take more than a 7.5 hour per day workload (total hours of classes and

homework). You may consult us for the length of each class and the

amount of homework. You can add or drop classes until the third day of

classes. Fees are paid when you register in Vrindavan.


Registration is done for 5 days before classes begin, from 10:00 a.m. to

2 p.m. in room 52. Students who miss this deadline must pay a late

registration fee of Rs. 300. The opening meeting is on Monday, October

15th, at 9 a.m. in Room 49 (gurukula building).



Full schedule: Rs. 6500 (approximately US $150). This includes the 4 or

more courses, course books and materials, 3 parikramas and a feast.


Students who do not want to take a full schedule may take as few or as

many courses and parikramas as they wish and pay accordingly.


Two-week courses: Rs. 750 each

Full-semester courses: Rs. 1400 each

Three parikramas and a feast: Rs. 400


Please kindly post the attached sign on your temple announcement board.


Your servants at VIHE



VIHE c/o Krishna Balarama Mandira, Bhaktivedanta Swami Marg, Raman Reti,

Mathura Dist. 281124, U.P., India

Phone: (0565) 445-002, (0565) 445-053 E-mail: vihe (AT) pamho (DOT) net

Web site: www.Iskcon.net/vihe

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