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Lord Jagannatha in Nis, Serbia

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Lord Jagannatha in Nis, Serbia


(written by Syamananda dasa, Nis, Serbia)


Saturday, 22 September 2002


As a part of a festival of world etno music, which is held for the second

time in Nis, second big city in Sebia (300 000 inhabitants). The festival is

held under the patronage of city officials. It's goal is to present to the

Nis audience different cultures. Organisers of this festivala are in contact

with devotees for a long time, so that the last year the guests on the

festivalu were Nityananda Band - famous devotee music group from the capital

- Belgrade.


During preparations for this festival one of the organisers, Mr Miki,

together with Dinom Vatsalom Prabhuom, the leader of Nis's Nama Hatta

Center, has watched a video about ISKCON, where he has seen fastivals of

Lord Jagannatha worldwide. He liked it very much and asked devotees if it

can be organized in Nis.


The festival started about 4 pm, on Saturday, 22 September 2002, making a

circle in front of the festival hall, then it went on the bank of River

Nisava to the bridge which leads to medieval Nis Tower. This distance the

cart with Lord Jagannatha made two times while devotees and guests pulled it

with ropes and cleaned in front of the cart.People were attracted to take

part and do some service for the Lord. Other people took part by taking

prasadam sweetballs uzimajuci prasadam kuglice, honored very

enthusiastically by by performers of folk music, who had performed before

devotees on the stage.


At the end, one little girl, to her own amazement and the amazement of her

grandfather, got a garland of Lord Caitanya.


Despite the unfaithful person such as myself, Lord still manifested in Nis.

He did that not because of any materijal arrangements, but because of the

sincere desire and efforts of devotees that his smiling face blesses one

whole city and all the conditioned souls that happened to be there by their

karma. many devotees contributed to this, and I will mention some of them.


Naksatri Prabhu, senior devotee from Belgrade, with his energy and menaging

accomplished that the whole procession continues without hindrance and in a

spiritual atmosphere. Bhakta Miki and Bhaktin Mira from Nis, whose Vaisnasva

hospitality served many guest devotees. Bhakta Dula from Subotica fully took

over spiritual care so that transcedental cart of the Lord move without

hindrance and problems at the large sidewalk on the bank of the River

Nisava. Bhakta Deki from Smederevo, by whose devotion and able hands the

Deities of Jagganatha, Baladeva i Subhadra got new effulgence and

attraction. Madva Muni Prabhu from Belgrade, whose kirtanas and constant

dancing had a contagious effect on all the devotees present.

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