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Marriage Enrichment Handbook used by Catholic Church

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Dear Prabhu's, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila



The following link is a marriage enrichment handbook that the Catholic Church

uses for assisting married couples in their communication skills.




There are 10 chapters, and various exercises in pdf format that you can

download for free.


Here is a list of the table of contents:

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Live Your Values

Exercise 1 Distinguish between Ideals and Values

Exercise 2 Live Your Values

Chapter 3: Know Your Mask

Exercise 1 Know Typical Masks

Exercise 2 Know Your Mask

Chapter 4: Know and Use Your Myers-Briggs Type

Exercise 1 Estimate Your Shadow Integration

Exercise 2 Integrate Your Shadow

Exercise 3 Compliment Your Spouse

Exercise 4 Typewatch Others

Chapter 5: Use All of Your Intelligences

Exercise 1 Access Your Intelligences

Chapter 6: Integrate Your Masculine and Feminine Sides

Exercise 1 Assess Your Masculinity and Feminity

Chapter 7: Stay Out of the Drama Triangle

Exercise 1 Identify Drama Triangle Roles

Exercise 2 Understand the Drama Triangle

Exercise 3 Stay out of the Drama Triangle

Chapter 8: Speak Each Other's Love Language

Exercise1 Identify Your Primary Love Languages

Chapter 9: Communicate Effectively

Exercise 1 Describe Feelings

Exercise 2 Distinguish between feelings and actions

Exercise 3 Change Your Attitudes

Exercise 4 Relate Feelings to Needs

Exercise 5 Distinguish Between Assertive, Passive and Aggressive Communication


Exercise 6 Evaluate Your Assertiveness

Exercise 7 Make an Assertive Interaction

Exercise 8 Check Out Inferences

Exercise 9 Explain the Reason behind your answers

Exercise 10 Give and ask for feedback.

Chapter 10: Listen Actively

Exercise 1 Don't Make other's problems your own

Exercise 2 Avoid Active Listening Behaviors

Exercise 3 Don't give advice

Exercise 4 Analyze your touch behavior

Exercise 5 Assess how effectively you listen.

Chapter 11: Confront Lovingly

Exercise 1 Analyze your conflict

Exercise 2 Avoid the Anger fallacies

Exercise 3 Ask for forgiveness

Exercise 4 Evaluate your conflict behavior


I hope you find this to be of some use!


Your servant,

Kalavati dd

(p.s. I am the webmaster for the site the handbook appears on. Please let me

know if you have any problems downloading)

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