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Sri Jagannath International

Peace and Harmony Congress


Dt 5th-8th February 2004


Jagannath Puri, Orissa, India.





You will be interested to know that the first ever "Sri Jagannath

International Peace And Harmony Congress" is going to be organized at

Jagannath Puri, the eternal city in the coast of Bay of Bengal in the state

of Orissa, India during the period 5th to 8th February 2004 (just before

Goura Purnima). Puri, the ancient city, commonly known as Purushottama

Kshetra, Sankha kshetra, Sri kshetra, Neelachala is visited by many

Vaishnava acharyas like Sri Ramanuja, Sri Nimbarka, Sri Madhwa, Sri Ballava

and others. Sri Chaitanya glorified and popularized this kshetra during his

longest stay for 24 years. The place is also visited by devotees like Kabir

das, Guru Nanak, Yaban Haridas, Rasikananda, Ganapatibhatta, Shankardev,

Tulsidas. Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur and Bhaktivinoda Thakur lived

here. AC Bhaktibedanta Prabhupada and Srila BP Puri Goswami also used to

visit this sacred place. The glory of this tirtha is chanted by great

Vaishnava saint poet Sri Jayadev Goswami and well-known commentator of

Srimad Bhagabat Sri Sridhara Swami. Renowned Acharyas established

monasteries at this place to mark their foot prints during their stay at

Puri. Ultimately this holy place is glorified by the fusion of Bhaktas

(Devotees) and Bhagawan (Lord Jagannath).


This place is also purified by the padarenu (foot dust) of vaishnava saints

who are considered as ambassador of God Realization. Just memory of this

Holy Land purifies. The worship to Bhagavan brings many boons not only to

His worshiper but even to his many generations of pitas and progeny. The

worship of Sri Krishna, Sri Jagannath in Sri Ksetra as Sri Caitanya

Mahaprabhu teach and acharyas gives fifth and the most important value of

life - panchama purusartha - Krsna-prema, the Divine Love! What to speak of

other four purusharthas, like Dharma, Artha, Kama and Mokshya?! They stay

with folden hands next to the door of Jagannath Bhakta desiring to serve



But beyond Lord Jagannath by His unfolding hands invites everybody to

embrace him. Meeting with Sri Jagannath means the meeting of loving hearts

after long separation. The flag of Sri Mandira which is commonly known as

Patita Pabana Bana invites devotees all over the world. The Jagannath

culture preaches the essence of Universal Brotherhood, Peace and Harmony in

human life.


The Congress makes an maiden attempt to infuse the essence of Jagannath

Culture to the Devotees all over the World during it's three days

selebrations. Various topics will be discussed in this regard. The topics to

be discussed are as follows.


CONGRESS TOPICS to be discussed

· Sri Jagannath culture is the symbol of Humanities and values of life.

· Science and Religion.

· Reason and Belief.

· Spirituality and leadership.

· Aspect of spiritual culture in peace and tranquillity in life.

· Bhakti yoga as a means to achieve peace, happiness and fellow feelings.

· Human values in Vedic culture and its implications in present context.

· Nityakarma as a path of enlightened life.

· Development of bhakti cult and role of Sri Chaitanya flourishing it.

· Sri Krishna, the eternal Guru for ages.

· Sri Jagannath and Sri Krishna. Sri Jagannath as perceived by five

Vaishnava saints of Orissa. Sri Chaitanya and five Vaishnava saints of



DIFFERENT WORKSHOPS are also planned



· Vaishnavism in Orissa.

· Sri Jagannath and Sri Jayadev.

· Yavan devotees and Sri Jagannath.

· Pancharatra system in the puja rituals of Sri Jagannath.

· Car festival of Lord Jagannath - a globalized mass movement.

· Ayurvedic elements in food offerings of Sri Jagannath.

· Medicinal values of the religious trees associated with Jagannath rituals.

· The concept of Kayakalpa and Navayouvana in Jagannath culture.

· Yoga and Jagannath.

· Shiva and Jagannath

· Nrusimha and Jagannath

· Hanuman and Jagannath

· Tantra and Jagannath



· Devotional Books and Tapes

· Science

· Ayurveda

· Posters

· Jagannatha's paraphernalia

· Handicraft



We would therefore request your highness to take a chance in order to share

your views on the above topics. My earnest request to you is for giving

maximum publicity to this event among your colleagues in your institution,

friends and relatives to participate in the Congress. They may be requested

to contribute papers on the subjects mentioned above and participate in the



Interested participants are requested to contact our office given below for

accommodation, presentation of papers as speakers, opening of book

stalls,taking part in book exhibition, opening of continental prasad stalls,

organizing cultural shows,

moving around holy places of the state, booking of tickets or coming over to

Puri and going back etc. Advertisements for Souvenir, decoration of

heritage gates and sessions of the Congress in the honor of great Vaishnava

gurus will be gracefully accepted with sponsorship. For details please

contact the Organizing secretary in the address given below.

We hope you will avail of this opportunity as the blessing of Lord

Jagannath and make it convenient to join this Congress.


Waiting for your kind reply.

At the lotus feet of Lord Jagannath


Dr Deba Dash

Organizing Secretary


Address: puricongress (AT) sify (DOT) com

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