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Your Association and is Help Wanted



Kuladri dasa and staff would welcome inquiries from devotees desiring to

live and serve in the holy dhama of New Vrndavana. Specifically needed are

construction workers with carpentry, construction, electricial skills to help

maintain and rebuild the community. Many other opportunities for service are

manifesting for cooks, pujaris, kirtan leaders, seamstresses, in fact, most


capacity including taking care of Radha Vrndavana Candra’s cows.



New Vrndavana is experiencing a Spiritual renaissance. The morning program

is becoming very festive. Many serious and mature devotees are actively

involved in preaching (including to the Indian community). We are taking much

care to

provide shelter and create a very happy secure environment for guests and the

brjabasis devotees living here as well.


In addition to a Krsna Conscious revival, the community is simultaneously

experiencing an economic revitalization. There are many plans for redeveloping

New Vrndavana to make it an even more transcendental community of devotees and

popular place of pilgrimage for devotees and non-devotees alike.


We welcome you to join us, lending your support and association to one of

Srila Prabhupada's dear-most ISKCON project, New Vrindavan. Devotee-workers

will be salaried and given adequate accomodation, maintenance, prasadam, etc. A


new housing development is on the drawing board here as well. By the time

Spring arrives, devotees will be experiencing so much ecstasy as a result of

their hard work and surrender this winter, that Krsna's reward as flower


Spring will have new meaning for all of us!


Although the winter is sometimes austere in the hills of West Virginia. Srila

Prabhupada has told us that by virtue of our devotional service the climate

will gradually change. Actually we are experiencing the mildest winter we have

seen in years.


Inquiries can be made directly to Kuladri dasa (304) 843-1409 or

Lokavarnotamma dasa (304) 845-6830 <A

HREF="larryb2 (AT) comcast (DOT) net.">larryb2 (AT) comcast (DOT) net.</A>

Recent references are required from senior devotees (temple president,GBC,

Guru, etc.) Foreign citizen devotees can inquire about obtaining religious

visas and plane fare to move here.


Strict sadhana with regular attendance at the morning program is required for

all of our devotees. Please feel free to contact us for more information.


Your servants,


New Vrndavana Managerial Staff

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