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Mayapur (das) SDHS

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Dear Prabhus,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Amidst all the nectarean glorification of HH Sridhara Maharaja, one other

name is constantly featuring; that of his personal servant Mayapur Prabhu.

We would like to take this opportunity to highlight a little more this great

devotee. Although personally unqualified, we feel that if we can glorify HG

Mayapur then maybe we also can steal a little of the mercy available at this

time. Gopi-bhartuh pada-kamalayor dasa-dasanudasah.


Although we knew Maharaja from before, we came to know Mayapur Prabhu in

Abadiânia, Brazil, in August 2001, whilst attending one medium and healer,

João de Deus. Maharaja had visited on other occasions for his problem and

it was indirectly via him that we too visited. Maharaja liked João de Deus,

although confided that he was losing his healing powers due to increasing

activities of smoking, drinking and womanising. Sridhara Maharaja liked to

chant his rounds in the meditation/treatment room of João each morning and

in the afternoons he was also attending and reading shastras, including

Radha-Damodara Vilasa by HG Vaiyasakhi Prabhu, which miraculously and

mercifully found its way into our possession later.


Devotee association was very good in Abadiânia, including amongst others in

our short time there HH Bhanu Maharaja and HH Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja. All

devotees were visiting through the mercy of Sridhara Maharaja. João de

Deus, a christian in a very christian country, very much liked the devotees

and gave Sridhara Maharaja and others prominant positions near him in his

treatment room. He personally called Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja to him from the

stage in a crowded room and embraced him. Devotees also performed bhajan

with harmonium for one hour in João's healing room, which was filled with

the terminally sick looking for a last-chance cure to save the material



Sridhara Maharaja was in constant demand from the local devotees and gave

classes regularly in Abadiânia, Goiânia and Brasília. We remember that on

Balarama´s appearance day, Maharaja attended the program in Brasília along

with HG Tribhuvanatha Prabhu, another great vaisnava who came to Brazil

looking for a cure and is now again with Srila Prabhupada. The two both led

kirtan and spoke, making for a very enlivening, very Krishna conscious



Constantly there and ever-humble was HG Mayapur Prabhu. He took full

control of caring for Maharaja at all times, from cleaning cloth to

administrating myriad capsules and tablets, to caring for his Deities and

beyond. What to speak of arranging prasadam, travel etc., etc., etc. He

was always a very surrendered, friendly and favourable devotee and visibly

completely committed to Maharaja. It is of no surprise to hear that two and

a half years later he is still there at the forefront, at Maharaja's side

until the last minute. All glories to him. We pray that Krishna bestows

unlimited mercy upon him for his selfless devotion to Guru and Gouranga.


We can only remember the glories of Sri Isvara Puri, spiritual master of Sri

Caitanya Mahaprabu:


"At the last stage of his life Sri Madhavendra Puri became an invalid and

was completely unable to move, and Isvara Puri so completely engaged himself

in his service that he personally cleaned up his stool and urine. Always

chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra and reminding Sri Madhavendra Puri about

the pastimes of Lord Krsna in the last stage of his life, Isvara Puri gave

the best service among his disciples. Thus Madhavendra Puri, being very

pleased with him, blessed him, saying, ‘My dear boy, I can only pray to

Krsna that He will be pleased with you.' Thus Isvara Puri, by the grace of

his spiritual master, Sri Madhavendra Puri, became a great devotee in the

ocean of love of Godhead."

®r… Caitanya-carit€mta (Antya 8.28–31)


Thank you Mayapur Prabhu for your association. Please forgive any offences,

whether committed knowingly or unknowingly. Maybe one day clouds will

disperse and we will have the desire to follow in your footsteps.


Your servant,

Vraja-kumara das

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