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Dear Devotees,


Please accept our humble obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!


We may view the alleged 'disaster' in south-east Asia

and it may be understood as an existential metaphor.


The tourists who went there to serve their material

senses(have fun) and/or the locals that lived there;

to earn their livelihood and/or because it was a nice

place to live; but, in its' stead, 'they' have found

only death.


This may be seen as a simile; therefore we have all

come here, to this material world, to be 'independent'

and serve/enjoy our material senses(as opposed to serving

the Lord); but we have found only death. Realistically,

we must all die; some do it quietly and some, due to

vikarma, are forced to do it in spectacular fashion.

Therefore wherein is our independence? If some higher

authority(Durga/Mother Nature) decides, against all our

wishes, how and when we shall die?


Wherein is the fun to be had? When, thinking we are these

bodies, we all have this sword of Damocles hovering over

our heads at all times, that at any moment we and/or any

of our 'loved' ones, may die? Talk about raining on our

sensuous parade.


These 'disasters' are simply an effect/result; the most

direct cause is our vikarma. A more remote cause is

Mother Nature(Durga). She has most kindly given us, @ great

cost, a human body. The goal of life, the prime-directive,

of a person encased in a human body is to utilize, said

body, in an attempt to attain perfection; ie. to leave,

once and for all, this world of cause and effect; and

reunite, in Goloka Vrindavan, with He, the most beautiful,

eternal Syamasundara.


Obversely, once we a have been given, said human body, if

we continue, in a miserly(krpana) fashion, to simply

carry-on in serving our mind and senses, as opposed to

serving the Supreme(as all animals do); this is a grievous

offense; and we must expect some correction/rectification

to come from our most tender/loving Mother(Durga Devi). She

never fails at Her service to the Supreme Lord. She is infallible.

What kind of Mother would She be, if She did not take care

in raising Her children, Her charges properly?(Fore whenever

we 'enter', this world, we fall under Her direct care). She

never acts as a krpana. That is how we may know that this

latest rectification, would/will not be an occasional event,

but we must expect to see more and more of these...


As Srila Prabhupada has said:


"This is the law. So that is the law. If you commit sinful life, then

you must suffer, not anyone else. But we are thinking like that:


let me go on doing all nonsense and somebody, for me, will suffer."

No, that is not the law."(Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1.1; Hawaii, June 8,

1975; Lecture)


"Unfortunately, because people in Kali-yuga are mandah, all bad, and

sumanda-matayah, misled by false conceptions of life, they are

killing cows in the thousands. Therefore they are unfortunate in

spiritual consciousness, and nature disturbs them in so many ways,

especially through incurable diseases like cancer and through

frequent wars and among nations. As long as human society continues

to allow cows to be regularly killed in slaughterhouses, there cannot

be any question of peace and prosperity."(Srimad Bhagavatam 8.8.11;




Let us all become well informed and forewarned. Therefore, let us

abandon our karmic, vikarmic, jnanic obsessions/enthrallments' and

're-initiate', exclusively, our akarmic activities, in suddha-sattva,

by going, while maintaining our minimum 16 rounds, out daily on


Harinam sankirtan, with SP's. books and prasadam; fore we have not

heard of any other way, any other way in pleasing Sri-Sri Guru and




Hoping this finds you all well, in full K.c..



In the interim, i shall remain, a fallen, sensuous, yavana

dog; hoping against all hope to one day meet-up with a group

of Vaishnava sankirtaners and therefore attain a remote

possibility in salvation/rectification and a change of heart/




Radha Govinda dasa






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