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HH Sridhara Swami 2nd report and pics

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Dear Devotees:


Dandavat Pranams


As we posted earlier the sad news about the passing away of HH Sridhara

Swami in Mayapur Dham in this ausopicious day, i would like to report the



HH Sridhara Swami will be taken at 10:45 am to the temple to take darsan

from all the Deities and Srila Prabhupada and at 11:00 am will be in front

of the Panca Tattva Temple during the Abhisheka to Srivas Pandit and at 3:00

pm His Holiness will be taken to the place of His Samadhi nearby Srila

Prabhupada's pushpa Samadhi where we also have Thier Holinesses Tamal Krsna

Goswami's Samadhi and Gaura Govinda Goswami's pushpa Samadhi.


Few days ago when i showed to him the picture of the 3 samadhis together in

the Mayapur photo exhibition he said, "Oh yes i will be neighbor of Tamal

Krsna Maharaja" !!.


Tomorrow we wil have the Glorification Ceremony.


Please see attached photo of Maharaja that we took few minutes ago in his

room before He is taken to the Temple





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