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Glorification of HH Sridhar Maharaja ( Part 2)

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Dear Devotees:


Dandavat Pranams


As i mentioned earlier in the previous text posted this morning about the

Glorification ceremony of HH Sridhara Swami Maharaja that started after

Srila Prabhupada Gurupuja and went on until noon, it was great to see how

devotees glorify a vaishnava with expresiones of love, admiration and

affection from His Godbrothers, disciples, devotees and wellwishers.


This ceremony was very special since 2 brothers of HH Sridahra Maharaja were

present, this morning i only mentioned about one of them but after having

the complete information i came to know that there were 2 brothers and not

only one, They are Bhakta Stuart and Bhakta Malcolm as they like to be

called since they are also attracted to Krsna Consciousness and showed full

respect for our philosphy, tradition and the Holydham. At the same time we

came to know that His Mother and Sister were in Vancouver temple (Canada) in

asociation with devotees during the glorification and celebration in honor

of HH Sridhar Swami.


HH Lokanath Swami led Sri Radha Madhava Bhajan and then the Bhajan of Ye

anilo prema-dhana led by HH BB Govinda Maharaja, then a lecture of HH

Sridhara Swami entitled " Be serious in sadhana" was played so all we could

have the nectar from HH Sridhara Swami in this very special ocassion to

glorify him, after that the senior devotees and His Brothers started their

offerings and apretiations to Maharaja.


At 12 noon there was in between a very ecstatic Kirtan lead by Their

Holinesses Sivaram Swami and BB Govinda Swami that gave a great balsam to

our hearts with such an ecstatic kirtans that use to be common in Sridhara

Maharaj's room during festival. ( Their Holinesses Sivaram Swami & BB

Govinda Swami came from Govardan (Vrndaban) arriving at 11:00 pm to Mayapur

the day before)


HH Jayapataka Swami was not present but sent a 4 pages offering to HH

Sridhara Swami, remebering many pastimes from the early days in ISKCON and

also the glories of Maharaja. HH Jayapataka Swami apologized and explained

that he was in Tirupati Today having special programs with 250 devotees for

the Southindian Safari and pre-planed Stage programs in few places in

Southindia, ( was impossible to reach on time from Rajamundhry, Andhra

Pradesh during the day of passing away of Maharaja but in all their programs

from the day before they had special celebrations for glorifications of HH

Sridhara Swami and today they will have a slide show presentation about the

Ceremonies of Maharaja in Mayapur Dham.


At noon there was a Maha feast in the big kitchen for all the devotees in

honor of Srila Sridhar Swami that was sponsored by ISKCON BOMBAY, At 5:00

more realizations and remembrances started at HH Bhakti Caru Swami's

quarters with bhajans as usual and lasted until almost 10:00 pm.






Please see attached file of pictures

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