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Bahulastami -- the appearance day of Radha-kunda and Syama-kunda

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Bahulastami - Radha kunda Snan dan:

Radha-kunda prakata





Bahulastami -- the appearance day of Radha-kunda and Syama-kunda, sacred

ponds that are the bathing places of Srimati Radharani and Lord Krsna in




On the eighth day of the waning phase of the damodara month the appearance

day of Radha Kunda is celebrated by the residents. Bathing in Radha Kunda is

especially benefical on this day. By this one gains the favor of Radha, by

which one gains the favor of Krsna. Radha Kunda appeared at midnight. People

go to Radha Kunda and offer prasadam, garlands and pumkins (gords) into the

water, then at midnight take bath in Radha Kunda and then bathe in Syama

Kunda. Many people like to bathe at a ghat where Lord Nityananda's sakti,

Jahnava Mata used to bathe. But wherever you go you better get there early

as thousands of people/devotees will be there. And bring some warm clothing

for afterwards, as it is sooooo "cooling".

The holy place known as Mathura is spiritually superior to Vaikuntha,

the transcendental world, because the Lord appeared there. Superior to

Mathura puri is the transcendental forest of Vrndavana because of Krsna's

rasalila pastimes. And superior to the forest of Vrndavana is Goverdhana

Hill, for it was raised by the divine hand of Sri Krsna and was the site of

his various loving pastimes. And, above all, the superexcellent Sri Radha

Kunda stands supreme, for it is overflooded with the ambrosial nectarean

prema of the Lord of gokula, Sri Krsna. Where, then, is that intelligent

person who is unwilling to serve this divine Radha Kunda, which is situated

at the foot of Goverdhana Hill?


Srila Rupa Goswami's Nectar of Instruction



The Origin of Radha-kund


After killing a bull-demon named Aristasura, Krishna approached Radharani to

engage in loving affairs. However, She rebuked Him, stating He was impure

because of committing the sin of killing a bull, the symbol of religion. She

suggested that to counteract this sin He should bathe in all the sacred



Krishna, being eager to engage in loving affairs with Srimati Radharani,

immediately shoved His lotus foot into the ground, making a large hole, and

called all the sacred rivers to enter into it. They appeared before Him and

formed Syama-kunda (the bathing place of Syama--one who is the color of a

dark rain cloud).


After bathing, Krishna stated that He had become pure by bathing in

Syama-kunda, but that the gopis had become impure, having sided with a

demon, even though he appeared in the form of a bull. Radharani, along with

some of Her gopi friends, broke their bangles and dug a hole with the broken

pieces. But there was no water - so Krishna laughed. The gopis then formed a

line to the Manasi Ganga and started to fill the hole with water that was

passed from one gopi to another. At that time, all the sacred rivers again

arrived in person and requested permission to enter into Radharani's kunda,

which they did after receiving Radharani's blessing.




Sri Radha-Kundastakam by Srimad Raghunatha dasa Gosvami


"After the killig of Aristasura, Srimati Radhika and Her sakhis exchanged

many joking words with Sri Krsna concerning the necessary atonement for one

who has committed the offence of killing a bull. As a result, the Queen of

Vrndavana, Srimati Radhika, and Her sakhis joyfully excavated and filled Sri

Radha-kunda with their own hands. May that immensely fragrant Radha-kunda be

my shelter.


"In the land of the hearts of those who bathe in Radha-kunda, a desire

tree of the superlative prema, which is not attainable even for Krsna's

principal queens in Dvaraka, will arise. May that supremely charming

Radha-kunda be my shelter.


"For the pleasure of Srimati Radhika, even Sri Krsna Himself, yearning

to attain Her merciful sidelong glance, regularly bathes in Radha-kunda,

carefully observing all the appropriate rituals. May that supremely

enchanting Radha-kunda be my shelter.


"May that supremely enchanting Radha-kunda, which the moon of Vraja, Sri

Krsna, loves as much as He loves the crown-jewel amongst the sweet girls of

Vraja, Srimati Radhika, and which He has made known by the name of Radhika

Herself, be my shelter.


"The mercy obtained by serving Radha-kunda makes the desire-creeper of

prema for the prince of Vraja sprout and is celebrated for bearing the

flower of service to my svamini Srimati Radhika. May that supremely charming

Radha-kunda be my shelter.


"Gloriously manifest on the banks of Radha-kunda are eight kunjas named

after Radhika's principal sakhis. Acting as stimuli for the amorous

pastimes of the Divine Couple, these kunjas are filled with the sweet

humming of bumblebees and are desired by everyone. May that supremely

enchanting Radha-kunda be the shelter of my life.


"Situated on an exquisite dais on the bank of Radha-kunda and

accompanied by Her beloved sakhis, our svamini Srimati Radhika charmingly

engages in sweet, joking words with Sri Krsna, the moon of Vraja. These

playful verbal exchanges are enhanced by the suggestion of so many

innuendoes. May that Radha-kunda be the shelter of my life.


"May that very charming and especially fragrant Radha-kunda, where

intoxicated with love the Divine Couple and the sakhis daily sport with

great joy in the water so fragrant with exquisite lotus flowers, be the sole

shelter of my life.


"To that devotee who, in a resolute mood of aspiring to serve Srimati

Radhika, reads this charming prayer describing Sri Radha-kunda, even in

their present body Sri Krsna will quickly grant them darsana of not only

His beloved Radhika, but also of Their many variegated amorous pastimes.

Witnessing these pastimes and envisioning himself serving Yugala-kisora in

various ways, such a devotee will feel immense jubilation. This astaka is

recited in the poetic meter known as 'Malini'."


Sri Krishna Kunda astakam (Shyama kunda)




Eight Prayers Glorifying Syama kunda by Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakur


tim tapas cakara tirtha laksam aksayam pura

suprasidati sma krsna eva sad varam yatah

yatra vasam apa sadhu tat samasta durlabhe

tatra krsna kunda eva samsthitih stutastu nah


What austerities did the hundreds of thousands of eternal holyplaces perform

to please Krsna and obtain from Him thebenediction to live at Krsna kunda,

the rarest holy place? Let usglorify residence at Krsna kunda.


yady arista danavo pi danado maha nidher

asmad adi durmatibhya ity aho vasiyate

yo mrti cchalena yatra muktim adbhutam vyadhat

tatra krsna kunda eva samsthitih stutastu nah


If even the Arista demon was able to enter Krsna kunda, thencrooked hearted

persons such as us may also be able to livethere. Let us glorify residence

at Krsna kunda which, on thepretext of death, grants a wonderful form of



Go vadhassya niskrtis triloka tirtha kotibhi

radhayety avadi tena ta harih samahvayat

yatra parsni ghata je mamaj ja ca svayam muda

tatra krsna kunda eva samsthitih stutastu nah


When Radha said, "To atone for killing a cow (Aristasura) Youmust visit

millions of holy places in the three worlds," Krsnacalled all the holy

places and then happily bathed in the lakethat sprang from His heel. Let us

glorify residence at Krsna?kunda.


kvapi papa nasa eva karma bandha bandhanad

brahma saukhyam eva visnuloka vasita kvacit

prema ratnam atyayatnam eva yatra labhyate

tatra krsna kunda eva samsthitih stutastu nah


At some holy places one becomes free from all sins, at othersone becomes

free from the bondage of karma, at others one attainsBrahman happiness, and

at others one attains residence inVisnuloka. Let us glorify residence at

Krsna kunda, where withoutany effort one attains the jewel of pure love for



Phulla madhavi rasala nipa kunja mandale

Bhrnga koka kokiladi kakali yad ancati

Asta yamikavitarka koti bheda saurabham

tatra krsna kunda eva samsthitih stutastu nah


Krsna kunda is surrounded by groves of mango, kadamba and othertrees with

many madhavis and other vines. There is the music ofcakravakas, cuckoos, and

bees. At night there are millions ofinconceivable sweet fragrances. Let us

glorify residence atKrsna kunda.


Dola keli citra rasa nrtya giti vadanair

Nihnava prasuna yuddha sidhu pana kautukaih

yatra khelatah kisora sekharau sahalibhis

tatra krsna kunda eva samsthitih stutastu nah


With gopi friends the two crowns of youth enjoyed many pastimesthere. They

rode on a swing, danced wonderful rasa dances, sang,played instrumental

music, and talked. In a secluded place Theyeagerly drank the nectar of a

flower battle. Let us glorifyresidence at Krsna kunda.


Divya ratnna nirmitavatara sara sausthavais

chatrika viraji caru kuttima prabha bharaih

sarva loka locanati dhanyata yato bhavet

tatra krsna kunda eva samsthitih stutastu nah


With the beauty of its glistening jewel shores and the splendorof its

canopies and mosaic pavements it brings auspiciousness toall eyes. Let us

glorify residence at Krsna kunda.


mathuram vikunthato pi janma dhama durlabham

vasakananam tato pi panina dhrto girih

sri hares tato pi yat param saro ti pavanam

tatra krsna kunda eva samsthitih stutastu nah


The district of Mathura, Krsna's birthplace, is more sacred anddificult to

attain than Vaikuntha. The forest where He lived ismore sacred still, and

the hill lifted by His hand is more sacredthan that. More sacred than that

is Lord Hari's very purifyinglake nearby. Let us glorify residence at Krsna



Krsna kunda tira vasa sadhakam pathed idam

yo stakam dhiyam nimajya keli kunja rajitoh

radhika girindradharinoh padambu jesu sa

prema dasyam eva sighram apnuyad anamayam


May he who reads these eight verses, which convince one to resideat the

shore of Krsna kunda, and who also plunges his mind in thelotus flowers of

Sri Sri Radha Giridhari's feet, quickly attainsincere love for Them.

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