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Final GBC Appraisal Recommendations

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Srila Prabhupada expected a lot from his GBC devotees. On studying his

teachings we find that there are four main functions that he wanted the GBCs

to carry out.


He wanted them to be siksa gurus for all the members of ISKCON. He wanted

them to provide leadership to push on the sankirtana movement of Lord

Caitanya, and he wanted them to manage the movement in a responsible way. He

also wanted them to act as watchdogs, seeing that the proper standards of

Krsna consciousness are maintained in all ISKCON temples, that ISKCON's

assets are protected, and that philosophical deviation is not allowed to

creep in.


It has been widely accepted that the GBCs, individually and collectively,

have made wonderful contributions to the preaching, management and

development of the movement, and in many parts of the world we have seen

significant achievements. At the same time it is very important that there

be a system of ensuring that Srila Prabhupada's high expectations are met,

and that the responsibilities of the GBC are properly carried out. In this

light it was decided last year that objective appraisals be carried out of

the performances of the individual GBC members.


Initially the appraisals were compiled by a team consisting of the GBC

Deputies and a group of non-GBC disciples of Srila Prabhupada, in a mood

characterized by the GBC Chairman, Madhusevita das, as being "respectful and

humble, but frank and open". They produced reports noting the strong and

weak points of each GBC member and made recommendations for them all. These

were then discussed with the GBCs, and in consultation with them final

recommendations were submitted to the Body for approval.


The approved recommendations presented here represent a highly distilled

form of the work undertaken, and mainly express those points it was felt the

devotees needed to improve on. In this way they are not criticisms, but are

meant to further enhance the already existing qualities and contributions of

the GBCs.


Final Appraisal Recommendations


HH Bir Krishna Goswami

HH Bir Krishna Goswami should post the laws regarding ISKCON Gurus on the

bulletin boards of the temples in his zone and make them known, by whatever

means, to all the devotees. He should invite other senior devotees to preach

on this subject as well.


Madhu Sevita Prabhu

A suitable devotee should be found to work cooperatively with Madhu Sevita

Prabhu to minister to the needs of some devotees in Italy as a counsellor

and assistant. This should be done in Consultation with the Italian National



HH Navayogendra Swami

This was a complex issue that was not resolved by our subcommittee in the

time allotted. We feel the GBC Body must consider this issue as the

complexities are beyond our scope. We have no further recommendations.

Naveen Krishna Prabhu

In consideration of the highly important nature and valuable contribution of

Naveen Krishna Prabhu's ministry, it is recommended he put more energy into

his leadership training courses. (see endnote)


HH Sivarama Swami

Sivarama Swami should make a conscientious effort to identify those devotees

in the UK who feel the need for increased association and encouragement in

their advancement in Krsna Consciousness. He should devise means to provide

the necessary co-GBC, National Secretary or Temple President. This should be

done in consultation with the UK National Council.


HH BB Govinda Maharaja

He should remain as a Candidate for GBC developing Central Asia and the GBC

Body should discuss what to do in Vrindavana.


HH Romapada Swami

We recommend Romapada Swami should be more aware of the need for creating a

mood of teamwork within the New York temple especially between temple

management and congregation. Romapada Swami should be more communicative

with the other leaders in his area regarding his personal plans, projects

and preaching.


Virabahu Prabhu

We recommend that Virabahu Prabhu decrease his zonal responsibilities. He

should strive on being more visible in his sadhana performance, especially

chanting with the devotees. He needs to improve in leadership, management

and safeguarding the standards in his zone.


HH Bhakti Raghava Swami

Bhakti Raghava Swami is a wonderful Vaisnava, of high moral character and

has integrity and compassion. We recommend his offer of resignation be

accepted and a new candidate be found. However he should continue his

involvement at the Montreal Temple.


Giriraja Swami

It would be appreciated if he could give his association more to the

devotees in general, and give more input to the missionary activities in his

zone (eg. book distribution).

It is advisable that Giriraja Maharaja works with a co-GBC that is a good


It is recommended that he spend more time this year in Spain.


Suhotra Swami

That Suhotra Maharaja train local devotees of the smaller centres in his

zone to take more responsibility so that he can give more input in his

bigger temples and preaching projects.

Suhotra Maharaja would like it known that he welcomes any feedback from

anyone regarding how to improve the situation of his zone and himself as a



Ravindra Svarupa Prabhu

It is recommended Ravindra Svarupa Prabhu give special attention to

improving his visible performance of sadhana in order to set a proper

example as a GBC member.

He needs to develop more plans and programs for preaching activities, or to

seek assistance to do so.


Bhakti Tirtha Swami

Bhakti Tirtha Swami will work with the Communications Ministry with present

and future books to see if certain editing is necessary to enhance his books

for the devotee community.

It is recommended that he adhere more closely to the standard sannyasi dress

code, at least while in ISKCON temples. The sannyasa minister must approach

him to discuss this and decide what standard is suitable, including the use

of a cane.

It is recommended that he try to increase the sastric content in his classes

and preaching.


Bhakti Caru Swami

Maharaja is a most sought after preacher and our ISKCON society would

benefit more if he could be freed from management activities and be engaged

more in developing preaching projects.

It is recommended the local devotees in his zone be trained up to take up

some of his management responsibilities.

It is recommended he be given two years leave from the GBC body to complete

the Abhaya Carana series.


Kavicandra Swami

It is essential that Kavicandra Maharaja's health problems be immediately

assessed and addressed professionally. We recommend that this be done under

the supervision of Prahladananda Swami.

It is recommended that Kavicandra Maharaja be assisted in Japan by Devamrta

Swami as Regional Secretary, in Indonesia by Ramai Swami as co-GBC, and in

Israel (if possible) by BB Govinda Swami as co-GBC.

It is recommended that Kavicandra Maharaja remain co-GBC in West Africa,

making sure that he takes serious precautions about protecting his health.


Hrdayananda dasa Goswami

Hrdayananda dasa Goswami seems to be ideally situated in his present

position as a teacher, scholar and philosopher, all of which he does

brilliantly and which he commands a high degree of respect.

In order to more fully pursue his brahminical engagements we recommend that

he avoid management on all levels. His observations and critique of ISKCON

centres are often valuable, but he should refrain from criticising temple

leaders and policy and in public, including darshans.

Rather he should his observations privately to the appropriate leaders. He

should also refrain from changing the engagements of his disciples

independent of their authorities.


Badrinarayana dasa

Badrinarayana Prabhu will take courses on empathetic listening, peer and

employer relations.

He will also discuss with Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja and other GBC's seeking

suggestions and advice on dealing with devotees.


Bhaktivaibhava Maharaja

Bhaktivaibhava Maharaja should consult with the GBC and local devotees on

what his role should primarily be, whether he should concentrate on being a

visiting preacher or more management/ supervision/ GBC duties.


Hari Vilasa

We recommend he improve his sadhana and visibility at the temple. He should

improve his watch dog duties and visit the temples in his zone on a regular

basis. Having been previously informed about these concerns, if the GBC does

not see improvement then his GBC responsibilities will be reviewed next



Sesa dasa

The GBC Body should re-consider Sesa Prabhu's zonal assignment. The

committee's opinion is that ministry of justice, educational work, zonal

assignments, and family duties are too much. The committee recommends

development of the ministry of justice and his educational work. Both Sesa

and the committee recommend that he transfer his Caribbean GBC duties to

someone else.


Rohini Suta Prabhu

It is accepted that Rohini Suta, due to weak bodily constitution, needs more

rest. At the same time Rohini Suta will make continued attempts to attend

mangal arati.

Rohini Suta will also continue to educate the local devotees, emphasising

the importance of attending mangal arati.

Rohini Suta will address the perception related to associating with ladies

to see that such perceptions will not continue or recur. He will consult

with senior GBC's for advice.

When visiting temples, Rohini Suta Prabhu will be more attentive to the

local schedules in regards to classes, lectures and public programs.

Rohini Suta Prabhu will take ISKCON management courses when available in


It is recommended the GBC Body reduce Rohini Suta Prabhu's zonal



Guru Prasada Maharaja

Guru Prasada Maharaja is satisfied with his service as a GBC and is willing

to continue in this role. He will take ISKCON management course on


It is recommended his zone size be reduced. It is suggested the GBC

committee working on Zonal re-structuring take into the utmost consideration

the need for help in Mexico.


Mukunda Maharaja

Mukunda Maharaj is aware of the need for harmonious and supportive relations

between temple administration and the local communication dept. and will

continue to encourage and improve those relations.


Giridhari Maharaj

There was not enough information to offer recommendation.


HH Jayapataka Swami

We note that Maharaja has already made adjustments in his approach to the

question of siksa relationships in ISKCON and accept his assurance that he

is not initiating discussion on the establishment of siksa relationships

with those devotees who are not his disciples unless they themselves broach


Maharaja agrees that he is over-extended and is willing to reduce his zonal

GBC obligations. We recommend therefore that he give up his GBC duties in S.

America, S.E. USA and Thailand, provided proper competent replacements can

be found.

We also recommend that Maharaja make more effort to regulate his travel so

that he gets proper rest and avoids over straining himself.

We also recommend that in his dealings he concentrate on one business at a

time rather than "multiprocessing" a number of things simultaneously. This

will satisfy the devotees that he is giving them his full attention when

dealing with their concerns.

Finally we recommend that Maharaja try to be very realistic about how much

he can effectively achieve and not over-extend himself.

We also note he has made positive efforts to improve the visible chanting of

his japa and attendance at the morning program and encourage him to continue

with this.


HH Gopala Krishna Goswami

Given that Maharaja has great responsibilities in India with large projects

like Bombay, Vrindavana and Delhi with Maharaja's agreement we recommend

that he give up his zonal GBC assignments in Central Asia, Washington DC,

and rural Maharastra and he not be involved in any new zonal assignments.

We also recommend that Maharaja put more effort into developing strong

interpersonal relationships since the large projects under his leadership

require much attention for their successful development in the area of

congregational development etc.


HH Bhakti Swarupa Damodara Swami

In view of the fact that Maharaja accepts he is not a natural manager we

strongly recommend that he not be burdened with any zonal GBC

responsibilities beyond his current duties in BI, Manipur, Bhubaneswar,

Burma and Hawaii.

We note that at the request of the GBC Maharaja has taken visible steps to

improve his sadhana in the areas of chanting rounds, and attending the

regular morning programs and we encourage him to continue with this. He

should also take steps to improve the participation of his disciples in

France in the activities of ISKCON there.

We also recommend that he strictly follow the standard ISKCON procedures and

time periods for the giving of initiations.


HH Prabhavisnu Swami

We have no recommendations for Maharaja provided he finish his studies this

year and returns to full time zonal GBC responsibilities. In the event he

does not do this, a further review of his zonal responsibilities will be in



HH Ramai Swami

In light of his positive appraisal there are no recommendations.


Bhurijana Prabhu

Being of a very brahminical and scholarly nature, Bhurijana Prabhu isn't

really suited for zonal assignments. However since he may desire to carry

some type of GBC Ministership he should be contacted by the GBC to see if he

wishes to continue as a GBC and what his proposal might be for his service.


Radhanatha Swami

It is recommended Radhanatha Swami continue with his present GBC assignments

and increase his preaching all over the world as far as he is capable.


Sridhara Swami

Sridhara Swami should continue as Zonal Secretary for Mumbai, New York and

New Jersey unless the managers of those places don't see the need for his

assistance. He should be relieved of his responsibility in Long Island, New



Niranjana Swami

Niranjana Swami has to visit 45 cities per year. To relieve some of the

burden in managing such a large area we recommend Acyuta dasa be made

assistant GBC for the Ukraine.


Harikesa Swami

To avoid being a target of fault finders and so there is no misunderstanding

amongst sincere ISKCON members it is recommended Harikesa Swami arrange for

the public release of an informative article regarding his receiving

treatment from a female physio-therapist. We also recommend a "GBC only" COM

conference be created to analyse particular preaching techniques and

strategies used by various GBC members. Particularly Harikesa Swami's

involvement in the production and mass distribution of mixed music CD's

incorporating techno and pop music styles accompanying vaisnava mantras.


Paramgati Swami

Paramgati Swami recognises a need to develop better management skills. We

recommend he take management training courses and continue with his current

assignments. If he could be replaced as GBC for Spain his performance in

France would be greatly enhanced.


Prthu Prabhu

It is recommended he continue for another year as a candidate for GBC. He is

perceived in a negative way by some devotees for what is recognised as

insensitive behaviour. It is recommended he take steps to change that



Tamal Krishna Goswami

We encourage Tamal Krishna Goswami to continue with his current zonal




(Endnote: We recommend that the Poison Investigation be concluded as soon as

possible and then a representative of the North American GBC approach Naveen

Krishna Prabhu to discuss their findings with the intention of him

continuing with his service.)

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