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Mayapur 2000 Gaura Purnima Festival Newsletter

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Dear Prabhus,



Please post to all users the following Festival Newsletter.

Thank you. Hari bol.





Sri Mayapur Gaura Purnima Festival 2000

Summary of Dates and Prices



*** SCHEDULE ***


20 Feb - Pre-meetings

23 Feb - GBC meetings

29 Feb - Iskcon Managers meetings


03 March - Gaura Purnima Festival starts

08 March - Gaura Mandala Parikrama starts

14 March - Gaura Mandala Parikrama ends

20 March - Gaura Purnima

21 March - Gaura Purnima Festival end - departures day.



*** PRICES ***


*Festival Fee* (includes accomodation charges, without Prasadam)

Class A - 51 $ per person, full festival (18 days).

Class B - 30 $ per person, full festival (18 days).

Class C - 20 $ per person, full festival (18 days).

Class C, special concession for CIS devotees - 15 $ per person.

Rooms and House owners and\or their guests - 30 $ per person.


Private rooms with bathroom facilities are charged Class A plus room cost.


*N.M.Parikrama* (additional to the above prices)

35 $ for the 7 days program.



Full (breakfast and lunch) - 42 $ for 18 days

Only Breakfast............ - 19 $ for 18 days

Only Lunch................ - 24 $ for 18 days


Mayapur devotees kitchen Prasadam - 12 Rs. per meal.



Please note that:

1) Daily rates are calculated proportionally.

2) Accomodation and Prasadam for the days before and after the Festival (3d

to 21st March 2000) will be charged additionally.

3) Children below 12 pay half.



*** ROOMS ***


Class A -Cakra, Gada, IYF, Sankirtana bld., Book Distr. Accademy.

Class B -Caitanya Mission, Nityananda Kutir.

Class C -Bamboo Huts, Basements, Dormitory, Bound. Wall, Gurukulas.





e-mail - radhasyamasundara.jps (AT) com (DOT) bbt.se

phone - 0091.3472.45353

mail - Radhasyamasundara das - c/o ISKCON Mayapur -

31 Flight Lt. Tapan Chowdury Ave. (formally Lake Avenue) Calcutta

700 027 - WB - India. (Please use only speed post).




As you may have noted from the above, the Festival schedule has lightly

changed: the whole program last for 18 days, and the Parikrama is now taking

place in the middle of the Festival, rather that at its beginning.


Basically, the festival will be thus divided into three parts:

1) Seminars and classes - 3d to 7th March (5 days),

2) N. M. Parikrama - 8th to 14th March (7 days),

3) Programs and happenings - 15th to 19th March (5 days).


This changes are meant to facilitate GBCs and senior devotees to extend

their stay after the meetings and give seminars, classes and association to

the devotees attending the Festival, during it's first part.


The N. M. Parikrama will run as usual.


In the last part of the festival, classes and seminars will be also going on

as in the past, but the concentration will be focused more on programs.

HH Jayapataka Svami is organizing a full day to day schedule yet to be



For more details and information plese contact us at the above given e-mail

address or by phone. Hari bol.



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