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Latest update for Megahertz Modems in WinCim.


If you happen to have a new Megahertz modem like the popular 28.8 PCMCIA,


is in general NOT mentioned in Wincim/Session Settings/Modem)

it is very worth to upgrade your WinCIM software with the new modem.db file

provided by Megahertz.


GO Modem Vendor.


In the Library (Megahertz, library 9)

click the "Search Library" Command

to look for

CIMDB.EXE and download it.


Exit Wincim.


This self extracting file then spills out two files:


and read.me


Read the read.me file.


Basically it tells you to replace the so far

Modem.db file in Cserve/Scripts

with the new one in the same DIR.


Then start Wincim

and you will find your 28.8 Modem in Sessions/Setting/Modem.


Big difference in performance.


your servant


Prithu das

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