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Vyasapuja Offering to Srila Prabhupada by HH Jayaptaka Swami

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My Dear Spiritual Father Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada,


Please accept my respectful obeisances prostrate at your Lotus Feet. All

glories to the previous Acaryas.


On this auspicious day of Vyasa Puja 2002/516 I beg to offer Your Divine

Grace my humble offering and homage. Your Divine Grace is an ocean of mercy

upon the hopeless jivas of this Kali Yuga. By your causeless mercy we got

the chance to take up Krishna consciousness and to continue in devotional

service even though we are not fully qualified to do so. It is said that

the Spiritual Master's shelter protects the disciple from so many dangers in

spiritual life. We are dependent on your mercy to get over the hurdles and

challenges which arise in one's spiritual life. I remember how during the

1971 Kumbha Mela one devotee asked you how they could be devotees since all

the pious credits that normally one needs to become a devotee seemed absent

from their character. Your Divine Grace replied, "Yes! I have made your

good fortune for you!" Only by your causeless mercy do so many of your

followers get the chance to render devotional service in Krishna

consciousness otherwise they would be rotting in material sense

gratification missing out on the real bliss and nectar of life in Krishna



Your Divine Grace has declared that Sridham Mayapur is your "Place of

Worship" where you worship Lord Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the Supreme

Personality of Godhead Who has appeared in the form of Devotee. The next

Gaura Purnima Festival will be held during the 25th Anniversary year of your

disappearance from this world and 106th annivesary year of your appearance.

The Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir organizers want to make this years festival a

special event for glorifying Your Divine Grace and your devotees in an

appropriate manner. Please bless us that we can fulfill your desire for

making Sridham Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir as a spiritual home and shelter for

all devotee from around the world. We are now planning to have various

programs oriented at providing services for supporting the World community

of devotees, young and old, at ISKCON Sri Mayapur. We are also proceeding

with making the life-size Panca-Tattva Deities on your instruction in

preparation of building the Temple of Vedic Planetarium.


In Caitanya Caritamrta Your Divine Grace explained how the Supreme

Personality of Godhead Lord Sri Krishna has nothing to work for so He takes

care of His devotees. You also mentioned how the Spiritual Master is also

assisting the Lords pastimes by helping to care for the devotees as well.

Thankyou for your tender loving care. As Your Divine Grace's followers we

should follow in your footsteps and also be loving and caring to other

devotees. For this we need your blessings so that all devotees can find the

shelter and support they need to reach Lord Sri Krishna through your Krishna

consciousness Movement and to be able to heal any wounds wherever ISKCON

representatives have failed to provide the level of care needed. I pray for

your blessings so that I can personally be a true representative of Your

Divine Grace in this regard as well.


By Your Divine Grace's blessings the Kolkatta Mandir management is back

under the control of devotees loyal to the ISKCON Society you have

established and is following your established and approved system of

Management loyal to your GBC system. Your mercy is needed so that a

favorable solution is also achieved for the Bangalore conflict where Hare

Krishna Hill temple management is claiming to be a seperate organization

from the Society you personally registered in India. You have requested your

followers to cooperate together but the so-called Ritvik's are trying to

alienate properties and devotees from Your Divine Graces Movement based on

their own personal whimsicial selective interpretations of primarily a

single letter ignoring all your consistent teachings and personal

instructions on the topic of guru parampara. Their propaganda initially

confused some young devotees, but now most have left them and many have

returned. Having failed to convince the devotees in general nor the

leadership of ISKCON of their speculative interpretations they have in

desperation taken to litigation as a means to control the Society's

properties independent of the GBC. So much time and energy is being misused

in defending against these legal adventures. Your Divine Graces causeless

mercy is prayed for, if it please you, to bless those defending your

movement from these attacks and any other legal or media attacks that ISKCON

is facing around the world and to reach early favorable resolutions to these

challenges. Much of these devotees and my time and energy is diverted

by these legal and media problems from our real business of spreading your

message. ISKCON is fortunate that by Your Divine Grace's mercy, apart from

these isolated cases, all over the World ISKCON is united and the devotees

are working together cooperatively in your service. The number of temples

and congregational members is increasing and devotees are becoming stronger

by Your Divine Graces mercy. Please bless us that the number of devotees

can at least double every year by your mercy both by maintaining the

devotees we have and by increasing the number of new followers.


Your Divine Grace has ordered me to accept the curse to travel and preach.

I am trying to fulfil this instruction but only am able to do so to some

limited extent, which is also only possible by your causeless mercy. While

travelling around the world we see how enlivened and enthusiastic your

followers are to practice and spread Krishna consciousness. Large

festivals and growing congregations are visible in all parts of the world.

Still we in ISKCON are only doing a fraction of our potential and in many

ways we can improve in multifarious ways in the quantity and quality of our

activities and dealings. Please have Your Causeless Mercy on ISKCON and on

me so that we can fulfill all the instructions you have given us.

Especially this humble servitor whom you have instructed to expand the

spreading of the propagation of Krishna consciousness all over the world

unlimitedly. Still we are limited and need your mercy to make it unlimited

very soon.


On this holy day of Janmastami I Remember your smile and glances which

encouraged the devotees to chant and dance and serve and I am filled with

happiness to celebrate your 106th appearance anniversary. All the

appreciations and prayers for Your Divine Grace cannot fit in even volumes

of books. So for now I conclude this written offering here. Please forgive

me for any errors, mistakes, offenses, neglect or oversight I may have

consciously or unconsciously committed during this and previous years. Have

mercy on me, my loyal disciples (diksa & siksa), and all those loyal

devotees who I am trying to help and care for and for whom I pray that we

can serve your selflessly in dedication and never be seperated from the

shelter of Your Lotus Feet. Dearmost Srila Prabhupada kindly shower your

mercy upon all your ISKCON loyal followers who are dedicated to expanding

your glories and carrying out your instructions.


Your insignificant spiritual son,



Jayapataka Swami

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