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Panca-Tattva update report!

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News from Pancha Tattava deities casting

Please publish it for the information of devotees around the world.

Thank you very much


Your servant

Bhakti purusottama Swami


To know more about Mayapur visit our website




This is Bhagavatamrta Das and Ganga Prabhu with the latest exciting

develpments of the castings of the Panca-Tattva. After a rain scare that

postponed the casting of Srivas Thakur by one day, we are presently ready,

able and willing to cast the last of the Panca-Tatva glorious murti into

manifesting His form in this world. The Sthapati , unfeathered by overcast

clouds over Swamimalai, is very determined to carry out his solem duty. We

have cover the area of of the fire pits for melting the metal and the area

of the "cocoon" where the deity is and the hot metal is poured into the clay

model. The Stapathi has taken all precautions to make sure there will be no

interruptions for the casting today due to rain or drizzle.


Just hot from the press , here is Ganga prabhu with top notch news fresh

from the oven ..." Lord Chaitanya's hands and beautiful ornamental belt and

bracelets and anklelets and His gorgeous brahmam thread across His beautiful

lion-like chest is the most wonderful thing to behold. Futhermore the

massive size of the Lord definetely more than lifesize, a mountain of golden

radiance that couldn't match the effulgence of His compassionate mercy, and

add Ganga prabhu with misty eyes... they are not even fully polished yet!"

Not to be undone Jananivas prabhu has this few but wise words to

confidentialy share with us..." we were surprise to see the amount of work

that have been put into the deities after They came out of the casting mold.

We naively thought a very small amount of work , like a little polishing

here and there and the deities would be ready. but reality thought us

otherwise. The massive amount of work in all of the deities is truly

impressive. There is hundreds of work-hours into each deity. The first line

of polish is the removal of mudcakes encrusted into the metal of the deity

just after the casting is done, then a second polish or carving to bring a

general shape of the details of things like the bealt, armlets , earlobes

etc... this is called so far the rough polishing. After that the smooth

polishing starts. Which is then done by more senior artisians. The whole

process is intense and at least 10 workers are at any one time working at

the deities within different levels of polishing"


Meanwhile the delicate,intrincicaly carved lotus petals pedestal which

embrace the tender lotus feet of Lord Gouranga, the shelter of the devotees

in the universe, is been done simultaneously with the deities. The whole

workshop at the Stapathi is reverberating with a sinphonic celestial sounds

of chiseling, which remind us of a glorious roaring kirtan direct from the

Spiritual World.


We strongly suggest to all the devotees of the universe and beyond to attend

Their Installation in Mayapur on February 2004! The next opportunity will be

4 million years from now in the next Day of Brahma!!!

(Text PAMHO:7091846) ------


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