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ratha construction book

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Now available again (due to the discovery of a previously forgotten box of a

few copies):


The Rath Construction Book




Srila Prabhupada said at the inauguration of Rathayatra in the west

that it represented "a new phase in the history of the world". He says

(Srimad Bhagavatam 8.10.12 purport) that in the present age of Kali, other

than the pancaratra system -- regularly worshipping the deity and holding

festivals -- there is "no hope for humanity". He also says: "If we introduce

this Ratha-yatra in every city, all other religions will be finished."

(Room Conversation, Vrindvan, July 5, 1977)


"Increase the Rathayatra festival... Make it twice as big, that will

be very nice. This festival must be introduced ... "

(Letter to Jagadisa, December 28, 1974)


"...because we have started this KŠa consciousness movement in

your country, this car festival and Lord Caitanya’s taking part in this is

one of the paraphernalia of our KŠa consciousness movement. And because it

revives our consciousness about KŠa, it is an easy process for reviving

mass KŠa consciousness. Therefore if you participate in these car

festivals, as it is stated in the scriptures, rathe ca v€manaˆ d˜v€ punar

janma na vidyate... If you kindly see these Jagann€tha deities riding on

these cars and in procession, and as Caitanya Mah€prabhu chanted the Hare

KŠa mantra in front of this car, then according to our Vedic scripture, if

you participate in this festival, in your next life you’ll go to back, back

to home, back to Godhead."

(Arrival lecture and press conference,

San Francisco Ratha-y€tr€, July 4, 1970)







· full working plans for three sizes of rath

· raths convert to their own trailer for long distance transport

· decoration of the rath, conduct the rathaytra, permits, fundraising, etc.

· authoritative scriptural information on the architechture of raths




Comments about the book:



"Its a classic." -- H.H. Giriraj Swami


"... a very important contribution to the Society."

-- H.G. Padambhuja Das


" ...very professional, very complete... " -- H.G. Kirtiraj das



" You have composed a valuable piece... I would say such books are normally

sold commercially for $75 to $500." -- H.G. Dayananda das


"... a complete technology... " -- S. Kandelwal,

major Delhi area industrialist




Special features of the raths built according to the Rath Construction Book:


These rathas can serve in more than one city without expensive transport

arrangements: Having a steel trailer-like chassis with springs and tow-bar

linked steering, when the big wheels are replaced with ordinary truck or

trailer wheels, these raths can easily be pulled by an ordinary farm

tractor, truck or other vehicle to a city or town up to several hundred

miles distance (at speeds of 40 m.p.h. or more depending on which of the

three sizes of rath detailed in the book you build). No large or specially

trained crew is required for setting-up -- about 20 man-hours of previously

untrained devotees or volunteers being sufficient.




Plans for a "non-Jagannath" rath and a for a small "Prabhupada rath" are

also available on request.





Ordering information:


US$35 or 35 Euros


Shipping by airmail bookpost


or Rs 1,500 for delivery within India by postal courier


Send draft or money order in favor of:

"Rasananda das, ICICI Bank S/A No. 006901025195"




Rasananda das,


Nampally Station Road,

Hyderabad A.P., 500001



rasananda.ACBSP (AT) pamho (DOT) net


Phone: +91 040 31068361





" ... Even though properly installed, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is

well pleased only where He is taken out on procession, on a chariot or other

such conveyance."

... Parama Samhita of the Narada Pancaratra




" ...The person who out of devotion performs the processional festival of

Lord Visnu will be delivered from all sins, clandestine or open, whether

committed in former existences or this one."

... Atri Samhita of the Vaikanasa Agama




"One who sees the fully decorated rath with the lord seated on it, even

though he is wicked, without knowledge of the purpose of life, is

materialistic, lusty, less intelligent, argumentative, of impure

consciousness, goalless... can attain the heavenly abode simply by that


... Narada Pancaratra

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