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NEWS for Flash

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Letter PAMHO:6794787 (21 lines)

Trivikrama (das) RNS (Chowpatty - IN)

09-May-03 17:50 (00:20 +0630)


"Murlidhar Prabhu" <mps_rns (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> (sent: 10-May-03 11:17)

NEWS for Flash





While performing Navdip Mandal Parikrama, Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the

devotees took rest at a particular place. The devotees were

hungry and tired. Caitanya Mahaprabhu took a mango seed and immediately, a

unique mango tree sprouted from the ground. This tree was unique, because

the mango fruit was seedless and without any skin. There was only pulp. The

devotees found it sweet and filling. While distributing the mangoes to the

devotees, Caitanya Mahaprabhu commented. ' I have come to distribute the

fruit of Krsna Prem to the world. There is abundant supply, I only need

devotees who can help in distributing these fruits.'




BTG-India has developed an unique plan which can help spread the message of

Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the previous acaryas. All we need is devotees who

are willing to distribute these ripened fruit of Vedic knowledge. We need

devotees in Mumbai and other parts of the country, who can help us in

Marketing and Distribution of BTG.


If you are in any way interested in this mission, then immediately get in

touch with, Pandurang Dasa on 26181718 or 26155357 or send an email to:

btgindia (AT) pamho (DOT) net


Hari Naam Sankirtan ki Jai!


(Text PAMHO:6794787) ------


------- End of Forwarded Message ------

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