Guest guest Posted March 23, 2003 Report Share Posted March 23, 2003 ---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Letter PAMHO:6487311 (241 lines) JPS 08-Feb-03 06:50 (01:50 -0500) Giridhari Swami [28794] (received: 08-Feb-03 08:08) (Bhakti Brnga) Govinda Swami [28632] (received: 08-Feb-03 08:23) Kalakantha (das) ACBSP (Alachua - USA) [37276] (received: 08-Feb-03 10:49) Scc: Arjuna (das) ACBSP (Vacoas - MU) [331] Scc: Advaita Krishna (das) (Phoenix - Mauritius) [65] (received: 08-Feb-03 09:24) For: EC Mauritius Development --------------------------- Home Base: Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir, Sri Mayapur Dham, WB, India At Camp out-base:Orissa Nama Hatta Convention, Balasore, Orissa, India To Whom it may concern: Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada who is ISKCON's Founder-Acarya and ever well-wisher. I recently visited Mauritius on my annual Mauritius Panihati Cheera-Dahi Festical. Since Srila Prabhupada said to observe Rathayatra in the southern Hemisphere in December/January, when it is summer there, I considered it appropriate to observe Panihati Cheera Dahi festival during the Mango season in Mauritius & other Southern Hemisphere places. I have been doing this in Mauritius now for three years. During this visit I also attended some University programs and various other preaching programs. Some ideas & realizations came to mind after visiting Mauritius which I would like to share with you. The Unique Krishna Conscious Potential of Mauritius: -- Since Mauritius is a small island democratic nation with 55% Hindu-Indian population it is unique in the world. Its total population is around 1.2 Million, I am informed. Traditionally the Prime Minister has always been a hindu. The schools teach religious study in which hinduism is featured and students study chapters of the Bhagavad Gita and other Vedic texts. Srila Prabhupada visited Mauritius on the invitation of the then Prime Minister and Srila Prabhupada gave instructions to make Mauritius a Krishna conscious island-state. Srila Prabhupada was very enlivened to visit Mauritius and was enthusiastic to give relevant instructions to the leaders for developing Mauritius along more spiritually oriented lines. Krishna consciousness has been in Mauritius since that time and many devotees have been made through the Krishna consciousness preaching. The potential to fulfill Srila Prabhupada's instructions and dreams in this regard is something very unique in the world which should not be lost by ISKCON. I preach in many Indian populated areas of the world, but the oppurtunities which show themselves in Mauritius are not visible in any other country of the world to the same degree according to my experience. BRIEF HISTORY & PRESENT SITUATION OF MAURITIUS: -------------- Many know the history so I won't go into details. I was asked to go to Mauritius some years ago by the EC to trouble shoot and investigate the situation because of some reported conflicts. When I got there I found that there were conflicts and groupism in Mauritius along lines of different disciples of different gurus. I was informed how in Mauritius originally after Srila Prabhupada's departure Jaya Tirtha das was the GBC and Guru there. He had initiated people from the top echelon of society, but when he fell down we lost those elite devotees of the island. Then came Bhagavan das as next GBC and Guru. He was again able to enliven the people, but when he left it also was devastation. Then Giriraj Swami and the local devotees gradually built things up. Still there was some divisions on the island, but when Giriraj Swami fell ill and resigned from his GBC duties other alternative GBC ZS's were sought. At one point Bhakti Tirtha Swami was to come, but one group blocked his coming through a letter to the Government and Maharaja was black listed. Trivikrama Swami tried his hand for a while under the auspices of an official GBC, but then he resigned and the EC made some agreement with him which is not fully public. When he was going to return he was also black listed and some persons held responsible for that have been censured by the EC. Now B.B. Govinda Swami is continuing as the GBC. One can see that Mauritius has a bit of a difficult history in regards to its GBC representation and probably the reign of HH BB Govinda Swami has been the most peaceful for a while. I heard that a couple of years ago his strong preaching has virtually stopped the guru groupism which used to exist in Mauritius and all disciples of different gurus are visiting the temples now. At present it seems there are disciples of many Spiritual Masters in Mauritius including a number of initiated disciples of their Holinesses: Giriraj Swami, Krsna das Swami, Gopal Krsna Goswami, Bhakti Caru Swami, Bhakti Tirtha Swami, Bhakti Bringa Govinda Swami, Satsvarupa Swami and many others. This was more of a political history of GBC members and doesn't reflect all the wonderful preaching history which would take many pages to report on. I will just give a brief over-view. There is a beautiful temple in the Northern Part of the Island in a place called Bon Aqcuiel which is having a vedic traditional design implemented by Sri Arjuna Das under the Presidentship of Sri Sriniketan Das, both Srila Prabhupada initiated disciples. Sri Sriniketan Prabhu has been the TP there for as long as anyone can remember and is very stable and a strict devotee. He is a spiritual force of guidance and support for many devotees in Mauritius. There is another temple in the southern part of the island in a place called Phoenix which is not architecturally special, but very utility oriented but it has facilities like temple room, reception, offices, gift shop, restaurant, FFL kitchen, B'cari & B'carini Quarters, Guest Rooms, Gardens and ample land. What makes this place special is its central location in the Island in a place easily reachable from the most highly populated areas. There are shopping centers on both sides of the Temple within a short distance and the location is very strategic for building a temple which could have a very big impact on the spiritual orientation of the island. Since I visited this temple a few years ago, on the request of the EC, it has improved. The present TP, Sri Advaita Krsna das Adhikary, has built a new Altar Room in a larger hall of the Temple and put nice flooring in the Temple Hall. The old temple hall has become a reception area and on Sunday feasts both areas get filled up. During my Panihati Festival 600 devotees or more came and participated filling up all the interiors of the temple and some more were outside. I was informed that normally on Sunday over 300 visitors attend the temple. I was also informed about special FFL programs where food is delivered to the doorstep of really hungry people and getting good aclaim. The TP, Advaita Krishna das, is a grihastha but his business runs with minimal input from himself and is run by his wife and staff members so he can devote his maximum time to the temple, which he does. He was initiated by Bhagavan das, but hasn't taken shelter of any Spiritual Master as yet so is considered by many as a neutral person outside of any guru oriented camp. He has been able to engage many persons in his temple from all different sections to his credit. In spite of that there are some persons who are not inclined to work with Advaita Krsna das and make some noise against him. This I heard mainly second hand as nobody came to me to make any specific representations during this visit, although in the past I occasionally got some emails. I noticed some who wrote me emails are now working with Advaita Krsna das. Seems that the devotees there need some loving and firm spiritual guidance on how to work together and how to integrate. Since Mauritius is a small island with limited area, everyone needs to be engaged somewhere and somehow in Krishna consciousness, but there are only so many options on the island. Both temples are roughly responsible for preaching on their respective halves of the island nation and have regularly nama hattas in most villages and towns of the country, I am informed. They also have regular weekly harinama's in each half with about 500 persons attending. These harinamas are something very special. Many other joint or common or similar programs like Bhaktivedanta College, college & university programs, FFL and Nama hatta are being held. The Northern Half has started some pilot Bhakti Vrksa Groups which have been growing. During Janmastami Festivals about 50,000 people attend the temples according to the last information I received a couple of years ago. It has probably increased since then. KRSNA CONSCIOUSNESS DEVELOPMENT & PREACHING OPPURTUNITIES I SEE: ------------------------------- 1. Since Hinduism is taught in the schools ISKCON could influence the text book and curriculum, which is currently oriented towards mayavada, to a more vaisnava or neutral orientation. The whole education process could be influenced by ISKCON over time which would have a powerful impact on all the future generations. 2. If the preaching efforts were continued systematicly and without the divisiveness which often plagues Mauritius the widespread development of Krishna consciousness in this island could become an example for the whole world. People all know of Krishna consciousness and are generally favorable. Even in the airport the imigration officials greet you with "HARE KRISHNA!" A blue print and plan on how to effectively reach each and every area of the country should be worked out by each team and reviewed periodically for results and effectiveness. Bhakti Vrksa Groups may play an important role in developing Krishna conscious preaching in this country. 3. University Preaching: during my guest lecture in the Mauritius University [i spoke on "Human Cloning and its Ethical Considerations"] I was surprised to see that a high number of ladies studying there were wearing saris and Indian traditional dress. Something you don't see anymore even in big cities of India where generally all the students are militantly westernized and ridicule anyone wearing traditional dress. The class was packed and the students were very attentive and receptive. I see a tremendous potential for developing programs for students. 4. Popularizing chanting and japa are something that could be achieved in Mauritius. The young people in Mauritius are leaning more towards Krishna consciousness and this should be promoted vigorously. 5. Many initiated devotees exist on the island who are no longer attached to Krishna consciousness because of the history of Krishna consciousness there. Some effort to locate all these devotees and re-involve them in Krishna consciousness could yield nice results. 6. I heard that in the beginning of Krishna consciousness in Mauritius many of the 10% Tamil speaking Hindu Population (most people are from Hindi speaking regions of India, mainly Bihar and Bojpur) were active in Krishna consciousness, but over the years they have become distanced. If some Tamil Preachers from South India or Malaysia were able to spend some time cultivating the Tamils in Mauritius they could again become active in Krishna consciousness. 7. There are other ethnic minorities like Chinese which could also be cultivated to participate in Krishna consciousness which could expand Krishna consciousness. 8. Building an attractive temple in the strategic land of the Phoenix temple which would have a dynamic impact on the people of the island would be landmark and big impact on everyone. I don't know if students or tourists are brought to the Krsna Balaram Temple on the Northern Part of the island, but this is something that the Government could also promote as a cultural demonstration and lesson. 9. Utilizing the existing temples, media of communication (TV, Radio, etc.) Krishna consciousness could be spread into every home on a regular daily basis. This should form part of the blue print of preaching. Already some Krishna conscious restaurants and snack shops are in the country and this could be increased as demand grows. 10. It is something positive if different preachers can come to Mauritius who are all briefed on the sensitive aspects of preaching here and who buy into the local leaders blue print and cooperate for achieving the stated goals. Care should be taken not to create camps nor to remove leading and general devotees needed in Mauritius. 11. Interfaith dialogue in this country is from the unique position of Krishna consciousness being part of the majority religion. There are other religions but they would appreciate interfaith and it could help to generally create a coalition for spiritualizing and preserving the religiosity of Mauritius while the country is developing economically. Srila Prabhupada's formulas on the strong blind man and the weak wise man with vision could be applied in this country. 12. I could go on and on... the potential for developing Krishna consciousness in this country with political support, governmental support and a generally favorable and simple hearted population are something unique and special. I just wanted to give some ideas on how I see ISKCON in Mauritius here could implement things which in other countries we can only dream of in the far distant future. With further investigation and thought i am sure much more then the very basic ideas I got could be developed by the leaders there. I would hope that all the devotees in Mauritius would cooperate together to expand the Krishna consciousness movement and demonstrate their love for Srila Prabhupada. Time is short and Kali is moving at a rapid pace. There is still great potential for Mauritius, but as time goes on things will also change if Krishna consciousness is not preaching appropriately and timely in Mauritius. I wanted to thank all the devotees who are practicing and spreading the great news of Lord Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Mauritius for their wonderful devotional services. I always find it enlivening to visit Mauritius and see the wonderful devotees. Thanks for you nice hospitality and great association. I hope that under the able guidance of your local GBC ZS HH BB Govinda Swami, and the local leaders you can all achieve great things for Srila Prabhupada in the near and ongoing future. If I or our congregational ministry can do something to help we will be happy to do whatever is within our power. I hope the EC and ISKCON GBC members concerned can do something to help Krishna consciousness in Mauritius and to empower the local leaders there and to give them whatever support they need to see Krishna consciousness get developed on a priority basis there. I heard that at one point Srila Prabhupada was considering making the world headquarters there... Your servant, Jayapataka Swami (Text PAMHO:6487311) ------ ------- End of Forwarded Message ------ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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