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Dear Prabhus,

Please accept my most humble obeisances.

All glories to our ever well-wisher Srila Prabhupada.


Hari bol, I know you are aware of the huge amounts of money

being made on the Internet. Everyone is trying to figure out how

they can capitalize on the projected 30,000 % growth of E-commerce,

without spending a huge amount of money to get started. I'm involved

with a genuine internet company that is capitalizing on the success of

companies like Amazon.com, , E-bay, and AOL. The growth of

this company is pretty amazing, 80% a month.


Many associates and devotees in this largest online shopping company

are making great incomes, with just a $400 initial start-up cost, after

just 3 months. It's so exciting because we have solved the 3 major

problems on the Internet; getting people to a site, getting them to

buy and getting them to come back, and that's why we are exploding.

Please click on http://shopping-ease.km.net/pres.html or paste in your

browser for a short online tour of how this simple business works and how it

can work for you also. All it takes is point, click and a little bit of your

time, that's all.


Please contact me at ekanatha (AT) vnet (DOT) net for any questions you may have.




Sign up and Receive the Newly Released Srila Prabhupada Vintage

Series Part II, Containing 8 CD's, Filled with Sublime Nectar

Bhajans/kirtans and Purports COMPLETELY FREE!!! *This

Offer is Limited Until April 30th, 2000. Please Mention My

Sponsor Number # 103 567 6300 when signing up.



To take a look at the Mall click on: http://shopping-ease.km.net

To take a tour click on: http://shopping-ease.km.net/pres.html


Thank you very much for your time. All glories to Srila

Prabhupada! I hope this meets you in good health.

I beg to remain your humble servant,

Ekanatha dasa


Office Phone: 1-336-871-3638

Home Phone: 1-336-593-9577

Fax: 1-336-871-3641


Email: ekanatha (AT) vnet (DOT) net

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