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NZHKnet Newsletter # 81 - TIME Magazine - Vegetarian article issue

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New Zealand Hare Krishna Spiritual Resource Network

Newsletter Number #81 - TIME Magazine - Vegetarian article issue (Winter

2002 A.D.)


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----------------------< ISKCON ki jaya >-----------------------




Please Accept My Respectful Obeisances & Best Wishes To All


_0____, All Glories To Srila Prabhupad.




/ \ All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga.


Welcome to this latest edition of the HKSRNewsletter, and our humble

attempt to render some service. This newsletter now goes out to way over

2028 receivers. I trust that all is well with everyone by the Mercy of the

Lord. However, as this is a SPECIAL newsletter going out to a few who I

thought might be interested in this special content, if anyone would like

to be removed or excluded from future mailouts of anykind please just send

me a message requesting me to do so, and I will do it promptly. If you are

receiving this from a friend, and or, would like to be added directly to

the mailout for future issues (usually twice monthly, just a few days

before each ekadasi) please also let me know and I will do the needful

there too.

Hare Krishna. =>B-) JTCd



)<>(|)<>(|)<>( The Nectar in this Issue: )<>(|)<>(|)<>(|)





Vegetarianism & Beyond:

...Should We All Be Vegetarian? - 5 page article in this weeks TIME magazine.

...some really useful Vege links

...inspiring Vegetarian articles

...visit our Vegetarianism and Beyond Award winning web-site


Should We All Be Vegetarians?

Source: http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,300595,00.html


NEW YORK, NEW YORK, July 15, 2002: Sporting the ubiquitous hamburger bun

overflowing with vegetables, the July 15 issue of Time magazine carries a

cover story on the merits of vegetarianism for everyone. For many, meat is

an obscene cuisine. It's not just the additives and ailments connected with

the consumption of beef, though a dish of hormones, E. coli bacteria or the

scary specter of mad-cow disease might be effective enough as an appetite

suppressant. It's that more and more Americans, particularly young

Americans, have started engaging in a practice that would once have shocked

their parents. They are eating their vegetables. Also their grains and

sprouts. Some 10 million Americans today consider themselves to be

practicing vegetarians, according to a Time poll of 18,000 adults; an

additional 20 million have flirted with vegetarianism sometime in their

past. Discussing a number of nutritional issues like calcium absorption and

vitamin B12 to the ethical argument that vegetarianism is a much more

environment-friendly diet than those revolving around meat, this lengthy

article provides much food for thought.


Courtesy of http://www.HinduismToday.com/


This article was also the Home page top article on Netscape (8th July 2002)

http://home.netscape.com/ which leads to the CNN site

http://cnn.netscape.cnn.com/news/ who is carrying the same article with

links to another Time Magazine site that is carrying the FIVE PAGE positive

article http://www.time.com/time/covers/1101020715/index.html


The site asks the question, "Is a well-balanced vegetarian diet healthier

than one that includes meat?" shows a coloured "Pie chart" that reveals an

amzing trend that is now going on in the world

http://www.time.com/time/covers/1101020715/index.html. 73.4 % say that YES,

a well-balanced veggie diet healthier than one that includes meat? only a

mere 26.6 % say otherwise out of 18,000 polled.


(This morning - 10th July I received this kind invitation from TIME

magazine which shows who is reading our web-pages)

To the web master http://turn.to/Vegetarianism,


My name is Kim Davidson and I am with the public affairs department at TIME

magazine. This week's issue features a story highlighting the benefits of

being a vegetarian. We would be honored if you linked our story to your web


For any questions and more information, I can be reached via e-mail or at


Thank you for your time and cooperation.


Kim Davidson


Go out and get your hard copy at your local newsagent now!!!


See that link, and more on Vegetarianism HERE:



Vegetarian Clubs

Waikato University - Hamilton campus


2 days per week serving about 100 plates each day.


for more information deva4deva (AT) hotmail (DOT) com


Auckland Veda club.

Auckland University - Wellesley St. campus


Its a simple weekly program thats been running for a few years, at

Clubspace, where we have a vegetarian prasadam lunch and sometimes show a

video. Srila Prabhupada's books are available to browse or buy.


For more information contact Bhaktine Charlotte

charlottesinclair (AT) clear (DOT) net.nz


Otago University - Dunedin - Vege Club

Room 2., Clubs & Societies Building

Albany St.,


contact Jambavati dasi (03) 477 8277

jambavati85 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com




Hare Krishna Food For Life

Serving Millions Worldwide








Wellington NEW


Petone: 202 Jackson Street (corner of Jackson & Nelson St) Phone: (04) 939



City: ABC Shoreline, 98-104 Victoria Street, Wellington.


See more about Food For Life and how you can help HERE:




Practicing Krishna Consciousness at Home:




East Meets West @ "The Loft"

Enjoy an enlightening time associating with energetic devotees. Explore the

similarities of ancient and modern surroundings through Krishna

consciousness in a friendly non-threatening atmosphere.


Auckland Loft



Wellington Loft (Gaura Yoga centre)



guruvanidd (AT) hotmail (DOT) com


Christchurch Loft



Hanuman dasa:

theloft108 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com



)<>(|)<>(|)<>( Vegetarian links: )<>(|)<>(|)<>(|)<>(



Download your FREE Cake Recipe Cookbook

- with 100 EGGLESS recipes



NEW - Free On-line Hare Krishna Cook-book:



The Institute for Applied Spiritual Technology - Vegetarian Recipes

- Bhakti Tirtha Swami: http://www.ifast.net/gallery/recipes/index.html





Ekadasi Book Cooking - new book coming:



Ekadasi Recipes - preps without grains or beans etc:



Vrata ka khaana - Fast Foods cook book 4 sale (all ekadasi preps - some

samples here):



Fast Food of a Different Kind:



Ekadasi Cake recipe from Sucharya mataji:



Carrot Sandesh:



Devotee Recipes from Chakra web-site:



Eggless Cakes web-site:



Non-vegetarian aditives and non-ekadasi food aditives list:





OVER 100 EGGLESS CAKE recipes can be found on our Main index and

on many other pages at: http://www.hknet.org.nz/great100.zip


Golden Recipe Archive - Pies & Pastries: (not all purely vegetarian...)



Everything you want to know about Vegetarianism and Beyond:



...and always with the Magic ingredient - Offer it to Krishna.....

...with L'n D (love and devotion)




Nutrition and Health - vitamins, a balanced diet, through prasadam:




Check out heaps of information on Vegetarianism, Prasadam-ism,

download books, Vegetarian Recipe programs, and more.







NEW - an amazing vegetarian source guide:



A Beginners Guide to Vegetarianism:



How Mary and Frank and Friends Eat - very nice Vegetarian pages:



Vegetarian recipes:



Heaps of Quick Vegetarian Recipies:



Healthy Indian Vegetarian Cooking Recipes:



VegeSource Recipes:



Vegetarian Central - Resource Guide:



Islamic Vegetarian page:



Planet Veggie.com:



Vegetarian Cookbook Making Meat Substitutes Taste Great:



“In a Vegetarian Kitchen”


A bi-monthly newsletter featuring easy recipes, healthy food tips, and

seasonal specials (US)


It takes 3,000 cows to supply the NFL with enough leather for a season's

worth of footballs.

support Cow Protection: http://www.hknet.org.nz/Cow-protection.htm




"You Mean That's in the Bible" - expose on meat eating:



Protect both our species, two-legged and four-legged. Both food and water

for their needs supply. May they with us increase in stature and strength.

Save us from hurt all our days, O Powers!


Rig Veda Samhita 10.37.11.


Download one of Bhakti Rasa prabhu's songs for FREE

"Don't Eat Your Friends" (It Ain't Nice)



and visit Bhakti Rasa prabhu's site:



McDeath - the facts about Ronnie McDonalds:




Meet your Meat FREE CDRoms

From a friend:

Could you please include the following message in a furure newsletter. Thanks


I am an environmentalist, an animal activist & a vegetarian.


I have converted the "Meet your Meat" video into a CD rom & will send a

copy of it for free to anyone with a Cd burner & a pledge to make at least

4 copies to give to their meat eating friends.




I sent out a total of over 750 CD's last year to 60 different countries. My

goal in 2002 is to double that number.


I would appreciate if you would forward this message to your readers.


Anyone willing to participate, please forward my mailing address as

Chalissa1 (AT) aol (DOT) com



)<>(|)<>( A Grateful Word to our Supporters: )<>(|)<>(|)



Many thanks to all the readers who have one way or another d to

N.Z.H.K.S.R.Network. Your interest and support makes this work possible.

Those wishing to contribute to this Network, send articles, and or

information please do so by contacting me here ...


Similarly if anyone would like to send donations to help maintain this and

similar devotional work, especially on a regular basis please contact me

here ... jtcd (AT) xtra (DOT) co.nz


Every little is VERY much appreciated, and is what allows the service to

continue regularly. Thanx


After some feedback from our readers we are trying to put out the

newsletter twice-monthly, just before the EkAdasii of both the light

(shukla paksha) and dark (krishna paksha) fortnights. I hope that this is

okay with everyone. See you in a couple of weeks.




This newsletter is NEVER sent out unsolicited. If you are receiving this

because of a friend giving us your address, and you would rather NOT

receive mail from us, please send us a message saying Un, or

Remove - and we will do the needful immediately.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.







|_____|_____Please pardon the intrusion_|____|______|

To be removed from our mailing list reply to <jtcd (AT) xtra (DOT) co.nz>

with 'remove' or '' in the subject heading and your email

address in the body. Include complete address and/or domain/aliases to be

removed. If you still get the emails, please call us at the numbers given

above. There is no need to resend the entire newsletter.


If somehow you are receiving this double - ie., at home and in the

office please let me know, and your preferential option =>:-) JTCd




* Purohit JAya Tirtha ChAran dAsan


* jtcd (AT) xtra (DOT) co.nz

* jtcd.purohit (AT) priest (DOT) com



* http://www.hknet.org.nz/index.htm

* http://welcome.to/hknetworks


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