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Our Krnsa consciousness movement needs a cultural basis, because it is the

human condition that it requires culture in order to grow and blossom. I am

very thankful to the devotees who supply such cultural basis in their many


Especially I welcome your talent of presenting ancient Krsna consciousness

through western musicals. I think that in times to come, your productions

will serve as a bridge, over which many sincere souls will walk into the

blissful land of Krnsa consciousness. The wonderful story of Dhruva Maharaja

is no exception of your musical and Krsna conscious genius.


Sacinandana Swami


Your Dhruva musical is a pleasure to listen to. As a musical it renders the

story of Dhruva in a dramatic and entertaining way, highlighting the

determination of the child hero to have the Lord's darshan. It shows great

promise as a way to render so much more of our tradition's narratives,

making the tradition so much more accessible to a much wider audience than

would otherwise be attracted. And of course it will be especially attractive

to children. You have done a good presentation all around, and I wish you

all the best for many such future productions. Haribolo!


Krsna-ksetra das (ACBSP)


On our way back to Wiesbaden I had the time listening to the musical.

After the first two parts I imagined myself how wonderful preaching tool

you have produced and how nice it will open the hearts for our philosophy

in the western world. Mixed with this vision and the feelings of leaving

Radhadesh my hairs stayed on end and I weaped literally tears almost the

whole way up to Liege. My dear wife had to calm me down by massaging my

arm all the way.


Hemanga das Wiesbaden Germany


Your latest musical of Dhruva Maharaja was so very sweet. I love the

lyrics and the choice of voices. It brings the Dhruva story to live so

perfectly. Thanks for doing this great service for all of us!


Gurubhakta d.d. Hillsbourough USA


I especially like that you extract scripture which is so essential.

Narada's first instructions to Dhruva could convince anyone, but it is

wonderful how you portray that they didn't persuade Dhruva.

Also Dhruva's mood towards his father and brother after he received Lord

Vishnu's darshan. And before that Uttanapada's heart-rending repentance and

concern for Dhruva. I also like the demigods' prayers to be relieved from

being suffocated. Looks to me like you did it again prabhu -- another



Jaya Bhadra d.d. Radhadesh Belgium


Dandavats to you, your cast, and sound technicians for producing a rich

spiritual celebration in the form of your Dhruva musical.


Caru das (ACBSP) Utah USA


I am the daughter of Gurubhakta and I am 17 years old. I just wanted to

tell you that I really enjoy listening to all of your tapes. I brought

them to the Gurukula a while ago, and we listen to them while we eat

lunch. All the kids like them a lot. They especially loved the funny


The latest musical that you finished was very nice. I liked the singers

that you chose for the different parts, and everything was so

professionally done. I felt as though I was actually there within the

story of Dhruva Maharaja.

Thank you so much for the work that you do to produce such wonderful

tapes and CDs. I hope that you continue making more of them so that we

can always fill our ears with the sound of Krsna Conscious pastimes


Cintamani d.d. Hillsborough USA



I listened to Dhruva together with my son Nitai of 7 years old.

He listened attentively as I translated the words. When I told him that

Dhruva Maharaja was about 5 years old when he went to the forest, I could

see that this idea fascinated him.

As boys amongst each other always like to compete, innocently he asked me

whether I thought that he could also do such a thing?

I said I did not know, that it was very extraordinary, but perhaps he could

if he really wanted to. Immediately the story took on a different dimension

for him.

I believe in the power and importance of exposing our children to

stories like those of Dhruva and Prahlad, because these offer them a whole

different type of heroes than the phoney cartoon characters on everyday tv.

Even if we cannot or choose not to send our children to gurukula, we can

still nourish them by presenting to them the adventures of these timeless

role models. Presented in an artistic manner, the musical Dhruva Maharaja

easily enters the heart of both adults and children alike and will add

auspiciousness to our lives. "


Rati Manjari d.d.(TKG) Amsterdam


Dhruva Maharaja: Good Storyline - Wonderful music - Professional sound -

Amazing voices - Very good acting


The professionalism throughout the whole musical is very pleasing.

The whole, besides the wonderful voices of the singers, is just very nicely

mastered and technically finalized. I appreciate the balance between the

entertaining and instructive parts. What definetely struck me is the

devotion which the lyrics, the music and the performance radiate.


Bhakta Jorg Antwerp


Your contribution to KC movement through music & drama is wonderful,

enlivening, relaxing & inspiring. I love the song you sang as Narada,

describing the beauty of the Lord. You must have sung it with full devotion

from your heart. The effect is that you want to hear it again & again.

Thank you.


Vinode manjari d.d. (SDG) Radhadesh



Thank you for your 'timeconsuming' bur 'rewarding' devotional service.

Srila Prabhupada, as you know, loved drama very much. Who am I to say, but

still I want to say it, that he must be verry pleased with your artistic

service to his lotus feet.


Ekacakragrama das (LOK) Antwerp



Tape 8 Euro For packing and postage add 2 euro


CD 15 Euro For packing and postage add 2 euro

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